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Zusammenfassung Bericht über einen Fall von entgegengesetzter Reinerbigkeit im Hp-System in 3 Generationen, der zu der Annahme eines stummen Gens zwingt. Auf die rechtlichen Konsequenzen wird hingewiesen und der Vorschlag gemacht, bei Vaterschaftsausschluß im Haptoglobin-System auf Grund entgegengesetzter Reinerbigkeit zwischen Kind und Mann die Untersuchung auf Angehörige des Mannes zu erweitern.
Summary The paper deals with a case of adverse homocygoty in the Hp-system in 3 generations leading to the assumption of a silent gene. Reference is made to the legal consequences. It is proposed to enlarge the examinations to relatives of the man in case of exclusion of the fatherhood in the Haptoglobin-system because of adverse homocygoty between the child and the man.
Metastatic spermatocytic seminoma is an extremely rare disease with only one documented case in literature. We present another patient with metastatic disease confirmed by histological work-up after laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (L-RPLND).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To systematically examine the genetic alterations on chromosome 8 in prostate epithelia deriving from atrophic areas, and to compare these alterations with those of cells derived from prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and prostate cancer in the same organ. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tissue microarrays were constructed from 50 patients with histologically different tissues, including normal, PIN, atrophy and cancer lesions. Control samples were obtained from 10 patients who died from causes other than prostate cancer. Multicolour DNA probes for 8p22, centromere 8 and 8q24 were used to detect genetic alterations by fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis. RESULTS: Chromosomal alterations were detected on chromosome 8 in all analysed tissues. Including all observed signal patterns, a gradual increase of nuclei with loss of 8p22 was detected in normal (16%), in atrophy (21%), in PIN (25%) and in cancer tissue (31%), and there was gain in 8q24 in normal tissue (10%), in atrophy lesions (19%), in PIN (21%) and in cancer (27%). Generally, in all three lesion types the percentage of cells with 8q24 gain was significantly lower than the percentage of cells with loss of 8p22. CONCLUSION: This investigation confirms the presence of severe chromosomal aberrations in the epithelium of the atrophic glands of the prostate. The aberrations are the same those that can be found in PIN and in prostate cancer. These findings confirm the genetic instability of the cells in the atrophic areas of the prostate, which can be a target for further injuries, leading to prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Newborn mice of strain A were injected intravenously at birth with 9–15 million spleen cells from adult CBA donors. The recipients exhibited splenomegaly and other signs of graft-versus-host reaction during the first 3 weeks of life. Adult survivors were uniformly tolerant of CBA skin. They showed no sign of a continuing graft-versus-host reaction. The spleens of the treated mice were tested for the presence of immunologically competent donor and host cells by Simonsen's discriminant spleen assay. From the age of 7 days onwards the spleens were found to contain a small percentage of donor cells which were immunologically active against antigens of a third strain. In spleens from adult survivors activity, attributable to the host component, against third-party antigens was undiminished as compared with that of untreated A-strain mice. But activity against the CBA donor strain was absent.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über den Einfluß der kontrollierten tiefen Hypothermie nach Tetrachlorkohlenstoffvergiftung bei Ratten berichtet. Bei 50 frühestens eine Stunde nach hochdosierter Giftzufuhr unterkühlten Tieren traten während der 1 1/2–24 Std dauernden Hypothermie und einer Rectaltemperatur von 20–250 keine irreversiblen Leberzellschäden auf. Sie entwickelten sich vielmehr in der bekannten Form erst nach Wiedererwärmung der Ratten. Daneben ergaben sich Anhaltspunkte für die Annahme, daß nach langfristiger Unterkühlung und Wiedererwärmung die degenerativen Veränderungen vermindert werden. Bei den 50 nur mit Tetrachlorkohlenstoff vergifteten normothermen Kontrolltieren entwickelten sich die ersten Nekrobiosen abgesehen von Einzelzellnekrosen nach 5–7 Std. Durch die Hypothermie ist es demnach möglich, die im Gefolge der Tetrachlorkohlenstoffvergiftung auftretenden, zur Nekrose des Leberepithels führenden Prozesse zu unterbrechen. Die möglichen Ursachen dieses Effektes werden diskutiert. Bei einigen nur unterkühlten Kontrolltieren und auch bei vergiftetenund unterkühlten Versuchstieren waren eigenartige Nekrobiosen der Sinusendothelien bemerkenswert.
Summary The report deals with the influence of controlled deep hypothermia on rats after poisoning with carbon-tetrachloride. 50 animals received a large dosis of the poison. One hour later at the earliest their rectal temperature was lowered to 20–25 degrees centigrade. The hypothermia lasted from 1 1/2 hours to 24 hours. During this time no irreversible damages of the liver cells occurred. Rather they developed in their known form after the rewarming of the animals. In addition there was evidence to assume that the degenerative changes are diminished after long term hypothermia and subsequent rewarming. 50 poisoned control animals, whos' temperature was kept on a normal level, showed the first necrobiotic changes, except for single cell necrosis, after 5–7 hours. It is therefore possible through hypothermia to interrupt those processes, which lead to the necrosis of the liver cells, following a poisoning with carbon-tetrachloride. The possible causes of this effect are discussed.Several control animals exposed to hypothermia but not poisoned, as well as several poisoned and cooled rats showed peculiar necrobiotic changes of the reticuloendothelium, that were remarkable.
Summary The distribution of35S-thioacetamide after a large dose (40 mg/100 g) was investigated in thirteen rats using whole-body autoradiography. Control experiments were made on six rats which were given35S-sodium sulphate in order to differentiate the radioactivity due to35S-thioacetamide from that due to metabolically formed sulphate. In addition, extracts of various organs, faeces and urine from five other rats were examined using Chromatographic separation methods.The results show that there is an accumulation of thioacetamide or thioacetamide sulphoxide in the centres of the liver lobules, in the outer medullary portion of the kidney, in the heart muscle, spleen and lymph nodes, in the mucous membranes of the stomach and the intestine and also in the gastric and intestinal contents. After the administration of a large dose of35S-thioacetamide about 80% of the radioactivity is excreted in the urine as thioacetamide or its sulphoxide within 24 hours. A small fraction is eliminated through the gastro-intestinal tract.Our findings suggest that in thioacetamide poisoning there is a correlation between organ damage and the concentration of the poison in the organ, especially in the liver.
Die Autoradiographien wurden im Pharmakologischen Institut der Freien Universität (Direktor: Prof. Dr. Herken) hergestellt). Für die Unterstützung bei der Durchführung der Arbeiten haben wir Herrn Prof. Dr. Koransky sehr zu danken.Frl. C. Eulenstedt leistete hervorragende technische Assistenz.  相似文献   
When virus-specific antiserum was injected into the hemocoel of aphids before they acquired virus by feeding on infected leaves, transmission of the virus was consistently either reduced or prevented by the homologous antiserum when compared with heterologous or control antiserum. The procedure was useful for studying both the transmission of the RPV isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus by Rhopalosiphum padi and the transmission of the MAV isolate by Macrosiphum avenae.Tests with injected R. padi provided additional support for the role of transcapsidation (genomic masking) in the dependent transmission of the MAV isolate by R. padi from mixed infections of RPV and MAV. Although injection of MAV-antiserum prevented transmission of MAV by control aphids, R. padi injected with MAV-antiserum transmitted MAV from leaves infected by both MAV and RPV as readily as when injected with control serum.  相似文献   
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