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As little information is available on the adverse effects ofpolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on the reproductive systemof the male rat, the current study was conducted to evaluatethe effects of subchronic administration of the PCB mixtureAroclor 1254 on testicular gamete production and endocrine function.The thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4), which is critical for reproductionand development, was also measured because of the well-documentedeffects of PCBs on this hormone. Weanling (31-day-old) maleFischer rats were administered 0, 0.1, 1, 10, or 25 mg/kg/dayAroclor 1254 by gavage for 5, 10, or 15 weeks and necropsied.The hormones testosterone (T) and thyroxine were measured inthe serum, and body weight and weights of the liver, kidney,testes, seminal vesicle plus coagulating gland, cauda epididymides,and pituitary were taken. At 10 and 15 weeks, testicular interstitialfluid (IF) was collected and T concentration in the IF was measured.Sperm motility was measured from a caudal sperm sample and spermnumbers in the testis and cauda epididymis were determined.In addition, tissues were examined microscopically for histopathologicalalterations. In the high-dose group, body, seminal vesicle,cauda epididymal, and pituitary weights were depressed at 10and 15 weeks and cauda epididymal sperm numbers were reducedafter 15 weeks of dosing. In contrast, testes weights, testicularsperm numbers, sperm motility, and serum and testicular testosteronelevels were unaffected, even in the highest dose group (25 mg/kg/day).Aroclor 1254 administration produced histological alterationsin the liver and kidney at doses of 1.0 mg/kg/day and above.These results indicate that the testis of the rat is not a specifictarget organ for Aroclor 1254. In contrast, serum T4 levelswere reduced by Aroclor 1254 administration at a dose 250-foldbelow the dose that failed to alter testicular function. SerumT4 levels were depressed 25% in the 1 mg/kg dose group after5 weeks of exposure and 30% in the 0.1 mg/kg group following15 weeks of exposure. T4 levels were undetectable in the twohighest (10 and 25) dose groups at all intervals. The fact thatthe decreases in T4 were generally concurrent with increasesin liver weight suggested that Aroclor 1254 altered T4 levelsby increasing the turnover rate in the serum by enhancing themetabolism of T4 by the liver. The reduction in serum T4 reportedhere occurred at a dose 25-fold lower than the dose generallyrecognized as affecting thyroid hormone levels.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to investigate a number of immuneparameters which may be compromised with exposure to morphinesulfate. Mice were implanted subcutaneously with 8-, 25-, or75-mg morphine sulfate pellets. Placebo pellets of identicalmakeup to the 75-mg morphine pellet (without morphine of course)were used as a control. Twenty-four hours after implantationof a 75-mg morphine pellet, blood levels reached a peak of 1610ng/ml. Corticosterone increased in parallel with morphine andreached a peak level of 966 ng/ml 24 hr after implantation.The dose response of morphine to increase corticosterone, however,was fiat. The weight of the lymphoid organs, spleen and thymus,and the liver were significantly reduced in the morphine-treatedgroups. Morphine treatment was associated with an increase inserum albumin, SGPT, BUN, and alkaline phosphatase indicativeof hepatic damage. In contrast to increased serum proteins,the C3 component of complement was reduced in a dose-dependentmanner. Leukocyte number in the peripheral blood was significantlyreduced, while erythro-cyte number and hematocrit were bothincreased. The number of B cells and T cells was decreased inmorphine-treated animals. However, the percentage of T cellsrelative to B cells was increased. The primary IgM antibodyresponse to the T-depen-dent antigen, sheep red blood cells,was decreased. Natural killer cell activity was reduced in responseto morphine, as was the phagocytic capacity of Kupffer cells.Host-resistance models of Listeria monocytogenes or Streptococcuspneumoniae showed an increased resistance following administrationof morphine. This increased host resistance, however, was notdue to an increase in antimicrobial action of sera obtainedfrom mice treated with morphine. The majority of morphine'seffects on the immune system exhibited a flat dose response,suggesting that these effects may be mediated secondarily throughcorticosterone.  相似文献   
Testing procedures for identification of potential developmentalneurotoxicants were evaluated using two prototypical developmentalneurotoxicants, methylazoxymethanol (MAM) and methylmercury(MeHg). Evaluation of offspring of LongEvans rats incorporatedassessments of developmental toxicity, neurochemistry, histology,and behavior, with most testing being completed near weaning.A number of endpoints in the testing strategy were sensitiveto the effects of prenatal exposure to MAM [30 mg/kg on GestationDay (GD) 15]: (1) MAM caused reduced neonatal body weights butdid not effect viability or postnatal survivorship; (2) measurementof total and regional brain weight and histological analysisshowed that a number of regions, the cortex and hippocampusin particular, were affected by MAM exposure; (3) an assay forglial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) showed that the concentrationof this protein was significantly increased in the cortex andhippocampus of treated offspring; (4) a T-maze delayed-alternationprocedure indicated that MAM-treated pups were slower in theacquisition phase of the task relative to control pups; (5)motor activity testing revealed hyperactivity in treated offspringthat persisted into adulthood; and (6) acoustic startle proceduresrevealed reduced startle amplitudes in preweanlings. Few endpointswere significantly affected by prenatal MeHg exposure (1, 2,or 4 mg/kg on GD 6–15). High fetal and neonatal mortalityand lower neonatal body weights were detected at the highestdose of MeHg. Although minimal effects of MeHg may reflect arelative insensitivity of the test species and/or the test methods,the combined results from both chemicals suggest that some proceduresnot currently required in the developmental neurotoxicity guidelinemay be useful in hazard identification, and further evaluationwith other chemicals, species, strains, and/or exposure paradigmsmay be warranted.  相似文献   
The absorption, metabolism, and excretion of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide(DEET) in male human volunteers following dermal applicationof |14C|DEET was studied. DEET was applied to two groups ofsix volunteers either as the undiluted technical grade materialor as a 15% solution in ethanol. The material was applied overa 4 x 6-cm area on the volar surface of the forearm and wasleft in contact with the skin for 8 hr, then rinsed off theskin. Application sites also were tape stripped at 1, 23, and45 hr after rinsing. Serial blood samples and all urine andfeces were collected for 5 days after application. Aliquotsof these materials were analyzed for total radioactivity inorder to define absorption and excretion patterns. Urine samplesalso were analyzed by HPLC to characterize the metabolic profileand/or to identify metabolites. Absorption of DEET as evidencedby plasma radioactivity occurred within 2 hr after dose application.Elimination of radioactivity from plasma was rapid and quantifiablelevels of radioactivity were observed in plasma for only 4 hrafter the end of the 8-hr exposure period. Urine was the principalroute of excretion of radioactivity and accounted for an averageof 5.61 and 8.33/ of the applied dose in the undiluted DEETand 15/ DEET in ethanol groups, respectively. Excretion of radioactivityin the feces was less than 0.08/ of the applied dose in bothgroups. DEET did not accumulate in the superficial layers ofthe skin as evidenced by low amounts of radioactivity in thetape strippings. The major fraction of the applied radioactivitywas recovered in the skin rinses. Absorbed DEET was completelymetabolized and six major metabolites were observed in urine.Two major urinary metabolites tenta tively were identified.Based upon the percentage of applied dose recovered in the excreta,dermal absorption of DEET ranged from 3 to 8% with a mean of5.6/ in the volunteers applied undiluted technical grade DEET.The corresponding values for the volunteers applied 15/ DEETin ethanol were 4 to 14/ and 8.4/, respectively.  相似文献   
Dieldrin, an organochlorine pesticide, has been shown to behepatocarcinogenic in mice but not rats. Phenobarbital, in contrast,induces hepatic tumors in both mice and rats. Previous studieshave shown that acute dietary exposure of rats or mice to eitherdieldrin or phenobarbital produces several liver changes, includingcentrilobular hypertrophy, induction of hepatic cytochrome P450,and increased liver weight. The present study examined the subchroniceffect of dieldrin (0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0 mg dieldrin/kg diet)and phenobarbital (10, 50, 100, 500 mg phenobarbital/kg diet)on the induction of hepatic DNA synthesis and hepatocyte lethalityin male B6C3F1 mice and male F344 rats. Eight-week-old animalswere treated as above and evaluated for hepatic DNA synthesisafter 7, 14, 21, 28, and 90 days of continual treatment to dieldrinor phenobarbital. Maximal induction of hepatic DNA synthesisin mice was seen at the 14-, 21-, and 28-day sampling times.In rats, no significant increase in hepatic DNA synthesis orhepatocyte lethality was observed at any dose of dieldrin investigated.Phenobarbital produced a significant increase in hepatic DNAsynthesis in both rat and mouse liver following 7 days of treatment.The induction of DNA synthesis in rat liver was transient, withthe labeling index returning to control levels by 14 days oftreatment. In contrast, mice treated with phenobarbital showeda significant increase in hepatic DNA synthesis throughout thetreatment. In both mice and rats, dieldrin and phenobarbitalinduced hepatic DNA synthesis selectively in the centrilobularregion of the hepatic lobule. The lack of an increase in serumenzymes indicative of hepatic damage and the absence of liverhistopathology in mice or rats fed dieldrin or phenobarbitalindicate that the induction of DNA synthesis was not mediatedby a cytolethal, compensatory hyperplastic response, suggestinga mitogenic mechanism. Therefore, the species-specific inductionof hepatic DNA synthesis by either dieldrin or phenobarbitalcorrelated with the previously observed species-specific inductionof hepatic cancer by these two compounds.  相似文献   
Perceptions of line and senior managers in relation to theirrole in managing workplace injury and illness were investigatedwith a large UK manufacturing company. The significance of thisresearch to occupational health practitioners lies in the factthat increased understanding of the perceptions of senior andline managers is fundamental to the success of occupationalsafety and health programmes. Documentary analysis and semi-structuredinterviews were used to assess perceptions. The findings showedthat the managers had a much sounder understanding of theirrole in injury prevention than that related to illness prevention.The way in which information relating to injury and illnessdata is presented to managers to aid decision making was foundlikely to be a fruitful area for further research. Received       19 July 1995 Accepted        1 November 1995  相似文献   
Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey I. PlasmaCannabinoid and Blood Carbxyhemoglobin Concentrations and ClinicalChemistry Parameters SLIKKER, W., JR., PAULE, M. G., ALI, S.F., SCALLET, A. C., AND BAILEY, J. R (1991). Fundam. Appl Toxicol17, 321–334. This report is the first in a series abouta large multidisciplinary study designed to determine whetherchronic marijuana (MJ) smoke exposure results in residual behavioraland/or neuropathological alterations in the rhesus monkey. Priorto the initiation of a year of chronic MJ smoke exposure, 64periadolescent male rhesus monkeys were trained for 1 year toperform five operant behavioral tasks and then divided, accordingto their performance in these tasks, into four exposure groups(n=15–16/group): (1) a high dose (HI) group, exposed 7days/week to the smoke of one standard MJ cigarette; (2) a lowd m (LO) group, exposed on weekend days only to the smoke ofa standard MJ cigarate; (3) an extracted MJ cigarette (EX) group,exposed 7 days/week to the smoke of one ethanol-extracted MJcigarette; and (4) a sham group (SH), exposed 7 days/week tosham exposure conditions. Daily exposures for 1 year were accomplishedusing a mask that covered the subjects' nose and mouth. Averagebody weights (initially 3.7?0.5 kg, mean?SD) and rates of weightgain (approximately 0.1 kg/month) were the same for all groupsthroughout the entire experiment. During the first week of expsure,plasma concentrations of -9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THCin the HI group were 59?7 (mean?SE) and 5.5?1.5 ng/ml, respectively,45 min after MJ smoke administration and did not change significantlyat similar times after exposure throughout the remainder ofthe year. Whole blood carboxyhemoglobin levels increased toapproximately 13% 1 min after expsure to smoke in either theMJ or the EX groups. Comparison of blood chemistry and hematologyvalues before, during, and after exposure indicated no differencesfor most parameters. During exposure, lymphocytes, alkalinephosphatase and -glutamyl transferase were depressed in theHI group compared to in the SH group. During exposure, aspartateaminotransferase was elevatd for both the HI and EX groups,suggesting a general effect of smoke exposure. Because theseeffects were transient and remained within the range of reportednormal values, these data indicate that long-term, experimentalexperimental exposure to MJ smoke is feasible and does not compromisethe general health of the rhesus monkey.  相似文献   
Support for this study was provided by the Arthritis Health Professions Association, Arthritis Foundation, National Office, and NIH (NIAMS) Multipurpose Arthritis Center Grant No. AM 30692. The reliability of data gathered with hand-held dynamometers (HHD) and the relationship between HHD measurements and manual muscle tests (MMT) have been assessed only with healthy subjects and patients with neuromuscular disorders, not with homogeneous groups of patients with orthopaedic problems. In this study, HHD and MMT were used to measure the strength of knee extensor muscles of 43 patients with osteoarthritis. Test-retest reliability of HHD was determined, and the two testing systems were compared. The HHD measurements indicated that the knee extensor muscles were weak; the MMT grades indicated good strength. The HHD intraclass correlation coefficient for knee extensor strength measurements was 0.92. The HHD measurements increased as the MMT grades increased. The Kendall tau correlation coefficient between HHD measurements and MMT grades for the knee extensor muscles was 0.24. Hand-held dynamometry is less subjective than MMT, especially at the stronger grades. For the purpose of documenting progress of patients, HHD provides a reliable, quantitative method. The use of HHD with weak examiners, weak patients, and inadequate trunk stabilization is questionable. Hand-held dynamometry is useful for clinical and research settings where isokinetic testing is either unfeasible (ie., home care) or cost-prohibitive. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1992;16(3):145-149.  相似文献   
We have developed a non-invasive method utilizing feces, containing sloughed colonocytes, as a sensitive technique for detecting diagnostic colonic biomarkers. In this study, we used the rat colon carcinogenesis model to determine if changes in fecal protein kinase C (PKC) expression have predictive value in monitoring the neoplastic process. Weanling rats were injected with saline or azoxymethane (AOM) and 36 weeks later fecal samples and mucosa were collected, poly A+ RNA isolated, and quantitative RT-PCR performed using primers to PKC betaII and zeta. Fecal PKC betaII and zeta mRNA levels were altered by the presence of a tumor, with tumor-bearing animals having a 3-fold higher (P < 0.05) PKC betaII expression as compared with animals without tumors. In addition, AOM-injection increased mucosal PKC betaII mRNA expression compared with saline controls. No effect of tumor incidence on mucosal PKC betaII expression was observed. In contrast, fecal PKC zeta expression was 2.5-fold lower (P < 0.05) in animals injected with azoxymethane versus saline. Since tumor incidence exerts a reciprocal effect on fecal PKC betaII and zeta mRNA expression, data were also expressed as the ratio between PKC betaII and zeta. The isozyme ratio was strongly related to tumor incidence, i.e. ratio for animals with tumors was 2.18 +/- 1.25, animals without tumors was 0.50 +/- 0.16, P = 0.025. We demonstrate that the expression of fecal PKC betaII and zeta may serve as a noninvasive marker for development of colon tumors. A sensitive technique for the detection of colon cancer is of importance since early diagnosis can substantially reduce mortality.   相似文献   
In this study, we evaluated the management of postmenopausal bleeding at our one-stop clinic where the first line investigations were a transvaginal ultrasound scan and a pipelle endometrial biopsy. The records of 212 women seen in this clinic in 1994 were reviewed. One hundred and forty-four women (67.9%) were evaluated and reassured in one visit. The mean waiting period following referral to the clinic by the general practitioner was 36 days (range 6-157 days), and only 45 women (21%) required a hysteroscopy. The commonest diagnosis made was endometrial atrophy or no significant endometrial pathology (130 women (61.3%). Endometrial cancer was diagnosed in 12 women (5.6%), and one case of previously unsuspected ovarian cancer was detected. Our findings show that most women with post-menopausal bleeding can be assessed in one visit, and hysteroscopy is not always necessary in the initial assessment of this complaint.  相似文献   
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