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Summary In 14 closed-chest dogs, the significance of right ventricular filling for left ventricular enddiastolic pressure-volume relationship was investigated under acute hypoxia by means of single plane cineventriculography and simultaneous intraventricular pressure recording.Both after 5 min asphyxia (respirator switched off) (n=5) and after 3 min hypoxia (ventilation with pure N2) (n=9), there was a significant leftward shift (p<0.005) of the left ventricular enddiastolic pressure-volume curve as compared to the control curves under normoxia. To simulate the elevated filling of the right ventricle under acute hypoxia, rapid intraventricular infusion was applier under normoxic conditions to raise right ventricular enddiastolic pressure to the same values as that measured under hypoxia. The extent of the ensuing leftward shift of the left ventricular enddiastolic pressurevolume curve was on average 60% of the shift under hypoxia in both sets of experiments. Neither the slope of the relationship between volume stiffness and enddiastolic pressure, nor the relationship between tangent elastic modulus and left ventricular wall stress, was affected by hypoxia or asphyxia.Thus, the shift of the left ventricular enddiastolic pressure-volume curve in the early stage of hypoxia is predominantly due to the influence of increased right ventricular filling. Since the increased volume of the atria under acute hypoxia limits left ventricular distensibility additionally, the changes in left ventricular enddiastolic pressure-volume relationships, observed in the early stage of hypoxia are mainly, or even entircly, the result of interaction of the various heart compartments, and not a reflection of alterations in myocardial tissue elasticity.Preliminary results were presented at the symposium on Cardiac adaptation to hemodynamic overload, training and stress in Tübingen (1983)Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
Maternal and Child Health Journal - This study assessed whether the use of a peer-to-peer educational book, written and illustrated by women who experienced common mental disorders (CMDs) in the...  相似文献   
Summary The advantages of a population-based registry are discussed. It is shown that a registry for gastro-intestinal cancer in a district with expert medical care based upon histo-pathological diagnosis, has the principal advantage that it limits the sites of material collection to a few effective contributors, thus providing highly accurate data. The disadvantage of collecting data by two separate steps should be tolerated. The geographic situation and the organization of the regional registry for gastro-intestinal cancer in North Baden are described and the incidences for these cancers for the years 1971–1975 are given for the population of 2.2 million.Supported by the DFG (SFB 136)  相似文献   
Summary The effect of obesity and fat distribution on survival of breast cancer patients was studied prospectively in 241 women with a natural menopause who participated in a breast cancer screening project, the DOM-project in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Mean follow-up time was 9.1 years and endpoint of interest was death from breast cancer. Fat distribution was assessed by contrasting groups of subscapular and triceps skinfold thickness.No significant differences in survival time between more obese (Quetelet's index 26 kg/m2) and leaner (Quetelet's index < 26 kg/m2) patients or between patients with central fat distribution and patients with peripheral fat distribution were observed. Analyses were stratified by axillary node status, estrogen receptor status, and way of detection (by first screening or afterwards). Results of the stratified analyses were suggestive of a modifying effect of these factors.The absence of an association between obesity and survival time might be explained by two counteracting mechanisms. On the one hand obesity might be related to impaired survival, due to a tumor growth promoting effect of extra-ovarian estrogens. On the other hand obesity might be related to improved survival in a screened population, because obese patients profit more from screening by earlier detection of tumors than leaner counterparts.  相似文献   
The objective of the present paper is to validate the deterministic JSP5 model for external exposures to population groups living in the areas contaminated with radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident. For this purpose inhabitants of contaminated areas wore TL-dosimeters for about 1 mo in the spring/summer periods of the years 1989 to 1994. External doses due to the Chernobyl accident were determined from the dosimeter readings by subtracting the natural background. 2,342 results for rural inhabitants and 420 results for inhabitants of the town Novozybkov passed reliability checks. These data show that the average dose in inhabitants of a rural settlement predicted by the model is in the range 0.69-1.55 of the measured values with a confidence level of 95%. Differences are attributed to settlement specific location factors, which are supported by the very good agreement of model and measurements in Novozybkov. In this case location factors of the model were obtained from Novozybkov directly.  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of quantitative assays for benzoylecgonine in assessing the efficacy of cocaine-dependence-treatment programs to determine if the amount of cocaine consumed has been reduced. We describe a simple gas chromatographic method for determining benzoylecgonine concentrations in urine. BZE is extracted from urine as an ion pair with tri-n-propylsulfonium ion. Injection into the heated injection port of the gas chromatograph results in thermal conversion of the ion pair to the n-propyl ester of BZE. Using the structural analogue of BZE, m-toluylecgonine, as the internal standard, the analysis is carried out on a (5% phenyl)methylpolysiloxane capillary column with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. There was a good correlation between BZE concentrations determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and concentrations determined by the method described in this paper. Application to cocaine-dependence-treatment programs is discussed.  相似文献   
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