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BACKGROUND: Little is known about parental experience and decision making with regard to premature infants requiring intensive care in developing countries. We undertook this study to characterise parents' experience of physician counselling and their role in making life-support decisions for very low-birth-weight (VLBW) (birth weight < 1 501 g) infants born in South Africa's public-sector neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). METHODS: Parents of surviving VLBW infants treated in three Johannesburg-area public hospitals and attending follow-up clinics in August 2001 were interviewed regarding their experience of perinatal counselling on outcomes (pain, survival, disability), perception of actual and optimal decision making, and satisfaction with NICU communication. RESULTS: Parents of 51 infants were interviewed. Seventy-five per cent of parents reported antenatal counselling by physicians on at least one perinatal topic (severe disability, pain, death, finances or religious/moral considerations). The majority of parents (> 60%) who received counselling thought that these topics had been discussed adequately. Most parents reported that doctors had the primary decision-making role, either without consulting them (41%) or after consulting them (37%). Joint decision making was rare (14%). Parents wanted more input in life-support decisions than they reported being given. CONCLUSION: Counselling is not consistently provided in public-sector hospitals in Johannesburg. Parents of premature infants want a larger share in NICU decision making than they currently experience. Most parents were satisfied with communication later during their infant's hospitalisation. South Africa presents a unique opportunity to study the use of advanced medical technologies in a nation with marked disparities in access to care.  相似文献   
We examined the time course effects of continuous PTH on cortical bone and mechanical properties. PTH increased cortical bone turnover and induced intracortical porosity with no deleterious effect on bone strength. Withdrawal of PTH increased maximum torque to failure and stiffness with no change in energy absorbed. INTRODUCTION: The skeletal response of cortical bone to parathyroid hormone (PTH) is complex and species dependent. Intermittent administration of PTH to rats increases periosteal and endocortical bone formation but has no known effects on intracortical bone turnover. The effects of continuous PTH on cortical bone are not clearly established. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty-four 6-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three control, six PTH, and two PTH withdrawal (WD) groups. They were subcutaneously implanted with osmotic pumps loaded with vehicle or 40 microg/kg BW/day human PTH(1-34) for 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 28 days. After 7 days, PTH was withdrawn from two groups of animals for 7 (7d-PTH/7d-WD) and 21 days (7d-PTH/21d-WD). Histomorphometry was performed on periosteal and endocortical surfaces of the tibial diaphysis in all groups. microCT of tibias and mechanical testing by torsion of femora were performed on 28d-PTH and 7d-PTH/21d-WD animals. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Continuous PTH increased periosteal and endocortical bone formation, endocortical osteoclast perimeter, and cortical porosity in a time-dependent manner, but did not change the mechanical properties of the femur, possibly because of addition of new bone onto periosteal and endocortical surfaces. Additionally, withdrawal of PTH restored normal cortical porosity and increased maximum torque to failure and stiffness. We conclude that continuous administration of PTH increased cortical porosity in rats without having a detrimental effect on bone mechanical properties.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine the most appropriate regression models to use when assessing risk factors for severe hypoglycaemia and to investigate the impact of model misspecification and its clinical implications. METHODS: A total of 1229 children with Type 1 diabetes (mean age 11.7 years sd 4.1), of which 605 (49.2%) were males, were studied. Prospective assessment of severe hypoglycaemia (an event leading to loss of consciousness or seizure) was made over the 9-year period, 1992-2001. Patients were seen every 3 months and episodes of hypoglycaemia along with clinical data were recorded. Over 70% of children never experienced a severe hypoglycaemic event. Data were analysed using the Poisson regression, negative binomial, zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) models. The over-dispersion and likelihood ratio statistics were calculated and the analytical methods compared. RESULTS: The Poisson regression model did not fit the data well. The negative binomial and the zero inflated Poisson and negative binomial models fitted the data better than Poisson. CONCLUSIONS: The commonly used Poisson regression models to analyse hypoglycaemia epidemiology may lead to biased parameter estimates and incorrect determination of risk factors for hypoglycaemia. We recommend the use of the negative binomial or zero inflated models to examine any risk factors associated with severe hypoglycaemia. Careful consideration must be given to the interpretation of hypoglycaemia surveys and their analysis.  相似文献   
Aims The Type 1 diabetes susceptibility locus, IDDM2, has been mapped to a variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) region 5′ upstream of the insulin (INS) and insulin‐like growth factor (IGF2) genes on chromosome 11p15. The function of the VNTR is uncertain; however, it may influence the thymic expression of the insulin gene and affect the development of immune self‐tolerance. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the INS VNTR region is a Type 1 diabetes‐specific locus or acting as a general autoimmunity gene. Methods We genotyped the INS‐IGF2 VNTR [using the surrogate INS?23 HphI single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)] in 823 Graves’ disease (GD)/multiple sclerosis (MS) families, 1433 GD/MS patients and 837 healthy control subjects. Results We found no evidence of excess transmission of the allele associated with Type 1 diabetes to individuals affected by GD or MS within the families. Analysis of the case–control dataset showed no genotypic or allelic difference between the two populations. Conclusions These data suggest that the INS‐IGF2 VNTR is acting as a Type 1 diabetes‐specific susceptibility gene rather than as an influence on general autoimmunity.  相似文献   
Exhaled breath condensate (EBC) provides a noninvasive means of sampling the lower respiratory tract. Collection of EBC might be useful in the assessment of airway oxidative stress in smokers. The aim of this study was to determine 8-isoprostane and hydrogen peroxide levels in EBC, and, in addition, to investigate the reproducibility of these measurements. EBC samples were collected from 12 healthy male smokers at three time points within 1 week. 8-isoprostane and H2O2 were measured in nonconcentrated EBC using immunochemical and colorimetric assays, respectively. 8-isoprostane and H2O2 were detected in only 36 and 47% of all EBC samples, respectively. It was not possible to calculate the within-subject variation in a reliable manner since only three of the 12 smokers exhibited detectable 8-isoprostane concentrations on all three occasions (mean 4.6 pg x mL(-1); range 3.9-7.7 pg x mL(-1)), whereas H2O2 could not be detected on all three occasions in any of the smokers. Spiking experiments revealed a recovery of 83.5-109.5% for 8-isoprostane and 69.9-129.0%, for H2O2 in fresh EBC samples. It was concluded that levels of 8-isoprostane and hydrogen peroxide cannot be reproducibly assessed in exhaled breath condensate from healthy smokers because of their low concentration and/or the lack of sensitivity of the available assays.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To describe investigation of a tightly clustered outbreak of invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) disease associated with a high mortality rate in a long-term care facility (LTCF). DESIGN: Cross-sectional carriage survey and epidemiologic investigation of LTCF resident and employee cohorts. SETTING: A 104-bed community LTCF between March 1 and April 7, 2004. PATIENTS: A cohort of LTCF residents with assigned beds at the time of the outbreak. INTERVENTIONS: Reinforcement of standard infection control measures and receipt of chemoprophylaxis by GAS carriers. RESULTS: Four confirmed and 2 probable GAS cases occurred between March 16 and April 1, 2004. Four case patients died. The final case occurred during the investigation, before the patient was determined to be a GAS carrier. No case occurred during the 6 months after the intervention. Disease was caused by type emm3 GAS; 16.5% of residents and 2.4% of employees carried the outbreak strain. Disease was clustered in 1 quadrant of the LTCF and associated with nonintact skin. GAS disease or carriage was associated with having frequent personal visitors. CONCLUSIONS: Widespread carriage of a virulent GAS strain likely resulted from inadequate infection control measures. Enhanced infection control and targeted prophylaxis for GAS carriers appeared to end the outbreak. In addition to employees, regular visitors to LTCFs should be trained in hand hygiene and infection control because of the potential for extended relationships over time, leading to interaction with multiple residents, and disease transmission in such residential settings. Specific attention to prevention of skin breaks and proper wound care may prevent disease. The occurrence of a sixth case during the investigation suggests urgency in addressing severe, large, or tightly clustered outbreaks of GAS infection in LTCFs.  相似文献   
Intracerebral and intramedullary schwannomas are uncommon; but, in general, spinal intramedullary schwannomas are more frequent than intracerebral schwanomas. We present a case of right lateral ventricle schwannoma in a 21-year-old man and review the associated literature. The 21-year-old right-handed man presented with loss of the left-eye vision approximately 8 months before referral to an ophthalmologist. The patient was immediately subjected to computed tomography (CT) scan, which showed an enhanced lesion with cystic component in the right occipital horn of the lateral ventricle. And consecutively, he was admitted to our department. The tumor was evacuated via craniotomy with marked improvement in his clinical state. The postoperative course was uneventful and postoperative CT control showed no residue. On MRI control no recurrence was noted after a follow-up period of 8 years. Intracerebral schwannoma is a rare, benign neoplasm. It is usually located superficially or adjacent to a ventricle. Characteristic imaging features include cyst formation, calcification, and evidence of peritumoral edema or gliosis. The recognition of this benign and potentially curable neoplasm and its differentiation from other neoplasms, some of which have less favourable outcomes, is of obvious importance.  相似文献   
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