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OBJECTIVES: Investigate the tolerability, safety, and efficacy of using the lingual mucosal graft (LMG) for anterior urethroplasty. METHODS: Ten patients (average age, 41 yr) underwent substitution urethroplasty LMG. Harvesting the graft from the tongue was performed by either the oral surgeon or the urologist. In five patients with penile urethral strictures, the grafts were placed on the dorsal urethral surface as a "dorsal inlay." In five patients with bulbar urethral strictures, the grafts were used as a "dorsal inlay" (3 cases) or "ventral onlay" (2 cases). The average follow-up was 5 mo (range: 3-12 mo). RESULTS: Nine cases (90%) were successful and one (10%) was a failure. Three patients who underwent bulbar urethroplasty showed prior failed repair using buccal mucosal grafts harvested from a single cheek (1 case), from both cheeks (1 case), or from the lip (1 case). The length of the lingual grafts was 4-6cm (mean: 4.5cm) with a width of 2.5cm. No patient developed early or late postoperative complications on the harvest site related to the tongue surgery. No difference was observed in patients in whom the graft harvesting was performed by the oral surgeon compared to the patients in whom the procedure was performed by the urologist. CONCLUSIONS: The surgical technique for harvesting a graft from the tongue is simple and safe. The tongue may be the best alternative donor site to the lip when a thin graft is required for urethroplasty or when the cheek harvesting is not possible.  相似文献   
In this report we summarize a case of myocardial infarction that developed an apical ventricular aneurysm, which was surgically removed to re-expand and reappear as a pulsating chest wall mass 16 years later.  相似文献   
This study was aimed at identifying predictive variables for recurrence of mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) undergoing mitral valve (MV) repair. From January 1997 to December 2005, 142 patients with DCM, 105 (73.9%) ischemic and 37 (26.1%) non-ischemic, underwent MV repair. Mean age was 66+/-10 years and mean MR grade was 3.2+/-0.7 (scale 1+ to 4+). Ninety-seven (71% ischemic, 29% non-ischemic), out of 98 still alive at follow-up, were included in this retrospective analysis. In all cases MV posterior annuloplasty was performed; all patients were followed-up by echocardiography (mean time interval of 44+/-28 months) to evaluate MR recurrence (>or=2+/4+). Thirty-day mortality was 9.2% (13 patients). Mean MR grade at follow-up was 0.9+/-0.9. Four-year freedom from MR recurrence was 65.5%+/-8.3. Cox analysis showed left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVi, OR=1.03, P=0.016, AUC=0.72), left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LVESVi, OR=1.03, P=0.033, AUC=0.71), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF, OR=0.82, P=0.001, AUC=0.72), mitral valve coaptation depth (MVCD, OR=1.6, P=0.017, AUC=0.72) to be predictive variables for MR recurrence. Preoperative left ventricular dilatation and function along with degree of papillary muscle displacement can be helpful in identifying patients with higher probability to undergo a durable MV repair.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We evaluated the efficacy of the Pelvicol porcine collagen implant for preventing recurrent anterior vaginal wall prolapse in women undergoing primary surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective, randomized, multicenter trial in 206 women with stage II or greater anterior vaginal wall prolapse (point Ba -1 or greater) according to the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system. The patients were randomly assigned to undergo anterior vaginal repair or the same procedure with Pelvicol implant reinforcement. SPSS software was used for data analysis. RESULTS: A total of 201 women were available for surgical outcome analysis, including 98 and 103 in the implant and no implant groups, respectively. All completed the 1-year followup visit. Most women were satisfied with the postoperative condition with a significant decrease in the visual analog scale score in each group (p <0.001). Anatomical anterior recurrence (point Ba greater than -1) was observed in 7 women (7%) in the implant group and in 20 (19%) in the other groups (OR 3.13, 95% CI 1.26-7.78, p = 0.019). Additionally, there were 11 women (3 and 8, respectively, or 5%) with posterior recurrence and 6 (3 per group or 3%) with unsatisfactory results at the upper vaginal segment. One patient who received a porcine implant had vaginal extrusion of the mesh 1 month after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the Pelvicol implant can be easily and readily used to augment and reinforce anterior colporrhaphy. The prolapse recurrence rate was considerably lower in the implant group compared with outcomes in patients treated with simple anterior repair.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation is a valid surgical procedure for the treatment of idiopathic PD, although its precise mechanism of action is still unclear; moreover, there are no conclusive data about the functional anatomy of the human subthalamic region. Identifying the location of active contacts for StnDBS can yield interesting insights on the mechanisms of action of DBS and the different role played by the anatomical structures of the subthalamic region. METHODS: Twenty-five patients operated on for bilateral StnDBS were considered. During the surgical procedure, a complete intraoperative neurophysiological study was obtained by means of semimicrorecordings and stimulations. After surgery, an MRI study confirmed the position of the electrodes; MR images were subsequently superimposed onto a stereotactic atlas by using a dedicated workstation. The coordinates relative to the tip of the electrodes and active contacts were then calculated. RESULTS: Most of the electrode tips are located inside the subthalamus or immediately ventrally to it. Of the active contacts used for chronic stimulation, 96.5% are located in a well-defined anatomical region, which includes subthalamus, zona incerta, and FF. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings seem to suggest that other structures beyond the subthalamus itself play a clinical role in symptoms control after DBS for PD.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the 1-year survival and success rate of root-analogue direct laser metal sintering (DLMS) implants, placed into the extraction sockets of 15 patients. DLMS is a technology which allows solids with complex geometry to be fabricated by annealing metal powder microparticles in a focused laser beam, according to a computer-generated three-dimensional (3D) model; the fabrication process involves the laser-induced fusion of titanium microparticles, in order to build, layer-by-layer, the desired object. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) acquisition and 3D image conversion, combined with the DLMS process, allow the fabrication of custom-made, root-analogue implants (RAIs). CBCT images of 15 non-restorable premolars (eight maxilla; seven mandible) were acquired and transformed into 3D models: from these, custom-made, root-analogue DLMS implants with integral abutment were fabricated. Immediately after tooth extraction, the RAIs were placed in the sockets and restored with a single crown. One year after implant placement, clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed: success criteria included absence of pain, suppuration, and exudation; absence of implant mobility and absence of continuous peri-implant radiolucency; distance between the implant shoulder and the first visible bone-to-implant contact <1.5 mm from initial surgery; and absence of prosthetic complications. At the 1-year follow-up, no implants were lost, for a survival rate of 100 %. All implants were stable, with no signs of infection. The good conditions of the peri-implant tissues were confirmed by the radiographic examination, with a mean DIB of 0.7 mm (±0.2). The possibility of fabricating custom-made, RAI DLMS implants opens new interesting horizons for immediate placement of dental implants.  相似文献   
Four cases of solitary cylindroma of the breast of skin adnexal type are described. The tumors were morphologically and immunophenotypically identical to their dermal counterparts. They arose in close proximity to the nipple, such as the retroareolar area of the breast and in intimate association with the lactiferous ducts, suggesting an origin from the latter structures. One case occurred in a woman with hereditary multiple cylindromatosis (Brooke-Spiegler syndrome). This is the second reported case of this hereditary syndrome with extracutaneous manifestations and the first case in which the breast is involved.  相似文献   
An asymptomatic 74‐year‐old woman, on follow‐up for a carotid body tumor, showed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) focal restricted diffusion confined to the left temporal and occipital cortices. Thirteen months later, diffusion‐weighted images revealed a bilateral cortical ribbon sign involving all lobes. After 1 month, the patient developed gait instability and cognitive decline rapidly evolving to severe dementia and death within 3 months. Prion protein gene sequence, molecular, and neuropathological studies confirmed the diagnosis of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD) MM1 subtype. Here we show the kinetics of MRI changes and prion spreading in preclinical sCJD MM1. Ann Neurol 2016;80:629–632  相似文献   
Sport Sciences for Health - The practice of physical activity has been recommended during the pandemic period of COVID-19 as a way of preventing the worsening of physical and mental health. After...  相似文献   


Information from randomized trials on the role of combination chemotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is limited. This randomized phase II trial aimed to identify the most promising regimen warranting phase III evaluation.


Therapy-naive patients, age 18?C75?years, Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) >60, gross total resection of stage IB?CIII pancreatic adenocarcinoma, stratified for center and surgical margins, were randomly assigned to receive either gemcitabine 1?g/m2 weekly on days 1, 8, and 15 (arm A) or the PEFG regimen (cisplatin and epirubicin 40?mg/m2, day 1; gemcitabine 600?mg/m2, days 1, 8; 5-fluorouracil 200?mg/m2 daily, days 1?C28) (arm B). Chemotherapy was administered every 4?weeks for 3?months and followed by irradiation concurrent to continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil 250?mg/m2 daily. Primary endpoint was the probability of being disease-free at 1?year from surgery. Assuming P0?=?35% and P1?=?55%, ???=?.05 and ???=?.10, the study was to enroll 51 patients per arm.


A total of 102 patients were randomized; 100 were eligible (arm A: 51; arm B: 49). Baseline characteristic (A/B) were: Median age was 61/60?years; 75% had KPS >80 75/76%; 36% grade 3 tumor 29/43%, 79% stage IIB/III 75/84%, 31% R1 resection 35/29%. Survival figures (A/B) were: Median disease-free survival was 11.7 and 15.2?months; 1-year disease-free survival 49.0% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 35?C63%) and 69.4% (95% CI 56?C83%); median survival 24.8 and 28.9?months. Combination chemotherapy produced more hematological toxicity without relevant differences in nonhematological toxicities.


The 4-drug regimen deserves further assessment in resectable pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   
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