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The aim of the present investigation was to determine whether the difference in inflammatory tissue reaction between the Riccinus communis (castor) polymer with calcium carbonate and the titanium implant is statistically significant.


Thirty-two Cavia porcellus were allocated into four groups of eight animals each. We implanted the two types of materials in the retroperitoneal space of all the animals. They were euthanized at 7, 20, 30 and 40 days after surgery, and an histological study of the samples was conducted.


All implants showed characteristics of chronic inflammation regardless of the material and timepoint of evaluation. There was no statistically significant difference between Pm+CaCO3 and Ti with regard to the presence of granulation tissue, tissue congestion, histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, giant cells, and fibrosis (P> 0.05).


The castor oil polymer plus calcium carbonate implant was not statistically different from the titanium implant regarding inflammatory tissue reaction.  相似文献   


Recently, there has been speculation about the possibility of fusing intestinal tissue using bipolar sealing devices. In this study we compare in a porcine model the anastomoses created using the LigaSure® device with those created with a stapler after section and closure of a rectal stump.


Thirty pigs underwent laparoscopic colorectal anastomosis. In group A (n = 15), the division of the intestine and distal stump closure were done with a 10-mm LigaSure Atlas® device. In group B, these steps were carried out using an endoscopic stapler. Subsequently, the colorectal anastomosis was performed using circular stapling in both groups. The 4-week follow-up included health status, weight gain, blood tests, X-rays, and colonoscopy. Anastomotic tissue was processed to study the mechanical tensile strength and histopathology.


There was no difference in the rate of conversion to open surgery or in average operating time between the groups. In the sealing device group, there was a significantly higher rate of failure in rectal stump closure (p = 0.042). There was one death in group B due to anastomotic leak. There was no difference in adhesion formation or stenosis. Mid-section anastomosis area was 89.7 mm2 in group A compared with 100 mm2 in group B (p = 0.52). In tensile strength studies, the maximum load resisted by the sample was 13.8 ± 4.9 N (group A) versus 15.7 ± 4.4 N (group B) (p = 0.17). There was no difference between the groups in degree of reepithelialization, number of inflammatory cells, or the presence of microabscesses.


Division and sealing of the rectal stump with the LigaSure® device is feasible in the proposed experimental model, but it is less reliable than conventional closure with a stapler, since it has a significantly greater failure rate. Therefore, The LigaSure® device should not be used for this purpose in the clinical setting as this could lead to serious and dramatic complications.  相似文献   
AIM: To identify their diagnostic and prognostic clinical characteristics in a large series.METHODS: Retrospective review of clinicopathologic and imaging characteristics of patients diagnosed with lymphoepithelial cysts and cystic lymphangiomas of the pancreas at Massachusetts General Hospital.RESULTS: Twelve patients were identified between 1/1/1997 and 8/1/2007. Their median age was 55.5 years(range 19-78 years), and 6 were females. The le-sion was incidentally discovered in half of the patients.Contrast enhanced computed tomography demonstrat-ed that the cysts had thin walls, without calcifications, pancreatic duct dilation or pancreatic parenchyma inva-sion. Endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration(EUS/FNA) confirmed the diagnosis of a lymphoepithe-lial cyst in 3 patients, one of whom was spared an op-eration and continues to do well after 6 years. Eleven patients had a resection: 3 pancreaticoduodenecto-mies, 7 distal pancreatectomies, and 1 enucleation. The median size of the cysts was 3 cm(range 2-20 cm). At a median follow-up of 57 mo no recurrences or other pancreas-related conditions occurred.CONCLUSION: Lymphoepithelial cysts and cystic lymphangiomas of the pancreas can be diagnosed with a combination of contrast-enhanced computed tomog-raphy scans and EUS/FNA. If the lesion is asymptom-atic, an operation might be avoided.  相似文献   
The aim of this report was to evaluate the effectiveness of the endoscopic treatment of colonic polyps to allow secondary prophylaxis in order to prevent the onset of cancer arising from adenomas. From October 2002 to January 2004 we performed 487 colonoscopies on a patient group with the following indications: screening prior to kidney transplant; screening for colorectal cancer (patients positive at faecal occult blood testing); follow-up of patients who had undergone colonic resections for colorectal cancer; patients with other diseases. Colorectal polyps were diagnosed in 15 males and 15 females, with a mean age of 63 years. All the neoplasms were resected during colonoscopy and specimens sent for histological study. The histological examinations yielded the following results: 4 hyperplastic polyps; 9 tubular adenomas (6 with mild, 2 with mild-to-moderate, and 1 with severe dysplasia); 8 tubulo-villous adenomas (3 with mild, 1 with mild-to-moderate, and 4 with moderate dysplasia); 4 villous adenomas (3 with mild and 1 with severe dysplasia); 1 adenocarcinoma; 1 inflammatory polyp; in 3 cases we were unable to retrieve the polyps after polypectomy. Colonoscopic detection of a neoplasm allows us to remove it and send to the pathology laboratory for definitive histological diagnosis. Moreover, snare polypectomy can be a radical treatment for dysplastic polyps without stromal axis and basal membrane infiltration. We therefore conclude that colonoscopy allows not only early diagnosis of colonic neoplasms, but also radical curative treatment in the early stages.  相似文献   
Summary β-thromboglobulin (BTG) and fibrinopeptide A (FpA) were studied in 68 non-insulin dependent diabetic patients (NIDD) aged 32–81 with a mean duration of diabetes of 9±0.8 SEM years and 44 healthy controls, comparable for age and sex. Diabetic patients were subdivided into subsets according to the presence of microvascular disease, macrovascular disease or the absence of these lesions. Patients with microangiopathy (micro- and/or macrovascular disease) had higher HbA (p<0.01), higher blood pressure (p<0.05) than both healthy controls and uncomplicated diabetics. Plasma BTG was higher in diabetic patients than in healthy controls (p<0.02), and was higher in complicated than in non-complicated diabetic subjects. Fpa was higher in complicated than in non-complicated diabetes (p<0.05). No differences were observed between the two subsets of complicated patients. In conclusion, we have shown that increased plasma- and platelet-BTG levels are present in non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects, with normal renal function and that plasma BTG is higher in patients with than in those without vascular disease. Fibrinopeptide A, a sensitive marker ofin vivo fibrin formation, was significantly increased in NIDD with vascular complications. This study was supported by the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Grant N. 184066 and by the National Research Council of Italy,Progetto Finalizzato di Medicina Preventiva e Riabilitativa, Sottoprogetto 4.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the prevalence of common and/or internal carotid stenoses together with metabolic abnormalities in dementia nineteen patients were investigated. Dementia and differential diagnosis between Alzheimer type (DAT) and multi-infarctual (MID) dementia were performed on the basis of Computerized Tomography scan, behavioural anamnesis, neurological and neuropsychological examinations. Eight patients were diagnosed as MID and 11 as DAT. Noninvasive study of neck arteries was performed in supine position by a Duplex Scanner, able of detecting a wide range of stenosis, even when very mild. Arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and high hematocrit level were present in both groups, although to a higher extent in MID (p 0.05). Results from Duplex Scanner demonstrate 12 vascular stenoses 16-49% and one between 50-99% (13/76), being vascular abnormalities equally distributed among DAT and MID patients. These data suggest that patients with metabolic abnormalities and arteriosclerosis can develop dementia not necessarily of vascular type. On the other hand, MID patients do not present higher number of stenosis as compared to DAT, indicating that vascular disease of carotid arteries is not prominent in the clinical context of dementia.  相似文献   
Chemotherapy‐induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a frequent adverse event. Nutritional status can become impaired in cancer patients, potentially contributing to neuropathy's evolution. Our aim was to evaluate serum micronutrients and prealbumin in a cohort of 113 solid‐cancer patients receiving platinum and taxane compounds during the development and recovery of neuropathy, up to 1 year after finishing treatment. CIPN was graded according to Total Neuropathy Score© and NCI.CTCv3 at T0 (baseline), T1 (1–3 months), and T12 (12 months) after chemotherapy. CIPN was classified as asymptomatic (< grade 2) or symptomatic (≥2). CIPN recovery was defined as ≥1 grade improvement at T12. Symptomatic CIPN developed in 52% of patients. Symptomatic patients presented a higher increase in TNSc (p < 0.001), in TNSr© (p < 0.001), and decrease in sural (p < 0.001) and radial nerve conduction (p < 0.001). No significant differences with any of the micronutrients were observed along T0‐T1 period between severity or chemotherapy groups. By T12, symptomatic patients without recovery had a decrease in vitamin E levels (p = 0.019) and prealbumin (p = 0.062) compared with those symptomatic that improved. A correlation between the variation of vitamin E and prealbumin at T0‐T1 (r = 0.626, p = 0.001) and T1‐T12 (r = 0.411, p = 0.06) was observed. After chemotherapy treatment, the improvement of patients displaying symptomatic neuropathy is related to vitamin E and prealbumin serum levels. Our results suggest that nutritional status can play a role in CIPN recovery.  相似文献   


A diet with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation has been reported to reduce renal and cardiac diseases. This study sought to elucidate whether PUFAs derived from plant or marine oils could have beneficial effects on the progression of experimental chronic renal failure (CRF).


Experimental CRF was achieved by a 5/6 nephrectomy model. Male Wistar rats were divided into groups and given daily supplements of fish oil (group FO), flaxseed oil (group FXO), or soybean oil (control?Cgroup SO) for 30?days. Serum creatinine (sCr), 24-h proteinuria, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and creatinine clearance (CLcr) were measured at day 0 and 30?days after surgery when the rats were euthanized for histological analysis of the remnant kidney.


After 30?days, we observed lower levels of sCr in the groups supplemented with PUFA when compared with the control group (FO: 0.92?±?0.13; FXO: 1.06?±?0.28; SO: 1.32?±?0.47?mg/dL) and significantly slower variations of sCr (??sCr) in the groups treated with PUFAs (FO?=?0.35?±?0.16; FXO?=?0.47?±?0.31; OS?=?0.72?±?0.43; mg/dL, P?=?0.041). Similarly, the CLcr of both of the groups that received PUFAs was significantly slower than the rats in the control group (FO: 0.45?±?0.15; FXO: 0.60?±?0.09; SO: 0.28?±?0.06?mL/min/day; P?=?0.01). The rats that received PUFA supplements also presented significantly less histological lesions compared with the control group.


These results suggest a beneficial effect of dietary supplementation with flaxseed or fish oil in rats with CRF.  相似文献   


In renal cell carcinoma (RCC), lymph node status at preoperative imaging is affected by a non-negligible false-positive rate. We aimed to investigate which factors are related to a concordance between clinical suspicion and pathological confirmation of lymph node invasion (LNI).


At a single tertiary care institution, 2954 RCC patients underwent either partial or radical nephrectomy. For the aim of the study, only clinically positive lymph node cases were included (cN1). Statistical analyses assessed the concordance between preoperative and pathological nodal status.


Preoperative axial CT scans revealed 424 (14.4 %) patients showing at least one enlarged lymph node suspected for LNI (cN1). All lymphadenopathies were removed at surgery, and LNI was pathologically confirmed (pN1) in 122 patients (28.8 %). When focusing the analyses on clinical characteristics (variables known before surgery), metastases at diagnosis [OR 3.0 (95 %1.9–4.8), p < 0.001] and tumor size [OR 1.1 (95 % 1.1–1.2), p < 0.001] were the two most informative predictors of concordance between clinical and pathological nodal status. Concordance was also more likely in patients with papillary type II tumors (55.6 %) relative to papillary type I (38.1 %), clear cell (27.7 %) and chromophobe (8.3 %) tumors. At multivariable analyses, none of the considered blood markers resulted to be independently associated with LNI.


Roughly 70 % of patients showing a suspected lymph node preoperatively do not show LNI at the final pathological report. Among patients with clinically positive nodes, clinical tumor size and metastases at diagnosis represent the most informative and independent predictors of confirmed LNI at final pathology.
We present the efficacy and safety of the use of remifentanil for intubation, sedation and analgesia in a preterm infant during mechanical ventilation for respiratory distress syndrome. A 34-week-old baby, born by cesarean delivery that developed respiratory distress, required intubation and ventilatory support. For intubation, the baby was given midazolam (0.2 mg.kg(-1)) and remifentanil (1 microg.kg(-1)). The intubation conditions were assessed and classified as excellent. The remifentanil infusion was started at dose 0.75 microg.kg(-1).min(-1) and the dose adjustments were made depending on the neonatal infant pain scale (NIPS), hemodynamic and respiratory changes or the presence of spontaneous movements. Pulse oximetry, respiratory rate, ECG and invasive blood pressure were continuously monitored. He was given surfactant within 2.5 h of life after which ventilator parameters could be progressively decreased. Three hours later, the remifentanil infusion was decreased to 0.5 microg.kg(-1).min(-1), and he remained sedated (NIPS < 2). Six hour after surfactant administration, blood gases and chest X ray were normal. The remifentanil infusion was then discontinued and 30 min later the baby was awake and extubated with success. There were no side effects after intubation or during the continuous infusion. The profile of remifentanil allowing a rapid recovery, the absence of side effects and a good level of sedation and analgesia support the choice of this opioid for sedation in the NICU.  相似文献   
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