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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is characterised by hepatic fibrosis, used as a proxy measure of prognosis. Liver biopsy is a flawed reference standard and serum markers of fibrosis offer an attractive alternative. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted to assess the performance of panels of serum markers of hepatic fibrosis in CHC, incorporating analyses placing markers in a clinical context. RESULTS: 14 studies were included with 10 different panels. Median AUC in validation populations was 0.77 and training populations 0.81. Likelihood ratios (LR) ranged from -LR 0.1 to 0.9, + LR 1.2 to 33.1, diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were 9.0 (median) with a range of 5 to 27- mostly below values of robust tests. Tests perform with either high sensitivity with low specificity or vice versa. Cut-off levels that gave clinically relevant predictive values for the presence/absence of significant fibrosis were applicable to 35% of the population. CONCLUSIONS: Serum markers can rule-in or rule-out fibrosis in up to 35% of patients, but cannot differentiate stages of fibrosis reliably. Improvement of index and reference test in needed including evaluation of clinical outcomes as reference. Improved test reporting is needed to derive LR and DOR as performance indicators.  相似文献   
To better assess the risk for transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), we obtained serial specimens and clinical and exposure data from seven confirmed U.S. SARS patients and their 10 household contacts. SARS-CoV was detected in a day-14 sputum specimen from one case-patient and in five stool specimens from two case-patients. In one case-patient, SARS-CoV persisted in stool for at least 26 days after symptom onset. The highest amounts of virus were in the day-14 sputum sample and a day-14 stool sample. Residual respiratory symptoms were still present in recovered SARS case-patients 2 months after illness onset. Possible transmission of SARS-CoV occurred in one household contact, but this person had also traveled to a SARS-affected area. The data suggest that SARS-CoV is not always transmitted efficiently. Routine collection and testing of stool and sputum specimens of probable SARS case-patients may help the early detection of SARS-CoV infection.  相似文献   
In this paper we analyze a fibrosis scoring method based on measurement of the fibrillar collagen area from second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy images of unstained histological slices from human liver biopsies. The study is conducted on a cohort of one hundred chronic hepatitis C patients with intermediate to strong Metavir and Ishak stages of liver fibrosis. We highlight a key parameter of our scoring method to discriminate between high and low fibrosis stages. Moreover, according to the intensity histograms of the SHG images and simple mathematical arguments, we show that our area-based method is equivalent to an intensity-based method, despite saturation of the images. Finally we propose an improvement of our scoring method using very simple image processing tools.OCIS codes: (180.4315) Nonlinear microscopy, (170.1610) Clinical applications, (170.3880) Medical and biological imaging, (170.4580) Optical diagnostics for medicine, (110.2960) Image analysis  相似文献   
PurposeTo compare dose to organs at risk (OARs) and biological evaluation using normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) for left-sided breast radiation therapy in 4 techniques: supine free breathing (SFB), supine deep inspiration breath hold (SDIBH), prone free breathing (PFB), and prone deep inspiration breath hold (PDIBH).Methods and MaterialsTwenty-five patients with left-sided breast cancer suitable for this study underwent a computed tomography scan using SFB, SDIBH, PFB, and PDIBH. One radiation oncologist contoured the planning target volume and OAR (cardiac components). Dose-volume histograms and NTCPs for the heart, left ventricle (LV), left anterior descending artery (LAD), and left lung were calculated for all 4 techniques.ResultsThe mean heart dose in PDIBH is 0.77 Gy, which is statistically significantly lower than in SFB (1.88 Gy, P < .0001), SDIBH (0.97 Gy, P < .001), and PFB (0.85 Gy, P < .001). The mean left lung dose is 0.69 Gy in PFB and 0.88 Gy in PDIBH. PFB and PDIBH have statistically significantly lower doses compared with SFB (6.09 Gy, P < .0001) and SDIBH (5.41 Gy, P < .0001). The mean NTCP in SFB for the heart, LV, and LAD is 0.27%, 0.62%, and 4.23%, respectively, and it is negligible for other techniques.ConclusionsWe found that PDIBH had a dosimetrically lower mean dose for the heart and LV compared with the other 3 techniques. In addition, SDIBH, PFB and PDIBH had statistically significantly lower NTCP for the heart, LV, and LAD compared with SFB. NTCP for the left lung was statistically significantly lower for prone techniques compared with supine techniques. Therefore we concluded that, compared with SDIBH, PDIBH provides the added benefit of sparing the heart while keeping the benefit of sparing the lung as in the prone technique.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Azone upon the skin target site free drug concentration (C(*)) and its correlation with the in vivo antiviral efficacies of cidofovir (HPMPC) and acyclovir (ACV) against HSV-1 infections. Formulations of HPMPC and ACV with or without Azone were used. The in vitro skin flux experiments were performed and the C(*) values were calculated. For the in vivo efficacy studies, hairless mice cutaneously infected with HSV-1 were used and three different treatment protocols were carried out. The protocols were chosen based upon when therapy is initiated and terminated in such a way to assess the efficacy of the test drug to cure and/or prevent HSV-1 infections. A finite dose of the formulation was topically applied twice a day for the predetermined time course for each protocol and the lesions were scored on the fifth day. For ACV formulation with Azone, the C(*) values and hence the in vivo efficacy were much higher than those for that without Azone. In protocol #1, however, early treatment did not increase the in vivo efficacy of ACV when compared with the standard treatment protocol #3. In protocol #2 where the treatment was terminated on the day of virus inoculation, the efficacies for both ACV formulations were completely absent. Although the estimated C(*) values for HPMPC formulations with and without Azone were comparable, formulation with Azone was much more effective than that without Azone in all treatment protocols. HPMPC formulations with Azone at similar flux values were much more effective in "treating and preventing" HSV-1 infections than those without Azone. For ACV formulations, in contrast, addition of Azone has failed to show any effect on the preventive in vivo antiviral efficacy and the enhancement of ACV in vivo antiviral efficacy was merely the skin permeation enhancement effect of Azone.  相似文献   
Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide. High-Risk-Human Papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) play an important etiologic role in the development of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. However, host factors are important in determining the outcome of genital HPV infection as most cervical precancerous lesions containing HR-HPVs do not progress to invasive carcinomas. Retinoids, acting through nuclear receptors (RARs, RXRs), play a crucial role in cervix development and homeostasis regulating growth and differentiation of a wide variety of cell types; indeed, they can inhibit cell proliferation, and induce cell differentiation or apoptotic cell death. Here we introduce a mouse model that develops spontaneously malignant cervical lesions allowing the study of the cooperative effect between HPV16E6E7 expression and the lack of RXRα in cervical cancer development. This model could be useful to study multistep carcinogenesis of uterine cervix tissue and might improve chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic strategies for this neoplasia.  相似文献   
PSD-95 binds to and co-localizes with NMDA receptors at postsynaptic sites. Their co-expression in COS7 cells induces the formation of aggregates containing both proteins. These findings have lead to the hypothesis that PSD-95 helps to cluster NMDA receptors at postsynaptic sites. In addition, PSD-95 binds various regulatory proteins including Src, Pyk2, SynGAP, and nNOS and may recruit signaling proteins to NMDA receptors. We tested whether synaptic transmission or plasticity was affected by acute dissociation of the PSD-95-NMDA receptor interaction with various peptides that bound to the first two PDZ domains of PSD-95 and its homologs and with antibodies directed against the very C-terminus of the NR2A and NR2B subunits of the NMDA receptor. Membrane-impermeable peptides injected via whole cell patch electrodes distributed within minutes throughout dendritic branches into spines in acute hippocampal slices and membrane-permeable peptides containing 11 arginine residues effectively accumulated in neurites in slices and primary hippocampal cultures. Neither peptides nor antibodies showed any effect on basal synaptic transmission or induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampal slices. Pharmacologically isolated NMDA receptor activity was also not affected. However, the membrane-permeable peptide disrupted the NMDA receptor-PSD-95 interaction in slices as tested by immunoprecipitation and subsequent immunoblotting. These findings suggest that acute dissociation of PSD-95 and its homologs from the NMDA receptor and likely from other protein complexes does not result in any easily detectable physiological effects in hippocampal slices. However, we cannot exclude a role of PSD-95 in early events that lead to clustering of NMDA receptors or of other proteins including stargazin and AMPA receptors at postsynaptic sites nor do these experiments address the possibility of long-term changes in the slices. In fact, incubation of primary hippocampal cultures with the membrane-permeable peptide lead to a moderate decrease in the number of dendritic clusters of PSD-95 and NMDA receptors and their colocalization by 20-30%, suggesting some role of PSD-95 and its homologs in NMDA receptor clustering.  相似文献   
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