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Xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) is the rate-limiting enzyme in purine catabolism occurring in most cell types. However, this housekeeping gene is expressed at very high levels in a number of mammalian tissues including the lactating mammary epithelium, suggesting additional roles for XOR in these tissues. Mice with targeted disruption of XOR were generated to assess these potential additional roles. XOR-/- mice are runted and do not live beyond 6 wk of age. Strikingly, however, XOR+/- females, although of healthy appearance and normal fertility, are unable to maintain lactation and their pups die of starvation 2 wk postpartum. Histological and whole-mount analyses showed that in XOR+/- females the mammary epithelium collapses, resulting in premature involution of the mammary gland. Electron microscopy showed that XOR is specifically required for enveloping milk fat droplets with the apical plasma membrane prior to secretion from the lactating mammary gland. We present evidence that XOR may have primarily a structural role, as a membrane-associated protein, in milk fat droplet secretion and thus XOR provides another example of "gene sharing". About 5% of women experience primary lactation insufficiency. The above observations suggest that human females suffering from xanthinuria, a deficiency in XOR, are potential candidates for lactation problems.  相似文献   
Summary Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by severe dryness of the eyes and mouth, resulting from lymphocytic infiltration of the lacrimal and salivary glands. SS may exist as a primary condition (primary SS, 1° SS) or as a secondary condition (2° SS) in association with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or progressive systemic sclerosis. In some 1° SS patients, there may be involvement of the extraglandular organs, including skin, kidney, liver, lung and nervous system. Furthermore, these patients may develop a lymphoproliferative syndrome that includes lymphadenopathy and increased risk of lymphoma. In the pathogenesis of SS, a role for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been suggested because: (a) EBV is present in salivary gland epithelial cells of normal individuals and exaggerated immune responses against EBV could play a role in the destruction of salivary glands in SS; (b) SS salivary gland biopsies contain increased levels of EBV DNA in comparison to normal salivary glands, indicating viral reactivation and inability of lymphoid infiltrates to control EBV replication in SS patients; and (c) salivary gland epithelial cells in SS patients express high levels of HLA-DR antigens and may present EBV-associated antigens to immune T cells in SS patients. Therefore, SS may represent a situation in which genetically predisposed individuals (i. e., HLA-DR3-DQA4-DQB2) have a persistent but ineffectual T cell immune response against EBV at its site of latency. Among 14 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas that developed in SS patients, EBV DNA was detected in increased amounts in the tumor tissue of one patient. Characterization of this tumor DNA revealed: (a) polyclonal immunoglobulin gene rearrangements; (b) EBV DNA with an unusual restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern involving the Bam M fragment; and (c) EBV terminal repeat sequences suggestive of viral replication, similar to those reported in EBV lymphomas occurring in other immunocompromised individuals. Early recognition of this clinical problem may allow beneficial use of antiviral agents.  相似文献   
We evaluated a procedure for identifying recent HIV infections, using sequential serum samples from 47 HIV-positive persons for whom the seroconversion date could be accurately estimated. Each serum sample was divided into two aliquots: one diluted with phosphate-buffered saline and the other diluted with 1 M guanidine. We assayed the aliquots with the automated AxSYM HIV1/2gO test (Abbott Diagnostics Division), without modifying the manufacturer's protocol. We then calculated the avidity index (AI): the ratio of the sample/cutoff value for the guanidine aliquot to that of the phosphate-buffered saline aliquot. We analyzed 216 serum samples: 34 samples were collected within 6 months of seroconversion (recent seroconversions), and 182 were collected after 6 months. The mean AIs, by time from seroconversion, were 0.68 +/- 0.16 (within 6 months) and 0.98 +/- 0.10 (after 6 months) (P < 0.0001). AI of <0.90 correctly identified 88.2% of recent infections but misclassified as recent infections 13.2% of serum samples collected afterward. The probability of an infection being classified as recent and having AI of > or = 0.90 would be 0.7% in a population with 5% recent infections. AI can identify with a certain degree of accuracy recent HIV infections, and being a quantitative index, it provides different levels of sensitivity and specificity, depending on the selected cutoff value. The standard assay procedure is not modified. This test is simple and inexpensive and could be used for surveillance, decision-making in treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   
Recent advances in automatic speech recognition and related technologies allow computers to carry on conversations by telephone. We developed an intelligent dialogue system that interacts with hypertensive patients to collect data about their health status. Patients thus avoid the inconvenience of traveling for frequent face to face visits to monitor the clinical variables they can easily measure at home; the physician is facilitated in acquiring patient information and cardiovascular risk, which is evaluated from the data according to noted guidelines. Controlled trials to assess the clinical efficacy are under way.  相似文献   
Circulating levels of cytokines are deeply influenced by aging, and few data about serum chemokines are available. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of aging on circulating CXCL10. One hundred forty healthy subjects (70 males and 70 females), 10-79 years of age, underwent fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride, and CXCL8 serum assay. Thyroid hormone testing for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), antithyroglobulin (AbTg), and antithyroperoxidase (AbTPO) autoantibodies and thyroid ultrasonography were performed in all subjects to exclude the presence of clinical or subclinical thyroid disease. Serum CXCL10 levels were assayed in all subjects and found to be increased in 14 of 70 females (20%) and in 4 of 70 males (5.7%) (p = 0.01). In a multiple linear regression model including age, body mass index (BMI), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glycemia, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, TSH, AbTPO, AbTg, and CXCL8, only age was significantly related to CXCL10 [C.R. 1.30 (0.28-2.33), p = 0.001]. No relationship was present between CXCL8 serum levels and age, suggesting a specificity of CXCL10 elevation as a function of age. Results of this study, performed in healthy subjects on an age gradient, demonstrate an increase in serum CXCL10 with advancing age overall in females, supporting the hypothesis of enhanced Th1 immune responses in aging.  相似文献   
The microvasculature of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) epididymis was investigated using light (LM), scanning electron (SEM), and transmission electron (TEM) microscopy techniques. SEM analysis of the buffalo epididymis showed fenestrations that occupied ovoid inside the endothelium of the postcapillary venules located in the caput, corpus, and cauda. They varied in shape and dimension, but more importantly, they connected the venules of the blood vascular system to the capillaries of the peripheral lymphatic vascular system. Morphofunctional analysis of these connections suggests that the microvasculature of the buffalo epididymis plays a role in facilitating the circulation of biologically active substances, and the absorption and secretion processes necessary for the survival and maturation of spermatozoa. The lymphatic capillaries at the connection points formed a network of variously sized polygonal links. These capillaries then converged to form the precollector lymphatic vessels, which in turn converged with the larger vessels originating from the testis. It was further noted that in the capillary endothelium there were no fenestrations, and in the large veins there were many diverticula. These diverticula appear to play a role in the regulation of the seasonal variations of the blood reflux. In general, the microvascular architecture of the buffalo epididymis, particularly its connection to the lymphatic vascular system, appears to play an important role in the absorption and secretion processes of the epididymal epithelium. Anat Rec 266:58–68, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A new series of polyimides was synthesized by addition polymerization of 4,4′-(bismaleimido)-diphenylmethane, 1,4-piperazine and an amino-terminated polydimethylsiloxane. The synthesis was carried out in m-cresol solution following a two-step procedure. Copolymers containing 15 and 20 wt.-% of the polydimethylsiloxane elastomer were prepared, together with the unmodified base copolymer. Infrared spectroscopy, 13C and 1H NMR, thermal and thermogravimetric analyses were used to characterize the copolymers. The DSC curves of all the samples showed an exotherm in the temperature range 230–280°C, attributable to curing and addition reactions involving the chain-end groups. Different glass transition temperatures (Tg) were observed, depending on the elastomer content. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated that no significant changes occur in the thermal stability of rubber-modified copolymers.  相似文献   
Developmental changes in the Ca2+ dynamics of human zygotesand preimplantation embryos were related to changes in the distributionof endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and protein kinase C (PKC). Thefertilization-induced Ca2+ oscillations were typically observedover >5 h, were ryanodine-sensitive and showed a periphery-to-centrepropagation of Ca2+ waves. At the same time, ER and PKC wereaccumulated in the cell periphery. After the appearance of pronuclei,ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ oscillations of lower amplitude andfrequency were observed until the pronuclear breakdown. However,Ca2+ waves then began in the perinuclear region, in the areaof ER and PKC accumulation and spread towards the cell periphery.During the second to fourth cell cycle, small sinusoidal Ca2+fluctuations were observed; sparse higher-amplitude Ca2+ spikes,superimposed on these basal fluctuations, appeared shortly beforecell division. The sinusoidal Ca2+ fluctuations were asynchronousin individual blastomeres and disappeared progressively in arrestedembryos. The direction of Ca2+ wave propagation and the distributionof ER and PKC were similar to the situation observed in pronuclearzygotes. In contrast to the zygotes, ryanodine did not arrestthe Ca2+ oscillations but augmented their amplitude and frequency.These data suggest that human pre-embryos use different mechanismsof Ca2+ signalling in the early post-fertilization period, duringthe pronuclear development and during cleavage. calcium dynamics/endoplasmic reticulum/human preimplantation embryos/protein kinase C/ryanodine  相似文献   
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