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Whether early massive bronchoalveolar lavage can remove the harmful substances from the lungs injured with smoke inhalation remains uncertain. This study was designed to observe the effects of early massive bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) on the healthy lungs in rats. Methods: Mongrel dogs were inflicted with severe smoke inhalation injury.. The injured lungs were lavaged with large amount of normal saline in the first hour after injury and the BALF was collected. The BALF was injected into the healthy lungs of 30 rats (group C) in the dosage of 5 ml/kg. The functions and pathological changes of the lungs were observed 24 h after perfusion with the BALF. The data were compared with those of 23 rats (group B) whose lungs were perfused with the BALF collected from normal dogs and those of 21 rats (group A) whose lungs were perfused with normal saline. Results: The mortality rate 24 h after lung perfusion was higher in group C than in groups A and B. The survivors of group C exhibited fluctuation of respiratory rate (RR), remarkable decrease of PaO2, significantly higher content of lung water, decrease of total static pnlmonary, compliance and pulmonary expansion index, and increasse of inflammatory cytokines in the tissues of lungs. Only slight mechanic obstructive effect on the airway was observed in rats of group A and B. The pathological changes of the lungs of the rats in group C were similar to those of the dogs with actual smoke inhalation injury.. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that the BALF collected from dogs with acute severe smoke inhalation injury, in the early stage after injury injured the normal lungs of rats with the bioactive substances in the BALF. These findings show us that it is a valuable therapeutic procedure to apply massive bronchoalveolar fluid lavage in the early stage after inhalation injury.  相似文献   
近年来,越来越多的人意识到“洁牙”对牙齿健康的重要,洗牙的确有益于牙齿健康,但由于洗牙治疗的特殊性——即洗牙过程中会随时出血并对患者造成一定程度的不适感等,并不是“每人、随时”都能接受洗牙治疗。据专家介绍,患有下列疾病或处于某种状态的人群不适合接受常规洗牙的治疗:  相似文献   
在10例ATP降压成年病人中测量了动脉血ATP代谢产物尿酸的浓度。结果示ATP平均用量324.5士102.25mg时,血尿酸浓度无明显变化。  相似文献   
我院遇一例多发伤并四个器官功能衰竭患者,抢救成功,现报告如下。临床资料患者,男,46岁。因从10m高处坠落致肝脾破裂,右侧4、7、8、9肋骨骨折伴血胸,胸4骨折伴截瘫及创伤性休克7小时入院。术前无心肺肝肾疾病。行脾切除术,肝修补术及右侧胸腔闭式引流术...  相似文献   
未来10年,对癌症和艾滋病患者治愈率的重大变化预期不会发生,许多仍不能治愈的疾病会引起强烈痛苦是不争的事实.姑息医学涉及的对象除晚期癌症患者外,还包括艾滋病、神经病理性疼痛等终生难愈性疼痛的控制.由于艾滋病的传染特性和神经病理性疼痛的症状单一性与晚期癌症患者的表现差别很大,医护干预的原则大不相同,通常所指的姑息医学仅针对晚期癌症病人[1].  相似文献   
静注高张氯化钠液对心钠素及肾素一血管紧张素系统的影响文亮,毕敏本文研究了硬膜外阻滞下静注7.5%氯化钠对心钠素及肾素-血管紧张素系统的影响。病例选择选择患者14例,年龄47~58岁,体重56~63kg,随机分为静注高张氯化钠组(HS组)和静注生理盐水...  相似文献   
呼吸末CO2分压(PETCO2)监测具有无创、简便等优点,能准确评估控制呼吸患者动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)水平。硬膜外阻滞患者使用镇痛镇静药物及麻醉平面过高后出现呼吸抑制时如何监测尚缺理想方法。经鼻导管监测PETCO2是否会受上呼吸道死腔气体稀释影响而失去与PaCO2的良好相关性?以及PETCO2与脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)监测关系怎样?至今未见报道。本文旨在研究这一问题并对监测中的注意事项作一些探讨。资料和方法选择心肺功能正常的成年硬膜外阻滞患者,分为A、B两组。A组18例,阻滞平面为T3…  相似文献   
本文较详细地介绍了目前国内外学者关注的兴奋性氨基酸的神经毒性作用及其在缺血缺氧性脑损伤中的作用机理,认为钙内流介导了兴奋性氨基酸递质在缺血缺氧性脑损伤中的毒性作用,且进一步阐明了兴奋性氨基酸递质诱发钙内流的主要途径,总结和探讨了兴奋性氨基酸受体拮抗剂在保护缺血缺氧性脑损伤方面的作用及其今后的发展前景。  相似文献   
缺血再灌注对脑组织钙和线粒体钙含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用“四动脉闭塞法”制成兔全脑缺血再灌注损伤模型,测其脑组织钙和线粒体钙含量变化。结果揭示:脑组织钙和线粒体钙在长时间缺血后虽有增加,但升高主要发生在再灌注期,这与我们用焦锑酸钾组化技术观察到的细胞内钙沉集情况和超微结构改变规律一致,证实钙在缺血再灌注脑损伤中具有重要作用。文中探讨了钙的内流途径和细胞损伤机制,对脑复苏治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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