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In 2003 through 2005, the California Statewide Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program developed an educational delivery system, through partnerships with six AHECs and state organizations concerned with emergency preparedness, to train for public health emergency preparedness the health professionals who practice primarily in the state's medically underserved areas. Four educational modules--General Emergency Preparedness, Bioterrorism, Chemical and Radiologic Agents, and Emerging Infections--were developed and delivered by a trained, multidisciplinary, community-based faculty. The authors discuss the organization, partnerships, curriculum, faculty, characteristics of trainees, outcomes of the program, effects for AHECs, and the evaluation used to commit the organization and program process to the intended program objectives during the two-year period. Over 9,000 health professionals attended one or more of the 462 educational presentations. Approximately one third of attendees were physicians, and 82% of the learners were from sites that typically care for the underserved. Important to the success of the program (which still continues in a revised form) were the types of partnerships, an orientation of the curriculum to all-hazards disaster preparedness, the delivery of educational sessions at clinical sites, and the increased capacities of community AHECs to facilitate continuing professional education. The challenges were the diminished role of a key partner organization, uncertainties within the funding agency, and the widespread geographic area to address.  相似文献   
Hypothesis: Does occupational exposure to solvents in combination with alcohol intake give rise to acquired color vision defects? Method: A total of 138 individuals exposed to solvents (toluene, xylene, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene) were examined using Lanthony’s D-15 test and compared with 100 nonexposed controls. The extent of color vision loss was quantitatively assessed based on Bowman’s color confusion index (CCI). A cumulative exposure index was calculated from the hours of exposure per day and the years of exposure. In 30 persons who were exposed to trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene, urinary trichloroacetic acid was assessed as a parameter of exposure. Alcohol intake was calculated as based on interviews of patients in grams of ethyl alcohol per week. Results: Individuals who consumed more than 250 g alcohol/week and were simultaneously exposed to solvents showed a significantly elevated CCI (P = 0.0044). No significant correlation emerged between trichloroacetid acid excretion in the urine or the cumulative exposure index and the CCI. Conclusion: The combination of alcohol intake and occupational exposure to solvents discloses the risk of acquired subclinical color vision defects.  相似文献   
Details of the cellular and biochemical mechanisms involved in focal destruction of bone at sites of tumor osteolysis are unknown. It has been shown that tumors from sarcoma (2472) cell lines induce focal osteolysis in mice by stimulating formation and activation of osteoclasts. In this report, the influence of 2472 tumors on the skeletons of osteoclast-deficient animals (op/op) was studied. After op/op femora had been inoculated with 2472 cells, tumors developed and focal osteolysis occurred. There were more osteoclasts per histologic section in sham-injected femora (19 ± 5) than in tumor-bearing femora (412 ± 129) (p < 0.05). The size of the osteoclasts also increased from 304 ± 81 μm2 in sham-injected limbs to 407 ± 62 μm2 in tumor-bearing limbs (p < 0.001). Conditioned media from 2472 op/op tumor explants contained macrophage colony-stimulating factor. A deficiency of osteoclasts in op/op mice is the result of the absence of this factor; therefore, these data introduce the possibility that macrophage colony-stimulating factor derived from 2472 tumor may be responsible for directing osteoclast-mediated osteolysis at sites of the tumor.  相似文献   
A comparison study of dynamic visual acuity (DVA) was conducted using samples of nonathletic college students and college baseball players. The experimental population consisted of 17 male baseball players ranging in age from 19-24 years. The control population was made up of 25 male graduate students ranging in age from 23-29 years. Subjects reported the direction of a 20/25 "Landolt C" target exhibiting uniform angular motion produced by a projection system. Angular target velocities between 10 deg/sec and 110 deg/sec with an exposure time of 400 ms were used. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups' DVA. The mean DVA for the baseball players was 82.35 deg/sec and 69.90 deg/sec for the control group.  相似文献   
Atypical sexual behavior during sleep   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: This article reports a case series of atypical sexual behavior during sleep, which is often harmful to patients or bed partners. METHODS: Eleven subjects underwent clinical evaluation of complaints of sleep-related atypical sexual behavior. Complaints included violent masturbation, sexual assaults, and continuous (and loud) sexual vocalizations during sleep. One case was a medical-legal case. Sleep logs, clinical evaluations, sleep questionnaires, structured psychiatric interviews, polysomnography, actigraphy, home electroencephalographic monitoring during sleep, and clinical electroencephalographic monitoring while awake and asleep were used to determine clinical diagnoses. RESULTS: Atypical sexual behaviors during sleep were associated with feelings of guilt, shame, and depression. Because of these feelings, patients and bed partners often tolerated the abnormal behavior for long periods of time without seeking medical attention. The following pathologic sleep disorders were demonstrated on polysomnography: partial complex seizures, sleep-disordered breathing, stage 3 to 4 non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep parasomnias, and REM sleep behavior disorder. These findings were concurrent with morning amnesia. CONCLUSIONS: The atypical behaviors were related to different syndromes despite the similarity of complaints from bed partners. In most cases the disturbing and often harmful symptoms were controlled when counseling was instituted and sleep disorders were treated. In some cases treatment of seizures or psychiatric disorders was also needed. Clonazepam with simultaneous psychotherapy was the most common successful treatment combination. The addition of antidepressant or antiepileptic medications was required in specific cases.  相似文献   
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