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Though cerebrovascular complications of pregnancy remain relatively rare, they represent a potentially devastating event that necessitates prompt identification and treatment. Eighteen percent of strokes occurring in young women are linked to pregnancy. They occur mostly in the third trimester or during the post-partum period. Their biggest risk factors are hypertension, preeclampsia/eclampsia and migraine. Cerebrovascular events occurring during this period may involve specific pathophysiological processes that include embolic phenomena or endothelial dysfunction, but can also have common etiologies that are simply favored by the context of pregnancy. Thus, posterior encephalopathy and vasoconstriction cerebral syndrome are relatively frequently involved in cerebrovascular complications of pregnancy. Other very specific causes like amniotic fluid embolism or postpartum cardiomyopathy can also be responsible for such events. The management of stroke during pregnancy must be multidisciplinary and include a neurovascular expertise. Some conditions can lead to a long-life follow-up and modify the management of a future pregnancy.  相似文献   


Nursing Home Compare (NHC) ratings, created and maintained by Medicare, are used by both hospitals and consumers to aid in the skilled nursing facility (SNF) selection process. To date, no studies have linked NHC ratings to actual episode-based outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether NHC ratings are valid predictors of 90-day complications, readmission, and bundle costs for patients discharged to an SNF after primary total joint arthroplasty (TJA).


All SNF-discharged primary TJA cases in 2017 at a multihospital academic health system were queried. Demographic, psychosocial, and clinical variables were manually extracted from the health record. Medicare NHC ratings were then collected for each SNF. For patients in the Medicare bundle, postacute and total bundle cost was extracted from claims.


Four hundred eighty-eight patients were discharged to a total of 105 unique SNFs. In multivariate analysis, overall NHC rating was not predictive of 90-day readmission/major complications, >75th percentile postacute cost, or 90-day bundle cost exceeding the target price. SNF health inspection and quality measure ratings were also not predictive of 90-day readmission/major complications or bundle performance. A higher SNF staffing rating was independently associated with a decreased odds for >75th percentile 90-day postacute spend (odds ratio, 0.58; P = .01) and a 90-day bundle cost exceeding the target price (odds ratio = 0.69; P = .02) but was similarly not predictive of 90-day readmission/complications.


Results of our study suggest that Medicare's NHC tool is not a useful predictor of 90-day costs, complications, or readmissions for SNFs within our health system.  相似文献   

Background and aims

There is controversy on the potentially benign nature of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO), i.e., obese persons with few or no metabolic abnormalities. So far, associations between MHO and coronary artery calcification (CAC), a measure of subclinical atherosclerosis, have mainly been studied cross-sectionally in Asian populations. We assessed cross-sectional and longitudinal MHO CAC associations in a Caucasian population.

Methods and results

In the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study, a population-based cohort study in Germany, CAC was assessed by electron-beam tomography at baseline and at 5-year follow-up. For cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, we included 1585 participants free of coronary heart disease at baseline, with CAC measurements at baseline and at follow-up, and with either normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI ≥30.0 kg/m2) at baseline. We used four definitions of MHO. In our main analysis, we defined obese persons as metabolically healthy if they met ≤1 of the NCEP ATP III criteria for the definition of the metabolic syndrome – waist circumference was not taken into account because of collinearity with BMI.Persons with MHO had a higher prevalence of CAC than metabolically healthy normal weight (MHNW) persons (prevalence ratio = 1.59 (95% confidence interval 1.38–1.84) for the main analysis). Persons with MHO had slightly larger odds of CAC progression than persons with MHNW (odds ratios ranged from 1.17 (0.69–1.99) to 1.48 (1.02–2.13) depending on MHO definition and statistical approach).


Our analyses on MHO CAC associations add to the evidence that MHO is not a purely benign health condition.  相似文献   


Quality of life (QoL) is increasingly recognized as an important outcome of cancer treatment. Previous studies have examined clinical predictors of QoL, but with the increasing prevalence of wearable sensors that monitor sleep and activity patterns, further investigation into whether these behaviors are predictive of post-treatment QoL is now feasible. Among patients receiving aggressive cancer treatment such as hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), analysis of circadian rhythms (24-hour patterns of sleep and activity) via wearable sensors is limited.


To evaluate the relationship between overall QoL and circadian rhythms in patients receiving allogeneic HCT.


Patients wore an ActiGraph GT3X (Pensacola, FL) activity monitor for at least 72 hours before the initiation of conditioning chemotherapy and transplantation and completed a QoL (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General [FACT-G]) assessment. QoL assessments were also completed 1, 3, and 6 months after HCT.


Patients (n = 45, M age = 55) were mostly male (66%) with a total FACT-G score of 80.96 (SD = 16.05) before HCT. Mixed models revealed robust cross-sectional associations between overall QoL and multiple circadian rhythmicity parameters, including durations of high physical activity, overall circadian rhythmicity, and earlier starts of daily activity (P's < .01). Recovery of QoL after transplant was predicted by longer pre-transplant durations of high physical activity (P = .04) and earlier evening retirement (P = .04).


Our findings suggest that wearable sensor information is a promising method of predicting recovery of QoL after HCT. Additional studies are needed to confirm these findings in a larger sample.  相似文献   

Background and purpose

Evidence of pre-operative resting state functional magnetic resonance (RS-fMRI) validation by correlating it with clinical pre-operative status in brain tumor patients is scarce. Our aim was to validate the functional relevance of RS-fMRI by investigating the association between RS-fMRI and pre-operative motor and language function performance in patients with brain tumor.

Materials and methods

Sixty-nine patients with brain tumors were prospectively recruited. Patients with tumors near precentral gyrus (n?=?49) underwent assessment for apparent (paresis) and subtle (finger tapping) deficits. Patients with left frontal tumors in the vicinity of the inferior frontal gyrus (n?=?29) underwent assessment for gross (aphasia) and mild language (phonological verbal fluency) deficits. RS-fMRI results were extracted by spatial independent component analysis (ICA).


Motor group: paretic patients showed significantly (P?=?0.01) decreased BOLD signal in ipsilesional precentral gyrus when compared to contralesional one. Significantly (P?<?0.01) lower BOLD signal was also observed in ipsilesional precentral gyrus of paretics when compared with the non-paretics. In asymptomatic patients, a strong positive correlation (r?=?0.68, P?<?0.01) between ipsilesional motor cortex BOLD signal and contralesional finger tapping performance was observed. Language group: patients with aphasia showed significantly (P?=?0.01) decreased RS-fMRI BOLD signal in left BA 44 when compared with non- aphasics. In asymptomatic patients, a strong positive correlation (r?=?0.72, P?<?0.01) between BA 44 BOLD signal and phonological fluency performance was observed.


Our results showed that RS-fMRI BOLD signal of motor and language networks were significantly affected by the tumors implying the usefulness of the method for assessment of the underlying functions in brain tumors patients.  相似文献   

Background and purpose

The vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) is a rare congenital vascular malformation with a higher morbidity and mortality, especially in neonates. Ultrasound, CT and MR are usually used in diagnosis and treatment monitoring of these disorders. In this current study, we aim to examine utility of SWI in evaluation of treatment response in infants with VGAM.

Materials and methods

We performed a retrospective chart analysis of children with VGAM in our institution between January 2008 and December 2016. Inclusion criteria included; confirmed VGAM on DSA; available SWI sequence at baseline and at follow up after at least a single embolization session; age at initial MR of 18?years or younger. Signal intensity and Angioarchitecture of VGAM and cerebral veins on SWI, as well as hydrocephalus and clinical outcome were evaluated.


Of 11 patients identified with VGAM in our institution, 5 children (3 males and 2 females) satisfied the inclusion criteria. The average age at initial MR was 29?days (range 1–120). Fourteen MRI were available for review. All children had VGAM of mural type. Intramedullary veins were dilated and SWI-hypointense in all children, while subependymal and sulcal veins were dilated and SWI-hypointense in 4 patients on initial MRI. On the first available follow up MRI, cerebral veins have mostly normalized in 4 children and remained mostly dilated and SWI-hypointense in 1 child; even after complete treatment of the VGAM.


Our preliminary findings show that SWI seems to offer a beneficial non-invasive tool in evaluating passive venous congestion patterns in pediatric patients with VGAM. It remains to be determined in larger studies, the clinical significance of these SWI changes.  相似文献   


Revision total joint arthroplasty (TJA) is associated with increased readmissions, complications, and expense compared to primary TJA. Bundled payment methods have been used to improve value of care in primary TJA, but little is known of their impact in revision TJA patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a care redesign for a bundled payment model for primary TJA on quality metrics for revision patients, despite absence of a targeted intervention for revisions.


We compared quality metrics for all revision TJA patients including readmission rate, use of post–acute care facility after discharge, length of stay, and cost, between the year leading up to the redesign and the 2 years following its implementation. Changes in the primary TJA group over the same time period were also assessed for comparison.


Despite a volume increase of 37% over the study period, readmissions declined from 8.9% to 5.8%. Use of post–acute care facilities decreased from 42% to 24%. Length of stay went from 4.84 to 3.92 days. Cost of the hospital episode declined by 5%.


Our health system experienced a halo effect from our bundled payment-influenced care redesign, with revision TJA patients experiencing notable improvements in several quality metrics, though not as pronounced as in the primary TJA population. These changes benefitted the patients, the health system, and the payers. We attribute these positive changes to an altered institutional mindset, resulting from an invested and aligned care team, with active physician oversight over the care episode.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is a representative EGF family member that interacts with EGFR under diverse stress environment. Previously, we reported that the HB-EGF-targeting using antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) effectively suppressed an aortic aneurysm in the vessel wall and circulatory lipid levels. In this study, we further examined the effects of the HB-EGF ASO administration on the development of hyperlipidemia-associated atherosclerosis using an atherogenic mouse model.

Methods and results

The male and female LDLR deficient mice under Western diet containing 21% fat and 0.2% cholesterol content were cotreated with control and HB-EGF ASOs for 12 weeks. We observed that the HB-EGF ASO administration effectively downregulated circulatory VLDL- and LDL-associated lipid levels in circulation; concordantly, the HB-EGF targeting effectively suppressed the development of atherosclerosis in the aorta. An EGFR blocker BIBX1382 administration suppressed the hepatic TG secretion rate, suggesting a positive role of the HB-EGF signaling for the hepatic VLDL production. We newly observed that there was a significant improvement of the insulin sensitivity by the HB-EGF ASO administration in a mouse model under the Western diet as demonstrated by the improvement of the glucose and insulin tolerances.


The HB-EGF ASO administration effectively downregulated circulatory lipid levels by suppressing hepatic VLDL production rate, which leads to effective protection against atherosclerosis in the vascular wall.  相似文献   
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