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Acetaldehyde, the first metabolite of ethanol, reacts with haemoglobinin vitro to produce acetaldehyde—haemoglobin adducts.Some clinical studies on the minor haemoglobins have suggestedthat these adducts may be formed in people abusing alcohol.Under hydrolysis of haemoglobin, with oxalic acid at 100°Cin sealed vials, some acetaldehyde was released and then specificallydetermined by HPLC. The kinetics of hydrolysis were studiedusing haemoglobin previously labelled with 14[C] acetaldehyde.The maximum liberation of 14[C] acetaldehyde was obtained after3 hr 30 min hydrolysis and this time factor was then utilizedin the analysis of alcoholic and control haemoglobin. Thus,we have confirmed the formation of acetaldehyde haemoglobinadducts in vivo. It must be noted that the released acetaldehydecorresponds only to an index of the stable adducts. The levelswere higher in alcoholics than in controls (1.417±0.171and 1.295±0.139 nmol/mg Hb, respectively, P<0.001).In conclusion, this marker is not a convenient tool for themonitoring of alcohol exposure levels because of the low differencesbetween alcoholic and control haemoglobins.  相似文献   
Polyploidization and centrosome hyperamplification in inflammatory bronchi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: Inflammatory and tumorous bronchi were screened in order to obtain new tumor relevant cytogenetic parameters. MATERIAL OR SUBJECTS: Bronchial cells of 32 patients were cultivated by standard cell culture procedures. METHODS: Tetraploidy and aneuploidy was determined by enumeration of chromosome 7 and 8 versus the number of centrosomes. The resulting data were correlated with histopathological data. RESULTS: Tetra- and aneuploidy of epithelial cells were detectable in 76% of tumor cell cultures, 75% of high grade inflammatory tissues and 40% of non- and low grade-inflammatory tissues. Additionally, we observed centrosome hyper-amplification and multipolar mitoses not only in the tumor but also in the early stages of inflammation. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory bronchi already show tumor-specific features and may consequently represent the preliminary genetic stage of cancer development in bronchi.  相似文献   
The in vitro activities of povidone iodine, potassium peroxymonosulfate, and dimethyldidecylammonium chloride were investigated against 379 nosocomial isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa responsible for surgical wound infections in patients operated on between July 1995 and June 2001. Overall, the isolates were inhibited by the antiseptics at concentrations below those used routinely. In spite of increasing resistance to the various antibiotics used to treat surgical wound infections, no significant variation in the susceptibility to antiseptics was demonstrated during this 6-year study. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The responses of mice to the mite allergen Der p 1 have been used to study the mechanisms of allergic sensitization and the development of new types of immunotherapy. Many of the studies require a knowledge of the T cell epitopes, and because Der p 1 is polymorphic, the effect of natural amino acid substitution in the allergen. The intranasal administration of peptides containing T cell epitopes can induce a mucosal tolerance but it is not known if the major activity is limited to stimulatory peptides and if, as found for autoimmunity, some epitopes are not inhibitory. OBJECTIVE: To determine and compare the sequences of Der p 1 which contain stimulatory epitopes for the high responding H-2(b) and H-2(q) mice and the sequences which induce tolerance by intranasal administration of peptides. METHODS: T cell responses of mice immunized with Der p 1 were measured by in vitro T cell stimulation assays so an extensive study of epitope recognition and intranasal tolerance could be made. Synthetic peptides were used to examine the stimulatory and inhibitory ability of all Der p 1 sequences and to map the major H-2(b) epitope in detail. This included the effect of the common polymorphic amino acid 124 substitution found within this epitope. RESULTS: Three and two regions, respectively, were found to contain stimulatory T cell epitopes for H-2(b) and H-2(q) mice. The peptides in these regions were also the most active at inducing intranasal tolerance for the responding haplotype. The correspondence between inhibitory and stimulatory peptides was maintained for the fine mapping of the major H-2(b) epitope. This was found about a core region of 118-126 which was overlapping but separate to a consensus sequence for the binding of endogeneous peptides. Peptides with alanine at the naturally polymorphic residue 124 stimulated and inhibited responses to Der p 1 more effectively, while peptides with the valine 124 variant were immunogenic but poorly cross-reactive. CONCLUSIONS: The intranasal administration of peptides representing each of five epitopes recognized by two strains of mice were able to induce mucosal tolerance and the major tolerizing activity was limited to these epitopes. The position of the core major epitope for C57 mice, which differs from a previously predicted epitope, and its specificity for the natural alanine 124 variant is described.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the rate of occupational sensitization to horse hair in grooms and whether occupational exposure to horse hair increases respiratory and allergic symptoms and affects lung function in grooms or not. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. Two hundred grooms were randomly selected among 1000 grooms working in Veliefendi Hippodrome of Istanbul. One hundred and twenty-five subjects agreed to enter the study. Ninety-two workers who worked in the different parts of this hippodrome enrolled as the control group. A detailed questionnaire including respiratory and allergic symptoms was filled in, physical examination, skin prick tests and pulmonary function tests were performed. RESULTS: Sensitization to horse hair was 12.8% in grooms and 4.3% in controls. The difference was statistically significant (P = 0.0035). Asthma was found in 14.4% of the grooms and 5.4% of the controls, allergic rhinitis in 42.4% of the grooms and 18.4% of the controls, allergic conjunctivitis in 35.2% of the grooms and 15.2% of the controls, and allergic skin diseases in 32.8% of the grooms and 13% of the controls. The differences were statistically significant (P = 0.043, P = 0.0002, P = 0.001 and P = 0.0008, respectively). The means of FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FVC parameters were significantly lower in the groom group (P = 0.006, P = 0.001 and P = 0.003, respectively). In the multivariate analysis, being in the groom group and working years were found to be predictive factors for impairments of lung function (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: Occupational exposure to horse increases the sensitization to horse hair, induces asthma and allergic symptoms and also impairs lung functions.  相似文献   
Summary In cases where a reconstruction of defects in the larynx, oral cavity, the pharynx or in the ear region has been performed using skin flaps, a temporary fistula is formed at the point of entry.This fistula can be closed later after the flap has taken and the flap pedicle dissected.We would like to demonstrate with some examples that with the use of deepithelisation it is possible to achieve a primary wound closure. This way no temporary fistula results and additional surgery is avoided in many cases.Furthermore flap deepithelisation offers a way to bring good vascularised tissue under the skin and cover subcutaneous defects, for example those after radiotherapy.

Die Veröffentlichung des Manuskripts soll in Laryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg) erfolgen  相似文献   
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