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The multi-industrial applications of zinc oxide nanomaterials (ZnO NMs) lead to increasing exposure to humans. Though the ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) toxicity had been evaluated previously, toxicity of other forms of ZnO nanomaterials has not been evaluated. In this study, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of four different types of ZnO NMs were evaluated using human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBL). In addition, the effect of anti-oxidants on ZnO NMs induced toxicity was also evaluated. Our results suggest that, size and shape of the nanomaterials have profound effects on their toxicity. The NPs and nanorods (NRs) possessed higher level of oxidative potential and ROS generation capacity than microparticles (MPs) and microrods (MRs). In contrast, MPs and MRs possessed higher level of lipid peroxidation capacity. The smaller NPs are more genotoxic while larger MPs and MRs were more cytotoxic in nature. Treatment with vitamin C or Quercetin significantly reduces the genotoxicity associated with ZnO NMs. The influence of size and shape in mediating NMs toxicity should be taken into account and the possible supplementation of anti-oxidants might mitigate the toxicity.  相似文献   
Arginine-rich protein motifs have been described as potent cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) but also as rather specific ligands of the cell surface chemokine receptor CXCR4, involved in the infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Polyarginines are commonly used to functionalize nanoscale vehicles for gene therapy and drug delivery, aimed to enhance cell penetrability of the therapeutic cargo. However, under which conditions these peptides do act as either unspecific or specific ligands is unknown. We have here explored the cell penetrability of differently charged polyarginines in two alternative presentations, namely as unassembled fusion proteins or assembled in multimeric protein nanoparticles. By this, we have observed that arginine-rich peptides switch between receptor-mediated and receptor-independent mechanisms of cell penetration. The relative weight of these activities is determined by the electrostatic charge of the construct and the oligomerization status of the nanoscale material, both regulatable by conventional protein engineering approaches.  相似文献   
Resident physicians are continually exposed to fatigue, which can lead to work, academic and personal problems, so it is important to have reliable and valid instruments to measure it. One of the most used is Fatigue Severity Scale, but, there are versions with different number of items in different populations. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to translate, adapt culturally relevant and compare versions with different numbers of items, to identify the most appropriate in Mexican resident physicians. With three different groups of participants; first one for translation by seven expert judges in the language, second for psychometric validation with 100 resident physicians, and third for confirmatory factor analysis and invariance test by type of program (specialty and high specialty) with 182 resident physicians. Distribution, discrimination, reliability and factor structure of the scale were tested in an exploratory and confirmatory analysis, leaving a final scale of 6 items with good fit (X2[9] = 9,39, p = 0,40; CFI = 0,99; RMSEA = 0,02), with a reliability = 0,91 and strict factorial invariance by type of residence program.  相似文献   
Patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (auto-HCT) are at risk for multiple morbidities, including mucosal inflammation and neutropenic fever, both related to neutropenia. Evidence from our preclinical work in an umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation murine model suggests that treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) before UCB infusion improves UCB CD34+ cell engraftment by reducing erythropoietin levels. A pilot clinical trial using HBO in patients undergoing UCB transplantation showed improvement in kinetics of blood count recovery. In this study, we evaluated HBO in combination with auto-HCT. Our primary aim was to determine the safety of HBO in this setting and secondarily to determine its efficacy in reducing time to neutrophil and platelet engraftment compared with matched historic controls. Patients with multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and Hodgkin disease eligible for auto-HCT were included. On day 0, patients received HBO treatment consisting of exposure to 2.5 atmosphere absolutes for a total of 90 minutes, in a monoplace hyperbaric chamber, breathing 100% oxygen. Six hours after the start of HBO, peripherally mobilized stem/progenitor cells were infused and patients were followed daily for toxicity and blood count recovery. All patients received daily granulocyte colony-stimulating factor starting on day +5 and until absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of ≥1500 or ANC of 500 for 3 consecutive days. A matched historic cohort of 225 patients who received auto-HCT between January 2008 and December 2012 was chosen for comparison and matched on sex, age, conditioning regimen, and disease type. We screened 26 patients for this study; 20 were treated and included in the primary analysis, and 19 completed the HBO therapy and were included in the secondary analysis. Although the median time to neutrophil count recovery was 11 days in both the HBO and control cohorts, the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the full distributions indicate that the time to neutrophil recovery was generally about 1 day sooner for HBO versus historical controls (log-rank P = .005; range, 9 to 13 for HBO patients and 7 to 18 for controls). The median time to platelet count recovery was 16 days (range, 14 to 21) for HBO versus 18 days (range, 11 to 86) for controls (log-rank P < .0001). In the secondary analysis comparing the HBO cohort who completed HBO therapy (n = 19) with our historical cohort, we evaluated neutropenic fever, growth factor use, mucositis, day +100 disease responses, and blood product use. HBO was associated with less growth factor use (median 6 days in HBO cohort versus median 8 days in controls, P < .0001). Packed RBC and platelet transfusion requirements were not statistically different between the 2 cohorts. Mucositis incidence was significantly lower in the HBO cohort (26.3% in HBO cohort versus 64.2% in controls, P = .002). HBO therapy appears to be well tolerated in the setting of high-dose therapy and auto-HCT. Prospective studies are needed to confirm potential benefits of HBO with respect to earlier blood count recovery, reduced mucositis, and growth factor use, and a cost-benefit analysis is warranted.© 2019 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.  相似文献   
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