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Corneal grafting     
REID AM 《The Practitioner》1953,170(1019):471-479
The effect of a single injection of vinblastine sulfate was studied in 50mongrel dogs. Nine of 34 dogs given 0.2 mg./Kg. of VLB died with gastrointestinal toxicity and the mortality rate increased as the dosage of VLB wasincreased. The morphologic pattern of leukocyte suppression and recovery inthe bone marrow and blood was studied in detail in surviving animals.

The cells of the bone marrow were markedly affected by VLB. Within 4hours there was an increase in the number of cells in metaphase and, by day1, virtually all proliferating leukocytes and erythrocytes had disappeared. Anorderly repopulation of the bone marrow followed.

The neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and monocytes of the blood wereall markedly altered in concentration after VLB. Each type of cell first decreased to abnormally small numbers and then increased to abnormally largenumbers in the blood. The curve of disappearance from and reappearance inthe blood differed for each cell type.

The changes in blood neutrophil number and morphology were correlatedwith changes in the blood neutrophil precursor cells of the marrow. The following conclusions were reached concerning the neutrophils and the assumptions implicit to these conclusions were detailed.

1. In the dog, the marrow contains enough post-mitotic granulocytes toreplace those lost from the blood for at least 3 to 4 days.

2. The release of mature neutrophils from the bone marrow is a functionof the rate at which blood neutrophils are lost and proceeds normally evenwhen the marrow granulocyte reserve is partially depleted.

Submitted on March 27, 1963 Accepted on August 20, 1963  相似文献   
Suspensions of murine bone marrow cells were stained with acridine orange(A-O) and observed under fluorescent microscopy after treatment withvarious injurious agents in order to establish the staining characteristics of"live" and "dead" cells. The percentage of viable cells demonstrated by the"A-O viability test" were correlated with eosin and trypan blue dye exclusionand tissue culture transformation viability tests. In general, the A-O testdemonstrated the viability of cells preserved by freezing as effectively as theother in vitro tests. In addition, the A-O test may be more sensitive indetermining the viability of cells where metabolic processes have been injuredby poisons or change in pH.

Submitted on September 4, 1963 Accepted on October 29, 1963  相似文献   
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