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Effect of temperature, pH, and ions on sweet taste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of temperature (50 degrees C and 6 degrees C), pH (pH 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6. 0, and 7.0) and the addition of monovalent and divalent cations (5 mM Na(+), 5 mM K(+), and 5 mM Ca(2)+ ) on the sweetness intensity ratings of sweeteners ranging widely in chemical structure. A trained panel provided intensity evaluations for prototypical tastes (sweet, bitter, sour, and salty) as well as aromatic and mouth-feel attributes. The following sweeteners were included in this experiment: three sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), three terpenoid glycosides (monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, rebaudioside-A, stevioside), two polyhydric alcohols (mannitol, sorbitol), two dipeptide derivatives (alitame, aspartame), two N-sulfonylamides (acesulfame-K, sodium saccharin), one sulfamate (sodium cyclamate), one protein (thaumatin), one dihydrochalcone (neohesperidin dihydrochalcone), and one chlorodeoxysugar (sucralose). Two to five levels of each sweetener reflecting a range of sweetness intensities were tested, using formulae developed by DuBois et al. The main finding from this three-part study was that temperature, pH, and ions had little effect on perceived sweetness intensity. Even when significant differences were found in the temperature study, the effects were very small.  相似文献   
Summary Fenfluramine, an amphophilic compound which is a halogenated derivative of amphetamine, is still used as an anorectic agent for weight reduction, as it acts on the satiety center of the hypothalamus. Holtzman strain rats aged 6 days were daily injected s.c. fenfluramine hydrochloride at the dose of 75 mg/kg body weight. The animals were killed at different time intervals between days 7 and 40, and different parts of the brain were examined by light and electron microscopy. About half of the animals showed intralysosomal membrano-cytoplasmic bodies in the oligodendroglia, neurons, and neuropil, maximally in the animals receiving 8–19 injections. They were seen as concentrically arranged, single-layered lamellae; small dense bodies; or larger heterogeneous bodies. The mechanism of production of such inclusions could be the formation of complexes of this amphophilic compound with tissue phospholipids, or some enzyme-inhibiting action. A marked prominence of dark cells, predominantly oligodendroglia, was also noticed in the brains of experimental animals. Some of these cells appeared to be dark neurons, probably resulting from the serotonin-depleting effect of fenfluramine. A few dark cells were identified as resting microglial cells, while macrophagic reactive microglia were detected in the brains of very young animals. Fenfluramine appears to provide a model for studying neuroglial reactions.Paper presented at the Erwin Riesch symposium on Lysosomal Disorders of the Nervous System, Berlin (Convenor, Prof. Cervos-Navarro); and as poster-talk at the 9th International Congress of Neuropathology, Vienna, September 1982  相似文献   
The clinical profile of typhoid fever in an infant is variable and non-specific. A rare case of typhoid fever in a 7 month old infant is reported. The child presented with only a day's history of fever and loose motions which resulted in severe dehydration, acute tubular necrosis and death. The diagnosis of typhoid fever was made only on post-mortem study. The problem in diagnosing typhoid fever in a young infant is highlighted with a brief literature review on the subject.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Patients with major fracture/soft-tissue injuries are at risk for adult respiratory distress syndrome after secondary infection. Fracture fluids (FF) are rich in neutrophil (PMN) -specific chemokines such as interleukin-8. PMN respond to both interleukin-8 and bacterial stimuli with calcium ([Ca2+]i) fluxes, which can initiate respiratory burst (RB). We hypothesize that small amounts of FF entering the circulation could exaggerate PMN [Ca2+]i and RB responses, potentially increasing the risk of adult respiratory distress syndrome. METHODS: FF were obtained from 10 patients at open fixation of the femur 2 to 5 days postinjury. Volunteer PMN were isolated and loaded with fura dye. PMN were preincubated either in 30% autologous plasma (AP)/70% buffer, or in 5% FF/25% AP/70% buffer. Cells were resuspended in buffer with 1,2,3-dihydrorhodamine and stimulated with low-dose n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). [Ca2+]i was assayed by fura fluorescence at 505 nm after excitation at 340/380 nm. RB was assessed by 1,2,3-dihydrorhodamine fluorescence at 530 nm after 488 nm excitation. RESULTS: PMN basal [Ca2+]i was higher after FF incubation than AP incubation (94+/-12 vs. 61+/-9 nmol/L, p = 0.0002). Peak [Ca2+]i response to fMLP was 475+/-47 nmol/L after FF but only 356+/-22 nmol/L after AP (p = 0.01). Two hundred seconds after fMLP, [Ca2+]i remained higher after FF (172+/-17 vs. 145+/-9 nmol/L, p = 0.04). Basal RB was slightly higher after FF than AP (13.4+/-0.3 vs. 11.3+/-0.3 units, p = 0.051) as was the maximal rate of extracellular oxidant release (1.10+/-0.17 vs. 0.76+/-0.16 units/s, p = 0.004) and total oxidant production (42.5+/-0.8 vs. 31.7+/-0.8 units, p = 0.006). CONCLUSION: Small amounts of FF in plasma can exaggerate PMN [Ca2+]i flux and RB responses to subsequent bacterial stimuli. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that release of FF into the circulation primes PMN and, thus, may predispose to adult respiratory distress syndrome. Such PMN priming events might have important implications for both the operative and medical management of patients with major fractures.  相似文献   
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