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Twenty-two infants of isolated ventricular septal defect with congestive heart failure were fed with lower-sodium content formula-Lonalac (Mead-Johnson) to study the clinical response of treatment for congestive heart failure. There were no significant changes of intake, urinary output, serum sodium, potassium and osmolality before, 2 days and 6 days after Lonalac feeding. The low sodium content formula may feed the infants with congestive heart failure in addition to the traditional anticongestive therapy.  相似文献   
关于单结合胆红素水溶性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:进一步研究单结合胆红素(MCB)的水难溶特性及其在病理性胆汁中参与胆红素沉淀和色素性结石形成的作用机制.方法:应用胆红素高效液相色谱分析技术,先从人胆汁中获得结合胆红素,再经分离、制备及纯化得到纯MCB.然后观察其水溶解度并与其它型胆红素比较.结果:在pH7.9,温度37℃接近生理的条件下,MCB的溶解度(558.25±5.96μm)仅为双结合胆红素(DCB)的1/7,比不结合胆红素(UCB)高约44倍并随pH值改变而呈曲线变化.pH7.9时最大;pH4.5时为0;而当pH>9时,反而低于呈离于状态的UCB.结论:MCB虽作为结合型胆红素在胆道生理条件下的不溶性明显高于UCB,但比DCB要低得多;而在胆道病理条件下,其水溶性不但远低于DCB,甚至还不如离子化的UCB,这可能是MCB参与胆红素沉淀及胆色素结石形成的理化基础.  相似文献   
Ductal adenoma of the breast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ductal adenoma is a recently described benign tumour of the breast that can be mistaken for carcinoma in both frozen and paraffin sections. Such a case is presented. Fortunately a mastectomy was not performed, but the patient did undergo axillary node dissection. Surgeons and pathologists should familiarize themselves with this lesion so that patients do not have to undergo unnecessary mastectomies and axillary node dissections.  相似文献   
The hereditary characteristics of enzyme deficiency and dermatoglyphics in congenital color blindness (CCB) were studied. We propose that there is a linkage between the two loci on the X-chromosome determining CCB and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), based on our study of a high incidence of G6PD deficiency in 156 male cases with CCB. The CCB gene is closely linked with that of G6PD deficiency from our pedigree investigations. The rise in the frequency of eight or more whorls, the low value of atd angle and the presenting rate of real palmar patterns of the thenar, hypothenar and I, areas presented the hereditary traits of congenital color blindness.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell antigens recognized by xenoreactive human natural antibodies.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Hyperacute rejection of vascularized, discordant xenografts is generally though to be initiated when natural antibodies of the recipient bind to endothelial cells of the donor organ. While rejection of such xenografts always occurs, the molecular targets of natural antibodies have not been elucidated. The aim of the experiments reported herein was to identify the molecules on porcine endothelial cells that would be recognized by human natural antibodies if a porcine organ were to be transplanted into a human (or rhesus). Toward the end, it was shown that the major components recognized by human serum on porcine endothelial cells are glycoproteins of 115kDa, 125kDa, and 135kDa (gp115/135). Reactivity with these glycoproteins was abrogated by enzymatic cleavage of N-linked oligosaccharides or of subterminal beta-D-gal residues suggesting that the determinants are located on oligosaccharides rather than on the polypeptide cores. The biological relevance of gp115/135 was suggested by experiments in which a similar series of components was shown to be recognized by rhesus natural antibodies and by the absorption of such antibodies by perfusion of porcine kidneys. The gp115/135 antigens were present on porcine platelets but not porcine RBC or lymphocytes. Nevertheless, purified RBC and lymphocytes absorbed human anti-gp115/135, suggesting that human natural antibodies recognize the same or crossreactive carbohydrate determinants expressed on the surface of a variety of cells.  相似文献   
合同制护士存在的问题分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈维荣 《护理研究》2007,21(33):3079-3080
科学技术飞速发展的今天,在知识经济市场与服务竞争的大潮中,每个行业都在寻求新的机遇,面对新的挑战,存在新的危机,合同制护士表现尤为突出,存在着工资收入低、工作压力大、工作稳定性差等问题。现就其现状作一分析,提出相应对策。1合同制护士的现状分析近年来,合同制一词在人们生活中已不再陌生,并逐渐被人们接受。合同制护士在医院的护理队伍中工资收入、职称晋升、医疗保险、福利待遇等方面均与正式在编护士有着很大的差异。由于近年来护理专业毕业生急剧增长,面对当前就业难的压力和激烈的竞争环境,她们相继到各大医院竞聘,而医院招工…  相似文献   
We report a case of calcified chronic encapsulated intracerebral haematoma (ICH) in a 29-year-old female who presented with progressive left sided weakness and intermittent seizures since childhood. The preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the head initially suggested that a partially thrombosed aneurysm or vascular malformation was present. However, no vascular stain was found on the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) of both the carotid and vertebral arteries. The excised mass was histologically diagnosed as a chronic ICH. We traced the patient's medical history and found that at the age of one she sustained a head injury after a fall. So far, to our knowledge, no case of epilepsy secondary to a calcified chronic encapsulated ICH occurring 28 years after head injury has been reported. Calcified chronic encapsulated ICH concomitant with new bone formation within is even rarer. The possible pathogenesis of this case is discussed.  相似文献   
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