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Objectives To discuss The clinical effect study of 10 cases modified Sigma rectum pouch after radical cystectomy.Methods 10 male patients had been performed modified Sigma rectum pouch from Jan.2006 to Jan.2008.A segment of Sigmoid colon was folded and a longitudinal incision about 25cm Was made on the Sigmoid wall and the incision was sutured so as to form a low pressure pouch.The ends of the 2 ureters were anastomosed to - gether to form a big nipple and Wag then drawn into the top of the pouch for 2~3cm and the ureteroSigmoidostomy was accomplished.Results The operative time of modified Signm rectum pouch took 60min.10 cases had been followed up for 5~24months with a mean of 16 months and good urinary continence without acid - base dysequilibri - um.A slight unilateral hydronephrosis occurred in 1 cage.Conclusions The method is the character of short time,a few complication good continence,as well as ,according with physiological requirement.The life quality of patients would be markedly improved.  相似文献   
坐骨神经痛是以沿坐骨神经通路及其分布区内的阵发性或持续性疼痛为主要表现的周围性神经疾病。笔在临床实践中,用青州白丸子加味治疗坐骨神经痛20例,获得满意效果,现报告如下。  相似文献   
Objectives To discuss The clinical effect study of 10 cases modified Sigma rectum pouch after radical cystectomy.Methods 10 male patients had been performed modified Sigma rectum pouch from Jan.2006 to Jan.2008.A segment of Sigmoid colon was folded and a longitudinal incision about 25cm Was made on the Sigmoid wall and the incision was sutured so as to form a low pressure pouch.The ends of the 2 ureters were anastomosed to - gether to form a big nipple and Wag then drawn into the top of the pouch for 2~3cm and the ureteroSigmoidostomy was accomplished.Results The operative time of modified Signm rectum pouch took 60min.10 cases had been followed up for 5~24months with a mean of 16 months and good urinary continence without acid - base dysequilibri - um.A slight unilateral hydronephrosis occurred in 1 cage.Conclusions The method is the character of short time,a few complication good continence,as well as ,according with physiological requirement.The life quality of patients would be markedly improved.  相似文献   
目的探讨后腹腔镜治疗肾囊肿的疗效。方法应用腹腔镜后腹腔入路治疗肾囊肿。结果肾囊肿去顶术16例全部成功,术中失血少,疼痛轻,恢复快。结论后腹腔镜是治疗肾囊肿方法中的最佳选择,效果令人满意。  相似文献   
患者 ,男 ,2 7岁。因右侧睾丸增生肿大 5年 ,加剧 2个月 ,于 1 998年 9月 1 4日入院。2月前因左大腿慢性骨髓炎行手术探查 ,术中发现左腿部肿瘤 ,行放射治疗。体检 :右睾丸肿大约 5cm× 4cm,质硬 ,有沉重感 ,透光试验阳性。 B超检查左睾丸 3.9cm× 2 .8cm× 1 .7cm,回声均匀 ,光点细密 ;右睾丸4.4cm× 2 .7cm× 2 .5cm,包膜完整 ,其内可见一3.0 cm× 2 .4cm低回声光团 ,边界清 ,回声尚均匀 ;腹膜后未见异常光团。血甲胎蛋白 <1 0 μg/L,人绒毛膜促性腺激素 <1 μg/L,血红蛋白 1 2 7g/L,白细胞 3.8× 1 0 9/L,诊断为右睾丸肿瘤。 9月 2 4晨…  相似文献   
目的确保电磁辐射环境安全,保障公众身体健康。方法依据国家相关标准规定的方法,对广州市部分典型输变电工程的无线电干扰电磁辐射水平进行调查。结果110kV高压输变电线路无线电干扰值为34.0-44.7dB,220kV高压输变电线路无线电干扰值为37.2-51.4dB。结论广州市输变电工程的无线中干扰符合国家标准的要求,对环境安全和人体健康不会造成不利影响。  相似文献   
目的 确保电磁辐射环境安全,保障公众身体健康。方法 依据国家相关标准规定的方法,对广州市部分典型输变电工程的无线电干扰电磁辐射水平进行调查。结果 110kV高压输变电线路无线电干扰值为34.0~44.7dB,220kV高压输变电线路无线电干扰值为37.2~51.4dB。结论 广州市输变电工程的无线中干扰符合国家标准的要求,对环境安全和人体健康不会造成不利影响。  相似文献   
我国科技学术期刊编排中较普遍存在论文页码的分散跳页排印的情况,而国外出版的学术期刊很少采用页码转接的方式,并且在有些篇尾页空白很大(超过2/3)的情况下也未跳页转接。分析科技学术期刊论文页码分散跳页的缺点,强调学术期刊应避免论文页码转接编排的观点,并提出避免页码转接的一些措施。  相似文献   
“基于……的……”论文题名模式在科技期刊论文中使用频次较高。从信息传达的有效性角度,分析“基于……的……”论文题名模式的优点及其信息构成,认为该类题名能传达更具体、新颖、独特和有用的论文信息内容,并提出相关建议,以避免对此题名模式的滥用。  相似文献   
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