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Objective: To compare the clinical outcome of anterolateral minimally invasive approach versus conventional posterior approach for total hip replacement against femoral neck fractures in elderly patients.
Methods: The retrospective study was carried out on 42 patients who suffered from displaced femoral neck fractures (19 cases of Garden type Ⅲ, 23 cases of Garden type Ⅳ) treated by total hip replacement via anterolateral minimally invasive approach or conventional posterior approach by the same experienced surgeon. The average age of the patients was 78.1 years (range: 65-89 years). They were divided into anterolateral mini-invasive group (22 cases) and posterior group (20 cases). The mean time of follow-up was 13 months (range: 6-36 months). The anterolateral approach described by Hardinge goes through between anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of the gluteus medius muscle, reaching the femoral neck from anterior capsule. The traditional posterior approach described by Moore (Southern incision) goes through the insertions of short external rotation muscles, reaching the femoral neck from posterior capsule. The related variables under observation were length of incision, operation time, postoperative limp, length of hospital stay and bed stay and dislolcation rate.
Results: The length of the skin incision varied between 7 cm and 12 cm with the anterolateral minimally invasive technique, compared to 15-22 cm in the conventional procedure. It took less time (average 15 minutes) to complete the anterolateral minimally invasive approach (72 15 min), compared with the conventional approach (87 min ±10 min). The average Harris hip score was 91.23±10.20 in anterolateral approach, 90.03±11.05 in the posterior approach. The average length of hospital stay for patients with the anterolateral approach was (6.4±2.2) days (range: 4-9 days), while that in posterior approach was (9.2 ±3.1) days (range: 6-13 days). The average length of bed stay was (3.4±1.1) days (range: 2-5 days) in anterolateral group and (6.2±2.8) days (range: 3-10 days) in posterior group. No patients in anterolateral group experienced dislocation. One (5%) hip in posterior approach had dislocation. Conclusions: Anterolateral mini-invasive approach can decrease trauma, operation time, length of hospital stay and bed stay and rehabilitation time. The stability and minimal muscular damage permit the acceleration of postoperative rehabilitation, which can subsequently reduce the perioperative risk in the treatment of femoral neck fractures in the elderly undergoing total hip replacement.  相似文献   
多药耐药(MDR)是导致肿瘤化疗失败的一个重要原因[1].大量研究表明[2,3],骨肉瘤多药耐药与P-糖蛋白(P-gp)、多药耐药相关蛋白(MRP)、谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)、DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅱ(Topo Ⅱ)等异常表达有关,我们应用蛋白质组学方法筛选耐药细胞与亲本细胞中差异表达的蛋白.  相似文献   
To evaluate the feasibility of the pedicle screw pilot holes placement in thoracic spine using the spiral wires as the guide pin.  相似文献   
自2019年12月以来,新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎(COVID-19)疫情暴发并向全国蔓延。相较于严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)冠状病毒,2019-nCoV致死率更低,但却具有更高的传染性和致病力。截至2020年2月22日24时,累计报告确诊病例76936例(武汉36174例)[1];截至2月11日,全国医务人员感染3019例[2],远远超过了"非典"疫情感染人数。骨盆、髋臼骨折是创伤救治中最为复杂的病情之一,其发生率约占全身骨折的3%[3]。骨盆、髋臼骨折常发生于高能量损伤,容易合并大出血、重要脏器损伤等严重情况,病死率一直居高不下[4]。病毒流行为疫区骨盆、髋臼骨折院前急救、急诊诊疗、手术策略、麻醉和围手术期管理等医务工作带来了巨大挑战。在疫情流行期间,为了降低骨盆、髋臼骨折救治过程中患者之间、患者与医务人员之间、医务人员相互之间交叉感染的风险,提高骨折预后水平,需要通过多学科协作,统筹传染病和骨盆、髋臼骨折的诊疗方案,制定严密的诊疗计划,降低疾病的致残率和致死率。为响应党中央号召,科学战"疫",坚决打赢这场疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战,根据《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)》,结合肺炎防治和创伤救治相关诊疗指南[5,6,7,8,9,10],特制定此诊疗专家共识,以规范COVID-19疫情期间骨盆、髋臼骨折的诊疗,提高治愈率,降低交叉感染的风险。  相似文献   
青霉RA18菌株发酵过程中前体苯乙酸维持浓度的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青霉RA18菌株发酵过程中前体苯乙酸维持浓度的初步研究孙大辉,孙克俭(哈尔滨制药厂,哈尔滨150086)Preliminarystudyonthemaintainingconcentrationofphenylaceticacidprecursori...  相似文献   
成人股骨头缺血性坏死(avascular necrosis of the femoral head,ANFH)如早期不能得到及时有效的治疗,最终需行人工全髋关节置换,低年龄段患者全髋置换常需多次翻修手术,给患者带来身心痛苦及经济负担。因此,如何早期采取有效的治疗方法缓解或治愈疾病,最终保留患者股骨头或延缓行人工关节置换一直为人们所关注。现就成人早期股骨头缺血性坏死(ARCO或Ficat分期:I~III期)治疗进展做一综述。  相似文献   
目的:研究在一次加压延长治疗先天性胫骨假关节过程中由大幅度肢体延长所带来的肌肉组织损害问题。方法:将20只绵羊分成3个实验组,在胫骨下段分别切除胫骨全长的10% 、20% 和30% ,模拟制成切除先天性胫骨假关节后形成的大块骨缺损模型,断端少量髓芯植骨,利用自制改良 Ilizarov 外固定器械加压固定,在下段形成软组织堆积,干骺端- 骨干部截骨延长,取径骨前肌标本,以肌纤维大小变化、肌纤维细胞核的内在化、肌纤维变性、再生、纤维化为基准,建立相应的组织病理学评分标准系统,研究各项参数的变化规律。结果:10% 组仅出现肌纤维大小的显著变化,而20% 、30% 组出现了反映不可逆损害的肌纤维细胞核内在化、肌纤维变性、肌纤维再生,肌纤维内膜纤维化等参数的显著变化。结论:骨延长超过一定限度,以常规10 m m /d,4次/d 速率,即使下段有软组织堆积的情况下,同样也不能缓解上段因超限延长所带来的肌肉组织不可逆性损害。  相似文献   
新城疫病毒长春株和四平株致细胞死亡方式的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究NDV长春株和四平株致细胞死亡的方式,方法:采用空斑试验、细胞抑制试验、琼脂糖电泳及TUNEL染色等方法进行研究。结果:NDV长春株和四平株对鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)、BHK、HeLa,Hep-2,HCT和OS-732等肿瘤细胞产生明显的病变,而对人的羊膜细胞(Wish细胞)无明显影响。结论:长春株对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用强于四平株,长春株对肿瘤细胞的抑制不存在量效关系,只有量适剂量才引起最强的抑制作用,长春株和四平株在体外引起细胞死亡的途径不完全一致,长春株导致细胞死亡以凋亡为主,而四平株导致细胞死亡以坏死为主。  相似文献   
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