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The method formerly used to determine the crystallite core size of polyethylene was applied to poly(tetrahydrofuran) (PTHF). This method is based on the different diffusivity of a chaincleaving agent in crystalline and amorphous parts of the polymer. Butyllithium was used as a cleaving agent of PTHF. The degree of polymerization of the undecomposed part of the polymer (PTHF crystallites) was determined by gel permeation chromatography. This value agrees well with the value to be expected from the size of the crystallites determined small-angle X-ray scattering.  相似文献   
The effects of treditional Chinese medlclne (Salrel-to) on experimental glomerulonephritls Induced In rats by monodonal antibody (mAb) 1–22–3 lnjectlon was examined. The level of proteinuria in the Sairel-to-treated group was significantly lower than that In the PBS treated group. This suppressive effect was caused by the major component of Sealer-to, Syo-salko-to but not by another component, Gorel-san. The suppressive effect of Syo-salko-to was Identified In Its components ( Bupleuri radix, Pindilae tuber and Zingibers rhizoma ), but not In the other combined components ( Ginseng radix and Zizyphl fructus ). Further study weeled that the suppressive effects of the combined components were mainly derived from Bupleuri radix . It was demonstrated that the actual active Ingredient is probably Salkosaponin-d. Light microscopy revealed that Sairel-to and Its effective components suppressed the proliferation of mesanglal cells and mesanglal matrix expansion. Semi quantitative morphological studies of glomerular lesions on the eighth day showed that Syo-salko-to and Its combined components ( Bupleuri radix, Zinglberis rhizoma and Pinelliae tuber ) suppressed mesanglal matrix expansion significantly compared with phosphate-buffered saline control groups (matrix score: 28.0±19.1 vs 102.3±14.1; 30.9±30.1 vs 102.3±14.1, p<0.005, respectively). It was concluded that Salkosaponln-d, as well as Bupleuri radix , Syo-salko-to and Sairel-to can suppress proteinurla and morphological changes In the rat glomerulonephritls model Induced by mAb 1–22–3.  相似文献   
Summary Two cases of renal epithelial tumours are reported in females aged 46 and 66 years respectively. In spite of the large size of the tumours, neither invasive growth nor metastasis was observed. Histologically, the tumours were composed of immature epithelial cells forming tubules with abortive glomeruloid structures. Electron microscopy of tumour cells revealed poorly developed polarity and intracytoplasmic organelles. They showed similar immunohistochemical reactions to those of developing nephrons, particularly to those of the S-shaped body. The nuclear DNA content of the tumour cells was almost euploid. We conclude that the lesions were epithelial tumours of the kidney histologically mimicking developing renal parenchyma.  相似文献   
Skp1 is a central component of the E3 ubiquitin ligase SCF (Skp1-Cullin-1-F-box). It forms an adapter bridge between Cullin-1 and the substrate-determining component, the F-box protein. In order to establish the role of Skp1, a temperature sensitive (ts) screen was carried out using mutagenic PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and 9 independent ts mutants were isolated. Mapping the mutated residues on the 3-D structure of human Skp1 suggested that the mutants would be compromised in binding to F-box proteins but not Cullin-1 (Pcu1). In order to assess the binding properties of ts Skp1, 12 F-box proteins and Pcu1 were epitope-tagged, and co-immunoprecipitation performed. This systematic analysis showed that ts Skp1 retains binding to Pcu1. However, binding to three specific F-box proteins, essential Pof1, Pof3 involved in maintaining genome integrity, and nonessential Pof10, was reduced. skp1ts cells exhibit a G2 cell cycle delay, which is attributable to activation of the DNA damage checkpoint. Intriguingly, contrary to pof3 mutants, in which this checkpoint is required for survival, checkpoint abrogation in skp1(ts) suppresses a G2 delay and furthermore almost rescues the ts phenotype. The activation mechanism of the DNA damage checkpoint therefore differs between pof3Delta and skp1(ts), implicating a novel role for Skp1 in the checkpoint-signalling cascade.  相似文献   
A considerable diversity in prognosis is seen with membranous nephropathy (MN). In terms of pathological findings, the presence of tubulointerstitial lesions was emphasized as a poor prognostic factor. However, the glomerular factors affecting the long-term outcome of idiopathic human MN have remained unclear. We reviewed the initial clinicopathological factors affecting the primary and secondary outcomes in 105 patients with primary MN, as well as reviewing previous reports. Based on electron microscopic (EM) findings, we could divide patients into two subtypes and one subgroup; i.e., homogeneous type with a synchronous phase of electron-dense deposits, with large dense deposits (deep subgroup) and heterogeneous type with various phases of dense deposits. The homogeneous type showed no endstage renal failure, and had earlier remission as compared with the heterogeneous type. For the secondary outcome, heterogeneous type and deep subgroup were also independent risk factors. However, there was no significant difference in the final primary or secondary outcome for any treatment subgroups. These results indicated that our category of EM findings was a beneficial marker of the primary and secondary outcomes in MN; the homogeneous type of MN with synchronous phase of electron-dense deposits (except for the "deep" subgroup) had a good outcome.  相似文献   
We have examined whether the tumour suppressor p53 protein suppressedUV-induced mutations in the hypoxathine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene and in the supF gene of the shuttlevector plasmid pMY189. We used human osteosarcoma Saos-LP12cells, in which wild type (wt) p53 protein was induced by treatmentwith isopopyl-(ß-D-thiogalactopyranoside. The inductionof wt p53 protein suppressed UV-induced mutations but not spontaneousmutations in the HPRT gene. The frequency of UV-induced mutationsinduced by UV-irradiation of the plasmid was also significantlylower in cells with induced wt p53 protein than in the uninducedcells. In addition, we found that frequency of G : C to A :T transition mutations which occurred at the 3' base pair ofdipyrimidine sites were significantly lower in the cells withinduced wt p53 protein than in the uninduced cells. These findingssuggestthat wt p53 protein may play roles in modulating DNArepair pathway, resulting in the suppression of UV-induced mutations. 1To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   
The effectiveness of the clinical pathway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy was evaluated, and the efficiency of medical care was analyzed. The duration of hospitalization and the number of National Health Insurance (NHI) points for medical service fees were compared between 86 patients treated after introduction of the clinical pathway (pathway group) and 56 patients treated before introduction of the clinical pathway (pre-pathway group). In the pathway group, variance from the pathway occurred in 24 patients (27.9%) due to postponement of discharge in 7 patients, to earlier discharge in 5 patients, and to insertion of a bile duct catheter in 5 patients. Total and postoperative hospitalization times were significantly shorter in the pathway group than in the pre-pathway group (8.0 +/- 1.6 vs 13.7 +/- 9.0 days, p<0.0001, 5.4 +/- 1.1 vs 6.5 +/- 2.2 days, p<0.0001, respectively). In the pathway group, the total number of NHI points was lower and the number of points per day was higher. By simulation, the total number of NHI points for the 5-day pathway (discharge on postoperative day 3 or earlier) was significantly lower than that for the current 7-day pathway. Moreover, the weekly profit per bed with the 3-day pathway (discharge on postoperative day 1) was more than twice that with the current pathway. The results suggest that the clinical pathway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy is beneficial for patients and useful for the introduction of diagnosis procedure combination in our hospital.  相似文献   
We measured the aerobic capacity, sweat rate and fluid intake of trained athletes during outdoor exercise and examined the relationship between aerobic capacity and thermoregulatory responses at high ambient temperatures. The maximal aerobic capacity ( ) of the subjects, nine male baseball players of college age, was determined by maximal exercise tests on a cycle ergometer. The subjects practised baseball regularly without drinking fluids from 1330 to 1530 hours. After 30 min rest, they played a baseball game with free access to a sports drink at 15°C from 1600 to 1830 hours. At a mean ambient temperature of 36.7 (SEM 0.2)°C, the mean percentage of body mass loss (m b) and increase of oral temperature (T o) from 1330 to 1530 hours was 3.47 (SEM 0.12)% and 0.81 (SEM 0.14)°C, respectively. The sweat loss from 1330 to 1830 hours was 56.53 (SEM 1.56)ml · kg–1 of body mass (M b) while the mean fluid consumption was 44.78 (SEM 2.39)ml · kg–1 ofm b, with recovery of 76.08 (SEM 2.81)% of sweat loss. The was significantly inversely correlated withm b, fluid intake and rehydration amount, but showed no correlation withT o. These results would suggest that at a given exercise intensity in subjects with a higher aerobic capacity body temperature is maintained with a lower sweating rate than that in subjects with a lower aerobic capacity.  相似文献   
In bone marrow, hematopoiesis is thought to depend on special microenvironments known as niches that maintain blood cells. However, the identity of niches and interaction of blood cells with niches remain poorly understood. Here we identify stage-specific cellular niches for B lymphopoiesis. The earliest precursors, pre-pro-B cells and end-stage B cells, plasma cells require CXC chemokine ligand (CXCL)12. CXCL12-expressing cells are a small population of stromal cells, scattered throughout bone marrow and located some distance from the cells expressing interleukin (IL)-7. Multipotent hematopoietic progenitors are attached to the processes of CXCL12-expressing cells and pre-pro-B cells adjoin their cell bodies. Maturer pro-B cells that require IL-7 have moved away and adjoin the IL-7-expressing cells. Plasma cells again seed CXCL12-expressing cells. We demonstrate the B lymphocyte characteristic location and movement between specific niches within bone marrow during development and suggest that CXCL12 maintains the cells in the niche.  相似文献   
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