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Hepatitis C (HCV)-positive liver grafts have been increasingly used in patients with decompensated liver disease from HCV because of critical shortage of available organs. Fifty-nine recipients of HCV-positive grafts were matched to patients who received HCV-negative grafts. All recipients were transplanted for HCV liver disease. Matching variables were (1) status, (2) pre-transplant creatinine, (3) recipient age, (4) donor age, (5) warm ischemia time, and (6) year of transplantation. Both unmatched and matched analyses were performed on patient survival, graft survival, and time to HCV recurrence. There was no significant statistical difference in patient, graft, or HCV recurrence-free survival between recipients of HCV-positive and HCV-negative grafts with matched and unmatched analyses (p > 0.05). The 3-year estimates of HCV disease-free survival were 12% (+/- 9%) and 19% (+/- 7%) using HCV-positive and -negative grafts, respectively. The use of HCV-positive grafts in recipients with HCV does not appear to affect patient survival, graft survival, or HCV recurrence when compared with the use of HCV-negative grafts. Our results suggest that HCV-positive grafts can be used in a HCV liver transplant recipient.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of early blockade of CD62 selectin-mediated adhesive interactions in steatotic rat liver models of ex vivo cold ischemia followed by reperfusion or transplantation by administration of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (rPSGL-Ig). In the model of cold ischemia/reperfusion, livers pretreated ex vivo with rPSGL-Ig at harvesting from obese Zucker rats showed significantly decreased portal resistance, increased bile production, and diminished hepatic endothelial neutrophil infiltration, as compared with untreated controls. Pretreatment of fatty livers with rPSGL-Ig prior to transplantation extended the survival of lean Zucker rat recipients from 40% to 90%. This effect correlated with significantly improved liver function, depressed neutrophil activity, and decreased histologic features of hepatocyte injury. Intragraft expression of CD62 P-selectin was similar in both recipient groups. rPSGL-Ig treatment decreased intragraft infiltration by CD3/CD25 cells, diminished expression of pro-inflammatory TNFalpha, IL-6, iNOS, IL-2 and IFN-gamma, without significantly affecting mRNA levels coding for anti-inflammatory IL-4. Thus, rPSGL-Ig blockade of CD62-mediated adhesive interactions protects against severe ischemia/reperfusion injury suffered otherwise by steatotic rat livers. These findings document the potential utility of rPSGL-Ig in increasing the transplant donor pool through modulation of marginal steatotic livers.  相似文献   
Cystic mesenchymal hamartoma is an extremely rare, benign tumor. Rapid growth to a giant size can pose a threat not only in early childhood but also during fetal life. The experience with 2 antenatally diagnosed giant hepatic cysts with widely disparate approaches to management, treatment, and outcome is presented. A giant hepatic cyst was diagnosed on routine screening ultrasound scan. Because of its extremely massive size, the cyst was treated in utero with repeated aspirations, primarily for obstetric considerations. The infant did well, and the lesion was excised laparoscopically during the neonatal period. A second fetus with a giant hepatic cyst was not treated in utero, and the pregnancy continued to term. Nonimmune hydrops fetalis developed, and the fetus was delivered prematurely at 34 weeks. At birth, the infant was noted to have diffuse neurologic injury and no urine output despite normal-appearing kidneys. The lesion was excised during the neonatal period by open laparotomy. Observations at the time of surgery and pathologic studies of the placenta showed aneurysmal dilatation of the placental veins suggesting in utero compression of the fetal intraabdominal umbilical vein. The infant died shortly after birth. The experience with these 2 cases suggests the possibility that giant mesenchymal hamartoma diagnosed in utero may cause umbilical venous obstruction leading to ischemia during fetal life. Decompression of giant hepatic cysts may reverse this phenomenon and allow normal fetal development. J Pediatr Surg 37:E31.  相似文献   
Background The purpose of this study was to examine the clinical and epidemiologic features of pemphigus in eastern Sicily.
Methods All new cases of pemphigus seen in the Dermatology Clinic at the University of Catania during the period January 1982 to June 1996 were studied retrospectively.
Results Eighty-four patients with pemphigus represented 1.3% of 6653 patients admitted to our clinic in a 13.5-year period, with an average annual incidence of six cases per year. The most common form of presentation was pemphigus vulgaris (PV) (75%), followed by pemphigus erythematosus (17%), pemphigus herpetiformis (6%), and pemphigus vegetans (2%). In 6% of PV patients, the oral lesions were not followed by skin involvement, and the lag time between the onset of illness and the final diagnosis in five PV cases was prolonged, ranging from 4 to 7 years, probably due to the mild clinical presentation of the disease. Two trauma-related PV cases were documented; in one case, the blisters were located in a surgical scar and in the other in a burn scar.
Conclusions Our findings showed that pemphigus has a relatively high prevalence in eastern Sicily compared with other Italian regions; PV is the most common variant, and may have a mild course not always requiring aggressive therapy.  相似文献   
Sixty skin biopsy specimens from 21 bone-marrow transplant patients were evaluated for the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) using two monoclonal antibodies to early and late antigens. Each patient had at least one biopsy showing an acute graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR), grade 2, and one positive culture for CMV from blood, bone marrow or urine. In no case could CMV antigens be identified in biopsies showing an acute or chronic cutaneous GVHR or in any other of the skin biopsies obtained from these patients. While CMV may play a role in immunologic events culminating in graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), this immunoperoxidase study did not reveal evidence of viral antigens in tissue displaying features of cutaneous GVHR.  相似文献   
This systematic literature review aimed to investigate whether 24 hour diet recall and diet records are reliable and valid ways to measure usual dietary sodium intake compared with 24 hour urinary assessment. We searched electronic databases Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Lilacs, Google Scholar and the Cochrane Library using pre‐defined terms Studies were eligible for inclusion if they assessed adult humans in free‐living settings, and if they included dietary assessment and 24 hours urinary collection for assessment of sodium intake in the same participants. Studies that included populations with an active disease state that might interfere with normal sodium metabolism were excluded. Results of 20 studies using 24 hour diet recall recall (including 14 validation studies) and 10 studies using food records (including six validation studies) are included in this review. Correlations between estimates from dietary assessment and urinary excretion ranged from 0.16 to 0.72 for 24 hour diet recall, and 0.11 to 0.49 for food diaries. Bland‐Altman analysis in two studies of 24 hour diet recall showed poor agreement with 24 hours urinary sodium excretion. These results show that 24 hour diet recall and diet records inaccurately measure dietary sodium intake in individuals compared with the gold standard 24 hours urinary excretion. Validation studies of dietary assessment methods should include multiple days of assessment and 24 hours urine collection, use relevant food composition databases and Bland‐Altman methods of analysis.  相似文献   
Multidrug-resistant isolates of a clonal lineage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa producing the VIM-2 metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL), involved in a large outbreak in an Italian hospital, were compared with MBL-negative strains that had caused outbreaks in two French hospitals. Although the isolates had different carbapenem MICs, the VIM-2-producing isolates from Italy carried identical, or very similar, allelic forms of the oprD gene, harboured a common class 1 integron, belonged to the same multilocus sequence type (ST111), and showed macrorestriction profiles that were related to those of the MBL-negative French strains. These results support the concept of independent acquisition of resistance determinants by members of a widespread clonal lineage of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
Tumor progression is deeply influenced by epigenetic changes induced by tumor stroma. Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) have been reported to promote epithelial–mesenchymal transition in cancer cells, thereby enhancing their aggressiveness and stem-like properties. As CAFs are able to recruit endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to tumor site, we aim to investigate their interplay for prostate carcinoma progression. Both prostate CAFs and cancer cells actively recruit EPCs, known to affect tumor progression through increased vasculogenesis. EPCs synergize with CAFs to further promote epigenetic plasticity of cancer cells, through a mesenchymal-to-amoeboid transition. Indeed, after fibroblasts have engaged epithelial–mesenchymal transition in cancer cells, a further shift towards amoeboid motility is promoted by EPCs through contact-mediated triggering of the bidirectional ephrinA1/EphA2 signaling. The activation of ephrinA1 reverse pathway enhances EPC-induced neo-vascularization, thus promoting tumor growth, while EphA2 forward signaling elicits mesenchymal–amoeboid transition in cancer cells, favoring their adhesion to endothelium, transendothelial migration, and lung metastatic colonization. We therefore underscore that the metastatic advantage given by tumor microenvironment embraces different motility strategies and propose EphA2-targeted tools as useful adjuvants in anti-metastatic treatments.  相似文献   
Life events and depression in a community sample of siblings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: The overall aim of the GENESiS project is to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for anxiety/depression, and to examine the interaction between these loci and psychosocial adversity. Here we present life-events data with the aim of clarifying: (i) the aetiology of life events as inferred from sibling correlations; (ii) the relationship between life events and measures of anxiety and depression, as well as neuroticism; and (iii) the interaction between life events and neuroticism on anxiety/depression indices. METHODS: We assessed the occurrence of one network and three personal life-event categories and multiple indices of anxiety/depression including General Health Questionnaire, Anhedonic Depression, Anxious Arousal and Neuroticism in a large community-based sample of2150 sib pairs, 410 trios and 81 quads. Liability threshold models and raw ordinal maximum likelihood were used to estimate within-individual and between-sibling correlations of life events. The relationship between life events and indices of emotional states and personality were assessed by multiple linear regression and canonical correlations. RESULTS: Life events showed sibling correlations of 0-37 for network events and between 0-10 and 0.19 for personal events. Adverse life events were related to anxiety and depression and, to a less extent, neuroticism. Trait-vulnerability (as indexed by co-sib's neuroticism, anxiety and depression) accounted for 11% and life events for 3% of the variance in emotional states. There were no interaction effects. CONCLUSIONS: Life events show moderate familiality and are significantly related to symptoms of anxiety and depression in the community. Appropriate modelling of life events in linkage and association analyses should help to identify QTLs for depression and anxiety.  相似文献   
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