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Acetaldehyde, the first metabolite of ethanol, reacts with haemoglobinin vitro to produce acetaldehyde—haemoglobin adducts.Some clinical studies on the minor haemoglobins have suggestedthat these adducts may be formed in people abusing alcohol.Under hydrolysis of haemoglobin, with oxalic acid at 100°Cin sealed vials, some acetaldehyde was released and then specificallydetermined by HPLC. The kinetics of hydrolysis were studiedusing haemoglobin previously labelled with 14[C] acetaldehyde.The maximum liberation of 14[C] acetaldehyde was obtained after3 hr 30 min hydrolysis and this time factor was then utilizedin the analysis of alcoholic and control haemoglobin. Thus,we have confirmed the formation of acetaldehyde haemoglobinadducts in vivo. It must be noted that the released acetaldehydecorresponds only to an index of the stable adducts. The levelswere higher in alcoholics than in controls (1.417±0.171and 1.295±0.139 nmol/mg Hb, respectively, P<0.001).In conclusion, this marker is not a convenient tool for themonitoring of alcohol exposure levels because of the low differencesbetween alcoholic and control haemoglobins.  相似文献   
To determine the potential effect of screening on referral patterns, an adult population sample (4,404 men, 5,164 women, 20-69 years of age) was systematically recruited and screened for hypercholesterolemia and then analyzed by different cholesterol referral recommendations. Using levels suggested by the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL), 7.3% of men and 5.8% of women would be referred for follow-up. With the suggested recommendations of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), (greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL), 49.2% of men and 40.2% of women would be referred. The use of age-related definitions of the NIH Consensus Conference on Lipid Lowering results in 28.0% referrals in men and 21.8% in women. From this population, hypercholesterolemia subjects (greater than or equal to 265 mg/dL at screening; n = 624) were invited for a second cholesterol determination (58% returned), which found 36% below the 265 mg/dL level. Population screening for cholesterol is likely to produce large numbers of patients for follow-up, with the actual numbers strongly dependent on cutoff levels and age-sex distributions. Referral and follow-up of these patients may place a significant load on an unprepared health care community.  相似文献   
Post-traumatic retinal detachment occurs frequently as a late consequence of progressive vitreous changes, especially following penetrating injuries. Occasionally, it develops soon after the trauma, without preceding proliferative vitreoretinopathy, is based on posterior vitreous detachment and morphologically resembles an idiopathic retinal detachment. It is possible that the posterior vitreous detachment in these cases is encouraged by the presence of intravitreal hemorrhage.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The risk for allergic reactions depends on the sensitivity of individuals and the quantities of offending food ingested. The sensitivity varies among allergic individuals, as does the threshold dose of a food allergen capable of inducing an allergic reaction. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at determining the distribution of minimum provoking doses of hazelnut in a hazelnut-allergic population. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with a history of hazelnut-related allergic symptoms, a positive skin prick test to hazelnut and/or an elevated specific IgE level, were included. Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC) were performed with seven increasing doses of dried hazelnut (1 mg to 1 g hazelnut protein) randomly interspersed with seven placebo doses. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had a positive challenge. Itching of the oral cavity and/or lips was the first symptom in all cases. Additional gastrointestinal symptoms were reported in five patients and difficulty in swallowing in one patient. Lip swelling was observed in two patients, followed by generalized urticaria in one of these. Threshold doses for eliciting subjective reactions varied from a dose of 1 mg up to 100 mg hazelnut protein (equivalent to 6.4-640 mg hazelnut meal). Extrapolation of the dose-response curve showed that 50% of our hazelnut-allergic population will suffer from an allergic reaction after ingestion of 6 mg (95% CI, 2-11 mg) of hazelnut protein. Objective symptoms were observed in two patients after 1 and 1,000 mg, respectively. CONCLUSION: DBPCFCs demonstrated threshold doses in half of the hazelnut-allergic patients similar to doses previously described to be hidden in consumer products. This stresses the need for careful labelling and strategies to prevent and detect contamination of food products with hazelnut residues.  相似文献   
Polyploidization and centrosome hyperamplification in inflammatory bronchi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: Inflammatory and tumorous bronchi were screened in order to obtain new tumor relevant cytogenetic parameters. MATERIAL OR SUBJECTS: Bronchial cells of 32 patients were cultivated by standard cell culture procedures. METHODS: Tetraploidy and aneuploidy was determined by enumeration of chromosome 7 and 8 versus the number of centrosomes. The resulting data were correlated with histopathological data. RESULTS: Tetra- and aneuploidy of epithelial cells were detectable in 76% of tumor cell cultures, 75% of high grade inflammatory tissues and 40% of non- and low grade-inflammatory tissues. Additionally, we observed centrosome hyper-amplification and multipolar mitoses not only in the tumor but also in the early stages of inflammation. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory bronchi already show tumor-specific features and may consequently represent the preliminary genetic stage of cancer development in bronchi.  相似文献   
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