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目的建立有效的脂质体瞬时转染法,转染小分子干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA),沉默大鼠神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)内甲基磺酸敏感蛋白2(Methyl Methanesulfonate Sensitive 2,MMS2)的表达。方法设计并化学合成针对MMS2基因的3对siRNA分子序列,采用阳离子脂质体法瞬时转染NSCs,运用实时荧光定量PCR检测NSCs内MMS2基因mRNA的表达。结果 MMS2-siRNA对大鼠NSCs内MMS2基因的沉默效果在转染后36 h达到最大抑制作用;3对特异性MMS2-siRNA序列均有效地抑制了MMS2基因的表达,沉默效率分别为siRNA_A(58±5)%、siRNA_B(64±6)%、siRNA_C(84±3)%,与空白对照组相比均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);siRNA_C沉默效率最高。结论靶向MMS2基因的siRNA分子片段可以有效地抑制NSCs内MMS2基因的表达,为后续相关研究提供实验方法。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   
脑血管疾病在我国居于死亡原因的第 3位 ,许多研究表明其主要危险因素是动脉粥样硬化 (As) ,在形成 As的各种因素中血脂代谢异常及血浆纤维蛋白原 (Fig)含量增高起重要作用。本文通过对脑出血 17例 ,脑梗死 2 7例及对照组 2 1例的血脂成分及 Fig含量的检测 ,探讨血脂 ,载脂蛋白及 Fig与脑血管病的关系 ,现报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 :44例脑血管病病人均为 1999的 9月至 2 0 0 0年 6月本院住院病人 ,均为发病后 72 h内入院的病例 ,分为脑出血组 17例 ,男 10例 ,女 7例 ,年龄 39~ 72岁 ,平均 (6 1.5± 6 .2 )岁。脑梗死组 2 7例 ,…  相似文献   
急性脑血管病伴发糖尿病高渗性昏迷21例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病高渗性昏迷又称高渗性非酮症性糖尿病昏迷 ,诱发因素较多 ,脑血管病为其诱发因素之一 ,,尤以重症脑血管病意识障碍、并发肺部感染、使用甘露醇、速尿后等多见。本病若不及时诊治 ,病死率极高。现将我院 1997年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 1月住院的 2 1例急性脑血管病伴发糖尿病高渗性昏迷报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :2 1例中男 13例 ,女 8例 ;年龄 5 1~ 82岁 ,平均 6 7岁。符合脑血管病诊断要点 [1 ] ,并经头颅 CT或 MRI证实 :脑出血 6例 (其中丘脑出血 1例 ,出血量为 10 ml;基底节区出血 4例 ,出血量为 10~ 5 0 m l;脑叶出血 1例…  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   
目的 探讨颈内动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作 (TIA)病人的血液流变学和脑血流速度的改变及其临床意义。方法  6 0例颈内动脉系统 TIA病人均在末次发作后 2 4h内进行血液流变学和脑血流速度测定。结果  1病人组的全血粘度、血浆粘度、红细胞压积及红细胞聚集性各指标均明显增高 ,与正常对照组比较有显著性差异 ;2绝大多数患者脑动脉有严重狭窄或痉挛存在 ,从而引起脑血流速度的改变。结论 血液粘度增高、颅内动脉的狭窄或痉挛引起的血流动力学障碍是导致颈内动脉系统短暂性脑缺血发作的两种机理  相似文献   
帕金森病(PD)是一种常见的神经系统变性疾病,其病理改变的最大特点是病变只侵犯中脑的多巴胺(DA)能神经元,导致纹状体内DA的减少从而引起运动迟缓,静止性震颤,肌肉强直等锥体外系症状。自20世纪90年代初开始应用胎儿脑组织移植治疗PD以来,已有大约350例患者接受了胎脑移植手术[  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   
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