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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of recurrent postmenopausal bleeding among women who were diagnosed with an endometrial thickness greater than 4 mm. METHODS: We designed a prospective cohort study and included consecutive women not using hormone replacement therapy, presenting with a first episode of postmenopausal bleeding. We evaluated patients who had an endometrial thickness greater than 4 mm at transvaginal ultrasonography and benign endometrial sampling; presence of carcinoma was ruled out by office endometrial sampling, hysteroscopy, and/or dilation and curettage. Time until recurrent bleeding was measured, and diagnosis at recurrent bleeding was recorded. RESULTS: Among 318 patients who had an endometrial thickness greater than 4 mm, 222 patients had benign histology results and were available for follow-up. During follow-up, 47 (21%, 95% confidence interval 16-27%) patients had recurrent bleeding, with a median time to recurrent bleeding of 49 weeks (interquartile range 18 to 86 weeks). There was no difference with respect to recurrence rate between patients with polyp removal, patients with a normal hysteroscopy, and patients with office endometrial sampling alone at the initial workup. Two patients were diagnosed with atypical endometrial hyperplasia upon recurrent bleeding. CONCLUSION: The recurrence rate of postmenopausal bleeding in women with endometrial thickness greater than 4 mm is 20%. This recurrence rate is not related to incorporation of hysteroscopy or polyp removal at the initial workup. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.  相似文献   
IntroductionPotassium para‐aminobenzoate is an agent used in the treatment of sclerotic diseases including Peyronie's disease of the penis. It has been reported that this medication may have been responsible for cases of acute liver injury.AimTo inform clinicians of the possibility of an adverse drug event associated with the oral intake of potassium para‐aminobenzoate by reporting an additional case and compiling information from previous reports.MethodsThe affected patient's medical records were diligently reviewed; all available and relevant information pertaining to this adverse event is reported. Similar case reports were analyzed and compared, and relevant information was compiled in this report.ResultsThe patient enjoyed a full biochemical recovery from his hepatitis 4 months after discontinuation of potassium para‐aminobenzoate.ConclusionTo date, the oral use of potassium para‐aminobenzoate has been reported to be linked to acute liver injury in six individuals. Appropriate management of this adverse drug event is the immediate discontinuation of the offending drug and general patient support measures. Roy J, and Carrier S. Acute hepatitis associated with treatment of Peyronie's disease with potassium para‐aminobenzoate (Potaba). J Sex Med **;**:**–**.  相似文献   
Laparoscopic findings in female genital tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the laparoscopic findings in genital tuberculosis (TB). METHODS: A total of 85 women of genital TB, who underwent diagnostic laparoscopy for infertility or chronic pelvic pain were enrolled in this retrospective study conducted in our unit at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India from September 2004 to 2007. RESULTS: The mean age was 28.2 years and the mean parity was 0.24. Most women were from poor socioeconomic status (68.1%). Past history of TB was seen in 29 (34.1%) women with pulmonary TB in 19 (22.35%) women and extrpulmonary in 10 (11.7%) women. Most women presented with infertility (90.6% primary 72.9%; secondary 17.6%) while the rest had chronic pelvic pain (9.4%). The mean duration of infertility was 6.2 years. A total of 49 (57.6%) women had normal menses, while hypomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea and menorrhagia were seen in 25 (30.1%), 3 (3.5%), 5 (5.9%), and 2 (2.4%) women respectively. Diagnosis of genital TB was made by histopathological evidence of TB granuloma in 16 (18.8%) (Endometrial biopsy in 12.9%, laparoscopy biopsy in 5.9%) women, demonstration of acid fast bacilli (AFB) on microscopy in 2(2.3%), positive AFB culture in 2 (2.3%), positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 55 (64.7%) and laparoscopic findings of genital TB in 40 (47.1%). The various findings on laparoscopy were tubercles on peritoneum (12.9%) or ovary (1.2%), tubovarian masses (7.1%), caseous nodules (5.8%), encysted ascitis in 7.1% women. Various grades of pelvic adhesions were seen in 56(65.8%) women. The various findings on fallopian tubes were normal looking tubes in (7.1%), inability to visualize in 12(14.1%), presence of tubercles on tubes in 3 (3.52%), caseous granuloma in 3 (3.52%), hydrosalpinx in 15 (17.6%) (Right tube 11.7%, left tube 5.9%), pyosalphinx in 3 (3.5%) on right tube and 2 (2.35%) in left tube, beaded tube in 3 (3.5%) on right tube, 4 (4.7%) in left tube with tobacco pouch appearance in 2 (2.35%) women. The right tube was patent in 9 (10.6%) while left tube was patent in 10(11.7%) cases only, while they were either not seen (absent in one case due to previous salphingectomy, inability to see due to adhesion in 14.12%) or blocked at various sites with cornual end being most common in 3 (3.5%) showing multiple block in right tube and 4.7% in left tube. CONCLUSION: There is a significant pelvic morbidity and tubal damage in genital tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Background Massive life threatening bleeding from presacral venous plexus in gynecological surgery, though uncommon can be fatal when conventional methods fail. Case In the present case, a 55-year-old woman undergoing radical hysterectomy for cancer cervix was saved using thumbtacks to control bleeding from presacral vessels when conventional methods were ineffective. Conclusion Use of thumbtacks in such patients is simple, cost effective and life saving.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To evaluate different grades of in-stent stenosis in a nickel-titanium stent with MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (MR-PVM) was used to measure flow velocity through a 9-mm NiTi stent with three different degrees of stenosis in a phantom study. The tested stenotic geometries were 1) axisymmetric 75%, 2) axisymmetric 90%, and 3) asymmetric 50%. The MR-PVM data were subsequently compared with the velocities from computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations of identical conditions. RESULTS: Good quantitative agreement in velocity distribution for the 50% and 75% stenoses was observed. The agreement was poor for the 90% stenosis, most likely due to turbulence and the high-velocity gradients found in the small luminal area relative to the pixel resolution in our imaging settings. CONCLUSION: The accuracy of the MRI velocities inside the stented area renders MRI a modality that may be used to assess moderate to severe in-stent restenosis (ISR) in medium-sized vascular stents in peripheral vessels, such as the iliac, carotid, and femoral arteries. Advances in MR instrumentation may provide sufficient resolution to obtain adequate velocity information from smaller vessels, such as the coronary arteries, and allow MRI to substitute for invasive and expensive catheterization procedures currently in clinical use.  相似文献   
Atypical features of secondary syphilis are more common in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. We report this case in which the clinical features, serology and response to therapy were clearly suggestive of secondary syphilis but histopathology raised concerns about cutaneous lymphoma. A 30-year-old male presented with history of fever and cough of one month duration. He was seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus infection one year back. He had discrete multiple papular and papulonodular patches all over the body. VDRL and TPHA tests were positive. HIV infection was confirmed by two ELISA tests. Skin biopsy report raised the possibility of lymphomatous infiltration. He was treated with penicillin and responded favourably. He was also instituted antiretroviral therapy later.  相似文献   
In order to facilitate the independent role performance of psychiatric outpatients in a community mental health center satellite clinic, withdrawal of social reinforcement was made contingent on clearly defined manipulative-dependent telephoning behavior. An A-B-A type self-control design demonstrated the effectiveness of this procedure on defined manipulative-dependent telephoning behavior. An A-B-A type self-control design demonstrated the effectiveness of this procedure in decreasing the number and duration of client-initiated telephoning for clients judged by team clinicians as having previously exhibited “manipulative-dependent” role-enactments.  相似文献   
The specific activities for a series of S‐35 tracers were found to vary from the decay‐corrected specific activity of the labeled reagent. If not known before the stock solution preparation and binding assay, this variation would have resulted in performing the assay at approximately two to three times over the targeted concentration, thereby leading to considerable error in the calculated binding and related conclusions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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