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Microthrombosis may be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiac microangiopathy due to diabetes.Recent studies have shown that fibrinogen-like protein 2 (fgl2) plays a pivotal role in microthrombosis in viral hepatitis, acute vascular xenograft rejection and cytokine-induced fetal loss syndrome.The current study was designed to examine the expression of fgl2 in microvascular endothelial cells and investigate the effects of microthrombi due to fgl2 on cardiac function and structure in rats with type 2 diabetes.Following induction of type 2 diabetes, 24 rats were observed dynamically.Fgl2 expression and related cardiac microthrombosis were examined.Local or circulating TNF-α was measured.Coronary flow (CF) per min was calculated as an index of cardiac microcirculation.Cardiac function and morphology were evaluated.It was found that Fgl2 was highly expressed in cardiac microvascular endothelial cells of rats with type 2 diabetes, which was promoted by local or circulating TNF-α.The Fgl2 expression was associated with cardiac hyaline microthrombosis.In parallel with the fgl2 expression, CF per min, cardiac diastolic or systolic function and cardiac morphology were aggravated to some extent.It was concluded that in rats with type 2 diabetes, microthrombosis due to fgl2 contributes to the impairment of cardiac diastolic or systolic function and morphological changes.  相似文献   
人巨细胞病毒在冠心病发病中的意义及致病机制的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的 :探讨人巨细胞病毒 (HCMV)在冠心病 (CHD)发病中的意义及可能的致病机制。方法 :对 CHD(80例 )包括急性冠状动脉事件患者 (A组 ,5 9例 )和症状稳定患者 (B组 ,2 1例 ) ,和非 CHD患者 (对照组 ,2 6例 )进行外周血 HCMV- Ig M、Ig G、C-反应蛋白 (CRP)检测。结果 :HCMV - Ig M阳性率、Ig G阳性率、CRP阳性率及CRP均值在 CHD组与对照组间差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,在 A组与对照组间差异有非常显著性意义 (P<0 .0 1) ,而 B组与对照组间差异无显著性意义 (P>0 .0 5 )。CRP均值在急性心肌梗死中明显高于不稳定心绞痛(P <0 .0 5 )。 A组中 HCMV- Ig M与 CRP间存在相关性 (r =0 .336 )。结论 :HCMV的感染与激活在 CHD的急性冠状动脉事件发病中具有一定意义 ,其发病机制与急性炎症反应有关。外周血 HCMV- Ig M及 CRP检测可作为急性冠状动脉事件早期诊断指标之一 ,定量 CRP检测可作为病情发展判断指标之一。  相似文献   
本文通过总结 11例肠道蛔虫症的声像图特征 ,旨在探讨B型超声对肠道蛔虫症的诊断价值。1 资料与方法本组为我院 1996年 2月至 2 0 0 2年 10月间诊断为肠道蛔虫症的患者 11例 ,其中女 5例 ,男 6例 ;年龄 6~ 47岁 ,均因急性腹痛做腹部超声检查 ,发现结肠蛔虫症 4例 ,小肠蛔虫症 7例。其中伴肠管普遍淤张者 3例 ,结合临床症状及其他检查诊断为蛔虫性肠梗阻。使用仪器为美国DiasonicSynergy彩色超声诊断仪 ,探头频率为 3 .5MHz ,经腹直接扫查 ,典型声像图拍片记录。2 结果本组 11例患者均因急腹症来做超声检查 ,临床症状以下腹部阵发性绞痛…  相似文献   
邓荷萍  李徽  张文云 《临床荟萃》2005,20(19):1124-1125
患儿,女,4岁,主因发热伴双髋关节疼痛7天就诊.查体:体温39℃,脉搏120次/min,血压120/80mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),营养精神可,发育正常.咽部充血,颌下淋巴结肿大,扁桃体Ⅰ度肿大,口角糜烂,口腔内见溃疡面,双肺呼吸音粗,心率120次/min,律齐,无杂音,腹部检查无异常.双髋关节压痛,双髋、双膝关节伸屈、外展及内收活动疼痛加剧, “4”字征阳性.X线提示双侧髋关节各组成骨无骨折征,胸片未见明显异常.  相似文献   
To develop a more efficient antithrombotic way after coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG),the anticoagulant effects were compared of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor(TFPI) gene transfection and aspirin oral administration(traditional method) on vein grafts.An eukaryotic expression plasmid pCMV-(Kozak) TFPI was prepared.Animal model of carotid artery bypass graft-ing was constructed.In operation,endothelial cells of vein grafts in TFPI group and empty plasmid control group were transfected with pCMV-(Kozak) TFPI and empty plasmid pCMV respectively,while no transfection was conducted in aspirin control group.After operation,aspirin(2 mg·kg-1·d-1) was administered(i.g.) in aspirin control group.Three days later,grafts(n=10) were harvested for RT-PCR,Western blotting and immunohistochemical analyses of exogenous gene expression and for pathological,scanning electron microscopic observation of thrombus.Thirty days later,the patency rates of remnant grafts(n=10) were recorded by vessel Doppler ultrasonography.Human TFPI gene products were detected in gene transferred vein grafts.Three days later,thrombi were found in 7 animals of aspirin control group and in 8 animals of empty plasmid control group,but in only 1 of TFPI group(P<0.01).Thirty days later,5 grafts were occluded in empty plasmid control group,but none of grafts was occluded in the other groups(P<0.05).The endothelial surfaces of grafts in both of the control groups were covered with aggregated erythrocytes and platelets,and it were not seen in TFPI group.It was suggested that the anticoagulant effects on vein grafts of human TFPI gene trans-fection are better than those of aspirin.  相似文献   
心肌对比超声心动图(myocardial contrast echocar-diography,MCE)即心肌声学造影,是继右心系统(右房、右室)造影之后、能够应用于左心系统(左心腔和心肌)的心脏声学造影领域的一门新技术,是声学造影技术的发展与完善。  相似文献   
心脏外伤的超声心动图特征及其诊断价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨心脏外伤的超声心动图显像特征,评价其诊断心脏外伤的临床价值。方法:对11例心脏外伤患者的经胸超声心动图图像特征进行回顾性分析,并与手术结果相对照。结果:11例患者中,超声心动图检出心包积液5例,室间隔穿孔4例,游离壁损伤1例,室壁瘤3例,假性室壁瘤1例,瓣膜损伤2例,心腔内血栓1例。与手术结果对照,超声心动图除对游离壁损伤检出率低(20%)外,对其余损伤的敏感性和特异性均为100%。结论:超声心动图可及时准确地诊断心脏外伤,并能为手术治疗提供可靠信息。  相似文献   
目的探讨高频超声加水囊衬垫法在锤状指诊断中的应用价值。方法对锤状指患55例及30例正常人手指伸肌腱进行超声观察。结果发现高频超声加水囊衬垫法比不加水囊,能够更清晰地显示正常人手指伸肌腱,对锤状指患具有一定声像图特点。结论高频超声加水囊衬垫诊断手指伸肌腱断裂是一种简便、有效的辅助检查方法。  相似文献   
病例1,男,1岁5个月.主因四肢力弱10个月,运动发育迟缓5个月人院(临床以先天性肌营养不良收住院).10个月前家长发现其四肢无力,能独坐,1岁时扶助下可站立,现1岁5个月不能独站、走,智力发育正常.自幼体弱,易感冒,家族中  相似文献   
目的探讨原发性肺动脉恶性肿瘤的超声心动图特征。方法分析我院确诊的2例肺动脉肿瘤病例的超声心动图特点,并对国内外相关文献进行回顾分析。结果2例肺动脉肿瘤超声心动图的直接征象为实质性回声充填肺动脉干管腔,其中1例延伸至左、右肺动脉,另1例突入右室流出道并破坏肺动脉壁;间接征象为肺动脉高压引起的右心增大,右室壁肥厚。彩色多普勒显像仅见残余管腔的血流信号。病理检查证实前例为恶性间质瘤,后1例为平滑肌肉瘤。结论超声心动图是无创性评价肺动脉肿瘤的敏感检查方法,并可与肺动脉血栓进行初步鉴别。  相似文献   
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