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Reproductive factors and breast cancer: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Despite extensive research, there is still uncertainty on the separate effects of parity and age at first birth on breast cancer risk. Thus, information on these variables from formal epidemiological articles published in English since 1970 is reviewed in the present article. Among 26 studies considered, one found no significant association with either variable, seven showed an association between age at first birth but not parity and breast cancer risk, six an association with parity but not age at first birth, and in twelve studies both variables appeared to be independently related with breast cancer risk. Various reasons for these apparent differences can be considered, including heterogeneity between various populations (for instance, the proportion of multiparous women in studies showing no association with parity tended to be higher than in studies finding an inverse relation with parity), criteria for selection of cases and controls, influence of age and other covariates (among which the interval between pregnancies is of particular interest) and, of course, the role of chance. The data reviewed suggest, from an aetiological viewpoint, that both parity and age at first birth have some independent effect on breast carcinogenesis. From a public health viewpoint, however, it appears that the importance of age at first birth is greater, since the trend is linear across subsequent age levels, while the protection of parity seems to be quantitatively relevant only for women with four or five births or more.
Fortpflanzungsfaktoren und Brustkrebs: eine Übersicht
Zusammenfassung Trotz intensiver Forschung bestehen immer noch Zweifel über die einzelnen Auswirkungen von Parität und Alter bei der Erstgeburt auf das Brustkrebsrisiko. Deshalb werden in diesem Artikel die Arbeiten, welche seit 1970 in Englisch veröffentlicht worden sind, analysiert. Von den 26 berücksichtigten Studien fand eine keine eindeutige Beziehung zu diesen beiden Variablen. Sieben wiesen eine Beziehung mit dem Alter bei der Erstgeburt nach, jedoch nicht mit der Parität. Sechs fanden einen Zusammenhang mit der Parität, aber nicht mit Alter bei Erstgeburt und aus 12 Studien ging hervor, dass beide Faktoren unabhängig voneinander mit dem Brustkrebsrisiko verbunden sind. Es gibt verschiedene Hypothesen, diese Diskrepanzen zu erklären, darunter auch die Verschiedenartigkeit in den untersuchten Bevölkerungen (so lag z.B. die Proportion der Frauen mit mehreren Geburten in jenen Studien, die nicht mit Parität verbunden sind höher, als in jenen, welche eine Verbindung zur Parität fanden), die Auswahlkriterien für Fälle und Kontrollen, der Einfluss des Alters und von anderen Variablen (wobei der Zeitabstand zwischen den Schwangerschaften besonders interessant ist) und natürlich die Rolle des Zufalls. Die gesichteten Resultate deuten vom ätiologischen Sichtpunkt darauf hin, dass Parität und Alter bei der Erstgeburt unabhängig voneinander das Brustkrebsrisiko beeinflussen. Die Beziehung zwischen dem Alter bei der Erstgeburt und der Brustkrebshäufigkeit scheint, vom Standpunkt der Sozialmedizin aus, jedoch von grösserer Bedeutung zu sein, da das Risiko in jeder Altersklasse linear ansteigt. Der Schutzeffekt der Parität hingegen ist erst von der vierten oder fünften Geburt an nachzuweisen.

Les facteurs reproductifs et le cancer du sein: un résumé
Résumé Malgré des recherches approfondies, des doutes subsistent quant aux effets de parité et d'âge à la première naissance sur le risque du cancer du sein. Différents travaux parus en anglais depuis 1970 sont analysés dans cet article. Des 26 études analysées, une seule ne démontrait pas d'association. Sept ont montré une association avec l'âge à la première naissance mais pas avec la parité. Six ont démontré une association avec la parité mais non avec l'âge à la première naissance et 12 études ont montré une influence indépendante de ces deux facteurs sur le risque de cancer du sein. Différentes hypothèses peuvent être considérées pour ces différences apparentes, y compris l'hétérogénéité entre les populations étudiées (par exemple la proportion de femmes multipares est plus élevée dans les études démontrant une association avec la parité que dans celles avec une relation inverse), la sélection des cas et des témoins, la structure de l'âge, ainsi que d'autres facteurs comme par exemple l'intervalle entre les grossesses et bien sûr le hasard. Ces données laissent apparaître que la parité, ainsi que l'âge à la première naissance, peuvent influencer d'une manière indépendante le risque du cancer du sein. La corrélation entre l'âge à la première naissance et le cancer du sein est très importante pour la santé publique, étant donné que le risque augmente avec chaque classe d'âge, tandis que la parité n'a un effet protecteur qu'à partir de la quatrième ou de la cinquième naissance.
Streptococcus pyogenes protein H (sph) is an immunoglobulin-binding protein present in the Mga regulon of certain M1 serotype isolates. Although sph is present in many strains, it is frequently not expressed. In this paper we show that protein H was highly expressed after bacteria were injected into the skin of mice and were recovered from the blood, kidney, or spleen at various times postinfection. The percentage of protein H-positive colonies increased with time, reaching 100% in the spleen and kidney within 24 to 72 h postinfection. The up-regulation of sph expression was also observed in a mga mutant.  相似文献   
Comparison of field and vaccine strains of Australian fowlpox viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. The mild fowlpox vaccine, FPV M, widely used in Australia is composed of two predominant genotypes based upon differences identifiable in restriction enzyme analyses of plaque purified derivatives of this vaccine. The differences, where identifiable, were in the end fragments of the genomes. Five field isolates of FPV from chickens in New South Wales showed restriction enzyme profiles closely related to the more virulent (standard) vaccine strain, FPV S. The FPV S strain differs from FPV M in both terminal genome fragments and in the presence of a PstI fragment of approximately 10kb (this fragment was also present in PstI digests of all of the field isolates). Plaque purified derivatives of FPV M showed similar lesion development upon inoculation into the wing web of chickens. The field isolates showed significantly higher virulence in day-old and three-week-old chickens in comparison with FPV M. One field isolate was similar to the FPV S vaccine. Two isolates had slowly developing wing web lesions, caused significant secondary lesions in three-week-old chickens and generalised poxvirus infection when inoculated into day-old chickens. For two isolates, the primary wing web lesion took even longer to develop and resolve although these isolates did not cause generalised poxvirus infection. It was possible to identify four virulence/pathogenicity types amongst these vaccine and field isolates of FPV. These strains may allow the characterisation of FPV encoded virulence factors. The field strains with higher virulence may be suitable as parent strains for the construction of FPV recombinants with enhanced immune responses to co-expressed vaccine antigens when compared with current FPV M strain based recombinants. Received July 19, 1996 Accepted September 26, 1996  相似文献   
The beta antigen expressed on the surfaces of certain strains of group B streptococci has been reported to bind to the Fc region of human immunoglobulin A (IgA). In this study, we screened 100 isolates of group B streptococci for expression of both beta antigen and IgA-Fc-binding activity. We identified two isolates which expressed the beta antigen but could not bind human IgA Fc fragments and also observed variability in IgA-Fc-binding activity among other beta-antigen-expressing strains. Novel low-molecular-weight forms of beta antigen were secreted by four beta-antigen surface-negative isolates and included IgA-Fc-binding (Mrs, 55,000 and 53,000) and non-IgA-Fc-binding (Mr, 38,000) molecules. These results suggest that the IgA-Fc-binding site represents a unique domain of the beta antigen. The 55,000- and 53,000-Mr forms of secreted beta antigen were functionally and antigenically representative of the size-heterogeneous (Mr, up to 145,000) beta-antigen molecules expressed by surface-positive strains. The cell surface-localized IgA-Fc-binding molecules could bind only human serum IgA efficiently; however, once solubilized, these molecules could bind both human serum and secretory IgAs.  相似文献   
Plasma immunoglobulin concentrations in twins   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A study has been made of the similarity of concentrations of IgG, IgA and IgM in twins. The results provide evidence for the genetic control of all three immunoglobulins in adolescence, but in adults genetic control was demonstrable only for IgG in males. The findings suggest that although genetic factors regulating all classes of immunoglobulin levels in adults cannot be excluded by this study, if such factors do exist their effects are relatively small or are confined to certain individuals. This conclusion suggests that immunoglobulin concentrations in healthy adults will not form useful indices of future susceptibility to genetically determined diseases of immunity.  相似文献   
Malignant ovarian tumours of the fibrothecoma group are rare. The clinicopathological features of a case of ovarian malignant fibrothecoma in which there was metastatic disease in the small intestine and peritoneum at presentation are described. A number of differential diagnoses were considered but positive immunohistochemical staining of the resected ovarian and small intestinal neoplasms with anti-inhibin was of value in confirming a sex cord-stromal tumour and in excluding other lesions. The two tumours were also ultrastructurally identical. Classical malignant fibrothecomas are said to show four or more mitotic figures per 10 high power fields (HPF). Although the intestinal secondary was mitotically active, the primary ovarian tumour contained only one to two mitoses per 10 HPF, showing that formal mitotic counts are not an absolute indicator of malignant behaviour in this group of tumours.  相似文献   
We report that the tumor neurosis factor homolog APRIL (a proliferation-inducing ligand) stimulates in vitro proliferation of primary B and T cells and increases spleen weight due to accumulation of B cells in vivo. APRIL functions via binding to BCMA (B cell maturation antigen) and TACI (transmembrane activator and CAML-interactor) and competes with TALL-I (also called BLyS or BAFF) for receptor binding. Soluble BCMA and TACI specifically prevent binding of APRIL and block APRIL-stimulated proliferation of primary B cells. BCMA-Fc also inhibits production of antibodies against keyhole limpet hemocyanin and Pneumovax in mice, indicating that APRIL and/or TALL-I signaling via BCMA and/or TACI are required for generation of humoral immunity. Thus, APRIL-TALL-I and BCMA-TACI form a two ligands-two receptors pathway involved in stimulation of B and T cell function.  相似文献   
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