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Although matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation, time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has previously been reported for high throughput blood group genotyping, those reports are limited to only a few blood group systems. This review describes the development of a large cooperative Swiss-German project, aiming to employ MALDI-TOF MS for the molecular detection of the blood groups Rh, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNSs, a comprehensive collection of low incidence antigens, as well as the platelet and granulocyte antigens HPA and HNA, representing a total of 101 blood group antigens, encoded by 170 alleles, respectively. Recent reports describe MALDI-TOF MS as a technology with short time-to-resolution, ability for high throughput, and cost-efficiency when used in genetic analysis, including forensics, pharmacogenetics, oncology and hematology. Furthermore, Kell and RhD genotyping have been performed on fetal DNA from maternal plasma with excellent results. In summary, this article introduces a new technological approach for high throughput blood group genotyping by means of MALDI-TOF MS. Although all data presented are preliminary, the observed success rates, data quality and concordance with known blood group types are highly impressive, underlining the accuracy and reliability of this cost-efficient high throughput method.  相似文献   
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a key cause of hypertension and a potent independent risk for cardiovascular disease. Epidemiological studies suggest a strong genetic component determining susceptibility for renal disease and, by inference, the associated cardiovascular risk. With a subtotal nephrectomy model of kidney disease, we found the 129S6 mouse strain to be very susceptible to the development of hypertension, albuminuria, and kidney injury, whereas the C57BL/6 strain is relatively resistant. Accordingly, we set out to map quantitative trait loci conferring susceptibility to hypertension and albuminuria using this model with F2 mice. We found significant linkage of the blood pressure trait to two loci. At D11Mit143, mice homozygous for the 129S6 allele had significantly higher systolic blood pressure than mice heterozygous or homozygous for the C57BL/6 allele. Similarly, at D1Mit308, there was an excellent correlation between genotype and the blood pressure phenotype. The effect of the chromosome 11 locus was verified with a separate cohort of F2 mice. For the albuminuria trait, a significant locus was found at D11Mit143, which overlaps the blood pressure trait locus. Our studies have identified a region spanning approximately 8 cM on mouse chromosome 11 that is associated with susceptibility to hypertension and albuminuria in CKD.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of altered prednisolone kinetics in patients with the nephrotic syndrome and women taking oral contraceptive steroids on mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). After oral and iv prednisolone treatment, blood samples were collected over 24 h. The area under the plasma concentration vs. time curve (AUC) of unbound, transcortin- bound, and albumin-bound prednisolone was determined. All plasma samples were incubated with MLCs, and the area under the inhibition vs. time curve of the MLC (AUIC), a measure of the effect over time, was calculated. The steroid concentrations required to produce half-maximal inhibition (EC50) were calculated. The 10 women taking oral contraceptives had higher AUCs of unbound and transcortin-bound prednisolone than the 10 normal subjects. The mean biological effect (AUIC value) was more pronounced in women taking contraceptive steroids. An analysis of the concentration-response curves revealed that the EC50 values of total, but not unbound, prednisolone were higher in women taking contraceptives. Compared with the normal subjects, the 9 nephrotic patients had lower total and comparable unbound AUCs of prednisolone. The AUIC values were higher whereas the EC50 values of unbound and total prednisolone were lower in the nephrotic patients. These findings indicate that the increased steroid effect in women taking oral contraceptives is explained by higher concentrations of prednisolone, while the increased effect in nephrotic patients is not attributable to the abnormal kinetics or protein binding of prednisolone.  相似文献   


Complicated tibial fractures with severe soft tissue trauma are challenging to treat. Frequently associated acute compartment syndrome can result in scarring of muscles with impaired function. Several studies have shown a relationship between angiogenesis and more effective muscle regeneration. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is associated with angiogenesis but it is not clear whether it would restore muscle force, reduce scarring, and aid in muscle regeneration after acute musculoskeletal trauma.


Therefore, we asked whether local application of VEGF (1) restores muscle force, (2) reduces scar tissue formation, and (3) regenerates muscle tissue.


We generated acute soft tissue trauma with increased compartment pressure in 22 rabbits and shortened the limbs to simulate fracture débridement. In the test group (n = 11), a VEGF-coated collagen matrix was applied locally around the osteotomy site. After 10 days of limb shortening, gradual distraction of 0.5 mm per 12 hours was performed to restore the original length. Muscle force was measured before trauma and on every fifth day after trauma. Forty days after shortening we euthanized the animals and histologically determined the percentage of connective and muscle tissue.


Recovery of preinjury muscle strength was greater in the VEGF group (2.4 N; 73%) when compared with the control (1.8 N; 53%) with less connective and more muscle tissue in the VEGF group. The recovery of force was related to the percentage of connective tissue versus muscle fibers.


Local application of VEGF may improve restoration of muscle force by reducing connective tissue and increasing the relative amount of muscle fibers.

Clinical Relevance

VEGF may be useful to improve skeletal muscle repair by modulating muscle tissue regeneration and fibrosis reduction after acute trauma.  相似文献   
Early recognition of flap failure is the solution for flap salvage. Many methods have been used to monitor free flaps. The Licox Catheter pO 2 Micro-Probe instrument is used for continuous determination of oxygen partial pressure in body fluids (pO 2) and tissues (p tiO 2). Minimally invasive catheter microprobes are used as sensors. Based on our experiences with this kind of tissue-oxygen measurement and according to our clinical experience, the Licox catheter probe system was modified. An online alarm system was developed to inform medical staff at the exact moment when the Licox software detects a definite fall in the p tiO 2 level in the transferred flap tissue. This modified device not only allows staff-saving free flap monitoring but is also time saving and facilitates online monitoring with the possibility of an immediate surgical intervention if vascular impairment should occur. This is a relevant factor for the success of a surgical revision  相似文献   
Liver abscesses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical suspicion of a liver abscess mandates an investigation of the liver for evidence of a liver abscess by radionuclide, ultrasound, or CT scan. Amebic abscesses have a lower mortality rate than pyogenic abscesses. Amebic and pyogenic abscesses can be distinguished on the basis of epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory studies. The definitive studies for identifying amebic liver abscesses are hemagglutinin or gel diffusion studies. Amebic abscess of the liver may be complicated by extension to the lung, with pulmonary complications. Patients suspected to have amebic abscesses require metronidazole. Emetine or chloroquine may be added if there is no response or if the abscess recurs. Unless there is a failure of the amebic abscess to resolve or secondary infection occurs, there is seldom a need to aspirate or drain these abscesses. Pyogenic abscesses should be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics to cover gram-negative aerobes and anaerobic organisms. All pyogenic abscesses larger than 1.5 cm in diameter should be aspirated, and the aspirate should be Gram stained and cultured. Percutaneous or surgical drainage should then be performed. Operative intervention is required in those patients with intra-abdominal pyogenic infections that are seeding the liver abscess. The marked reduction in the mortality rate of pyogenic liver abscess witnessed in this decade is multifaceted and attributable in part to earlier diagnosis, permitting definitive treatment in a timely fashion, as well as to improved intensive unit care, antibiotic management, and operative technique.  相似文献   
We report the cases of five patients with lesions of benign reactive hyperplasia of the skin in the hip joint region. In view of the distinct clinical features, and in analogy with previously reported cases of acanthoma fissuratum, we termed this condition acanthoma supratrochantericum.  相似文献   
Summary Collagen metabolism was studied in fibroblasts grown from a skin biopsy specimen of a patient who presented the striking clinical features of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and, in particular, hyperextensibility of the skin, hypermobility of the joints, and kyphoscoliosis. A reduction in lysine hydroxylation, characteristic of Ehlers-Danlos Type VI, was observed after labelling of the collagen with 14C-proline and 3H-lysine. Other modifications in the collagen metabolism of fibroblast cultures were noted, including an increase in collagen and total protein synthesis, and an increase in both the Type I and Type III collagen. The percentage of Type III collagen was, however, lower than in the control fibroblasts. The results point out the complexity of collagen disturbances in Ehlers-Danlos Type VI.  相似文献   
The hippocampus is a prominent structure to study mechanisms of learning and memory at the cellular level. Long-term potentiation (LTP) as well as long-term depression (LTD) are the major cellular models which could underlie learning and memory formation. LTP and LTD consist of at least two phases, an early protein synthesis-independent transient stage (<4 h; E-LTP, E-LTD) as well as a prolonged phase (>4 h; L-LTP, L-LTD) requiring the synthesis of new proteins. It is known that during E-LTP the further induction of longer lasting LTP is precluded. However, if E-LTP is transformed into L-LTP, the same synapses now allow the induction of LTP again. We reproduced the LTP-results first and then investigated whether hippocampal LTP or LTD also prevents the establishment of subsequent LTD-induction in the same synaptic input. We show that the prior induction of LTP or LTD does not prevent a short-term depression (STD) but occludes LTD in apical dendrites of CA1 neurons in hippocampal slices in vitro during the early phase of LTP or LTD. However, LTD can again be induced in addition to STD after the establishment of L-LTP or L-LTD, that is about 4 h after the induction of the first event in the same synaptic input. We suggest that the neuronal input preserves the capacity for STD immediately after an initial potentiation or depression, but for the onset of additional longer lasting LTD in the same synaptic input, the establishment of the late plasticity form of the preceding event is critical.  相似文献   
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