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Estimation of genetic risk for type 1 diabetes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The most important gene loci defining risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) are located within the HLA gene region. HLA-DQ molecules are of primary importance but HLA-DR gene products modify the risk conferred by HLA-DQ. The risk associated with an HLA genotype is defined by the particular combination of susceptible and protective alleles. The highest risk is associated with a combination of two different risk haplotypes (7% risk to develop T1DM in Finland) whereas protective genotypes covering 69% of population have a risk of less than 0.2%). The complicated analysis of HLA genotypes is simplified by strong linkage disequilibrium between HLA-DRB1, -DQA1 and -DQB1 loci. In many cases one can deduce the alleles of other loci based on determination of the alleles in one locus. Differences between various populations in the frequency of marker alleles and in the linkages between them has to be taken into account. We have developed PCR based typing methods that utilize blood spot samples, microtiter plate format and lanthanide labeled oligonucleotide probes to define HLA-DQ and -DR alleles relevant for T1DM risk. Typing is run stepwise so that after initial HLA-DQB1 typing only those samples will be further analyzed in which -DQA1 or -DRB1 typing is informative and expected to contribute to the risk estimation. This method has been used to screen more than 50,000 newborn infants in Finland over a time period of 6 years, and it has been able to identify most children who have developed T1D during the follow-up period. The efficiency of the procedure has also been tested in Finnish and Greek populations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus Suspensionen zerstörter Thrombocyten des Menschen wurden reine Fraktionen von Hyalomer und Granulomer hergestellt. Von den Fraktionen wurde jeweils ein Teil für die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung, ein anderer Teil für die Bestimmung des Serotonins verwandt. Durch die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung jeder einzelnen Fraktion wurde die Reinheit der Fraktionen überprüft. Die Bestimmung des Serotoningehaltes erfolgte am isolierten Rattenmagen. In Kontrollversuchen wurde ferner der Serotoningehalt intakter Thrombocyten bestimmt.Intakte Thrombocyten besitzen im Mittel einen Serotonin-Gehalt von 52 ng/108 Thrombocyten. In den Fraktionierungsversuchen fanden wir 95% des Serotonins in den Hyalomer-Fraktionen und nur 5% des Serotonins in den Granulomer-Fraktionen. In vivo findet sich also der hohe Serotoningehalt fast ausschließlich im Hyalomer der Thrombocyten.
Summary Pure fractions of hyalomer and granulomer were prepared from suspensions of destroyed human thrombocytes. One portion of the fractions was used for the electron microscopic studies, and the other part for the determination of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). The electron microscopic investigation allowed to check the purity of each single fraction. On the isolated rat stomach the determination of the concentration of serotonin was performed. In control preparations we studied the serotonin concentration of intact thrombocytes. These thrombocytes have a mean serotonin concentration of 52 ng/108 platelets. In fractioning experiments we found 95% of the serotonin in the hyalomer fractions and only 5% of the serotonin in the granulomer fractions. In vivo therefore, the high concentration of the serotonin is found almost exclusively in the hyalomer of the thrombocytes.

Die Ergebniss wurden vor der Medizinischen Gesellschaft Düsseldorf am 23. 1. 1963 mitgeteilt. Herrn Prof. Dr.Meessen danken wir für die Anregung und Förderung der Arbeit, Herrn Prof. Dr.Greeff für die Hilfe bei den Serotoninbestimmungen.  相似文献   
The nuclear envelope functions as a selective barrier separating the nuclear from the cytosolic compartment. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) mediate nuclear import and export of macromolecules and, therefore, are potential regulators of gene expression. In this study we applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize the three dimensional (3D) structure of individual NPCs in the absence and presence of two different antibodies, one directed against a pore protein (gp62) and another directed against Xenopus lamin LIII, a component of the nuclear lamina, a filament meshwork localized on the nucleoplasmic side of the nuclear envelope (NE) adjacent to and interacting with NPCs. Using 12-nm gold-labelled secondary antibodies and transmission electron microscopy we could clearly localize the primary single anti-gp62 antibody on NPCs and the primary single anti-LIII antibody between NPCs. Using AFM, the secondary antibodies against anti-gp62 could be detected as particles 7 nm in height on the nucleoplasmic face of NPCs. The secondary antibodies against anti-LIII could be clearly identified between NPCs. The secondary antibodies, attached to a 12-nm colloidal gold particle and visualized on glass, revealed similar shapes and heights as found on NEs. According to the 3D images, the volume of a single gold particle conjugated with secondary antibodies was 10 203 nm3. This volume is equivalent to the volume of 38 IgG molecules associated with one individual gold particle. A similar volume of 11 987 nm3 was calculated from a model assuming that the 150-kDa IgG molecules perfectly cover the spherical gold particle. We conclude that AFM can be used for identifying antibodies or other macromolecules associated with biomembranes.  相似文献   
The effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on cytokine productionand proliferation of the CD4+ human helper T cell clone SP-B21were investigated. In cells stimulated with antl-CD3 mAb, PGE2inhibited cell proliferation and the production of all the cytokinesexamined. Addition of rlL-2 fully restored the prollferatlveresponse and partially restored the production of IL-4 and IL-5,but not that of other cytokines. In contrast, In cells stimulatedwith phorbol myrlstate acetate (PMA)/A23187, PGE2 enhanced theproduction of IL-4 and IL-5, and only partially inhibited theproduction of other cytokines. Therefore, the effects of PGE2vary depending on the mode of T cell activation, and the IL-4and IL-5 are regulated differently from other cytokines. Ina mobility shift assay, only the NF-B (p50/p5O) homodlmer wasobserved in a complex formed with the B sequence in unstlmulatedSP-B21 cells. When cells were stimulated with antl-CD3 mAb orPMA/A23187, a complex formation of NF-B (p50/p65) heterodlmerwith the B sequence was induced. Interestingly, PGE2 or di-butyryl(Bt2cAMP abolished the binding of NF-B (p50/p65) heterodlmerto the B sequence in cells stimulated with antl-CD3 mAb butnot with PMA/A23187. Our results suggest that the target ofPGE2 action is a component in the signal transductlon pathwayleading to the activation of protein klnase C. However, theinhibition of the T cell activation signals by PGE2 is selective.PGE2 enhanced the complex formation with NF-AT, AP-1 and CLEOsequences when the cells were activated by either anti-CD3 mAbor PMA/A23187 stimulation. It seems therefore that PGE2, byelevating cAMP levels, interferes with the activation pathwayfor NF-B but not for NF-AT, AP-1 or CLEO binding protein.  相似文献   
Condensation of chromatin depends upon the ion composition in the cell nucleus. We tested in isolated nuclei of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells the influence of various ions on nuclear volume (i. e. DNA packing) and intranuclear voltage. After isolation, nuclei were superfused with cytosolic solutions in which Na+, K+, Ca2+ and H+ ions were varied. With video-imaging and microelectrode techniques nuclear volume and intranuclear potential were measured in response to the various ions. In control cytosolic solution, isolated nuclei exhibited an intranuclear electrical potential of –6.5±0.5 mV (relative to a reference electrode in the cytosolic solution) corresponding to a nuclear volume of 250±10 fl (n=104). Changing the Na+, K+ or free Ca2+ concentration in the superfusate in the physiological range resulted in minor changes of volume and intranuclear potential whereas pH altered both parameters dramatically. Nuclear swelling and intranuclear negative voltage increased with alkalinization and decreased when pH was reduced. An intact nuclear envelope was found to be no prerequisite for maintaining intranuclear negativity, indicating that the composition and functional state of nuclear chromatin rather than specific ion permeabilities of the nuclear envelope determine nuclear electrical potential. We present a model that explains nuclear volume and voltage on the basis of interaction between negatively charged DNA and positively charged histones of the nuclear chromatin.  相似文献   
Trisomy 8 is the most common chromosomal aberration in myelocytic malignancies, occurring both as a sole change as well as in addition to other abnormalities. In spite of this, next to nothing is known about its pathogenetic importance or its molecular genetic consequences. Possible mechanisms involved in the transformation process include dosage effects of genes mapping to chromosome 8 and presence of specific mutations or cryptic fusion genes on the duplicated chromosome. In the latter case, +8 would be secondary to a cryptic primary rearrangement and not involved in leukemogenesis as such, but rather in tumor evolution. Although hidden genetic changes have been found in some trisomies, for example, mutations in KIT in acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) with +4 and in MET in hereditary papillary kidney carcinoma with trisomy 7, none associated with +8 have so far been discovered. To address this issue, we have investigated a total of 13 cases of AML, myelodysplastic syndromes, and chronic myeloproliferative disorders with trisomy 8 as the sole chromosomal anomaly. All cases were studied by combined binary ratio multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and with FISH using locus-specific probes for both arms of chromosome 8, the subtelomeric regions of 8p and 8q, and the leukemia-associated genes FGFR1, MOZ, ETO, and MYC. No cryptic changes were detected, thus excluding the possibility of gross genetic rearrangements or aberrations involving these loci on chromosome 8.  相似文献   
The OPAR mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against rat hepatocytes was previously shown to inhibit adhesion of TA3/Ha mammary carcinoma cells to hepatocytes. The antigen is abundantly present at the surface of hepatocytes beneath the endothelium of liver capillaries where we have observed invasion of carcinoma cells to occur. The OPAR mAb reacted with three major bands on a Western blot of liver plasma membrane proteins. The same proteins were also seen upon immunoprecipitation from iodinated liver plasma membrane proteins. We have isolated OPAR antigens by lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and OPAR affinity chromatography. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that two of the bands were 1-macroglobulin and C4-binding protein, which are serum components produced by hepatocytes. The presence of the epitope on distinct proteins and our previous observation that it can be detected in the Golgi apparatus but not in the endoplasmic reticulum, suggested that OPAR reacts with a liver-specific glycoconjugate. Loss of OPAR reactivity after neuraminidase and N-glycosidase F treatment showed that the epitope contains sialic acid residues on N-linked sugar moieties. OPAR also reacted with rat fibronectin, and inhibited adhesion of TA3/St cells to fibronectin. This explains the inhibition by the OPAR mAb of TA3/St cell adhesion to hepatocytes, which we have shown to be due mainly to interaction with hepatocyte surface-associated fibronectin. However, adhesion of the related TA3/Ha cells to hepatocytes, which is mediated by the 6P4 integrin, and does not involve binding to fibronectin, is also inhibited. This suggests that 64 on liver-metastasizing carcinoma cells binds to an OPAR epitope-carrying glycoprotein produced by hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) are increasingly explored as cellular vaccines for tumor immunotherapy. In most reported DC-based cancer vaccine trials, DC have been pulsed with soluble tumor antigen-derived peptide ligands of MHC molecules. Considering that the half-life of peptide/MHC complexes on the cell surface is relatively short and that soluble exogenous protein antigens cannot be efficiently processed via the MHC class I-processing pathway, the current vaccination procedure is not optimal for the induction of strong T cell responses aiming at tumor rejection. Recently, we have shown that antigen presentation can be prolonged when synthetic peptides were encapsulated in biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres (MS) for uptake by DC. In the present study, we investigated the phenotypic and functional consequences of MS uptake by human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC) in vitro. We found that immature MoDC that were prepared in serum free media suitable for clinical application were able to phagocytose high numbers of MS, while matured MoDC showed a reduced capacity for phagocytosis of MS. The ingestion of MS did not change the cell surface expression of CD80, CD83, CD86 and HLA-DR of immature and mature DC, suggesting that MS uptake did not induce DC maturation but that maturation by cytokines or LPS was unaltered in the presence of MS. Furthermore, MS-loaded mature MoDC expressed normal levels of the chemokine receptor CCR7 and migrated as efficiently towards CCL19 or CCL21 as unloaded MoDC. DC viability and the secretion of TNF-alpha and IL-12 was not significantly changed by MS loading. Taken together, our data indicate that PLGA-MS loading has no negative effects on the pivotal properties of MoDC in vitro. It should therefore be feasible to further develop this antigen loading strategy for clinical use in immunotherapy against viral infections and tumors.  相似文献   
Bone and soft tissue samples from 85 ancient Egyptian mummies were analyzed for the presence of ancient Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex DNA (aDNA) and further characterized by spoligotyping. The specimens were obtained from individuals from different tomb complexes in Thebes West, Upper Egypt, which were used for upper social class burials between the Middle Kingdom (since ca. 2050 BC) and the Late Period (until ca. 500 BC). A total of 25 samples provided a specific positive signal for the amplification of a 123-bp fragment of the repetitive element IS6110, indicating the presence of M. tuberculosis DNA. Further PCR-based tests for the identification of subspecies failed due to lack of specific amplification products in the historic tissue samples. Of these 25 positive specimens, 12 could be successfully characterized by spoligotyping. The spoligotyping signatures were compared to those in an international database. They all show either an M. tuberculosis or an M. africanum pattern, but none revealed an M. bovis-specific pattern. The results from a Middle Kingdom tomb (used exclusively between ca. 2050 and 1650 BC) suggest that these samples bear an M. africanum-type specific spoligotyping signature. The samples from later periods provided patterns typical for M. tuberculosis. This study clearly demonstrates that spoligotyping can be applied to historic tissue samples. In addition, our results do not support the theory that M. tuberculosis originated from the M. bovis type but, rather, suggest that human M. tuberculosis may have originated from a precursor complex probably related to M. africanum.  相似文献   
The inflammatory reactions following subcutaneous application of adjuvants revealed characteristic pathological patterns. The injection of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) resulted in the formation of large lipid deposits encircled by an inflammatory reaction and concentrically arranged collagen bundles. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) caused granulomatous aggregations of mononuclear cells with thrombotic vessel occlusions. Inoculation of the lipopeptide adjuvants induced accumulation of mononuclear cells with only minimal fibrotic changes which were resolved after day 28. Lipopeptide conjugates based on the head group tripalmitoyl-S-glyceryl-cysteinyl-serin (P3CS) can thus be used as effective immunogens and adjuvants without long-term tissue damage.  相似文献   
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