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Laboratory of Experimental Therapy, Institute of Balneology, Ministry of Health of the Ukraine, Odessa. Department of Cell Physiology and Pathology, Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch, Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences V. Ya. Kaznacheev.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 113, No. 5, pp. 498–500, May, 1992.  相似文献   
Malignant external otitis is an infection of the external ear canal, mastoid, and base of the skull caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The condition occurs primarily in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus. Current theories on pathogenesis and anatomic correlations are reviewed. Severe, unrelenting otalgia and persistent otorrhea are the symptomatic hallmarks of the disease, whereas an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate is the only distinctive laboratory abnormality. Iatrogenic causes such as administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics and aural irrigation may play a predisposing role in high-risk populations. The disease can result in cranial polyneuropathies (with facial nerve [VII] paralysis being the most common) and death. The mainstay of treatment is administration of antipseudomonal antibiotics for four to eight weeks. Recurrence is common, and mortality remains at about 20 percent despite antibiotic therapy. Given the increasing longevity of diabetic patients, the frequency of this disease is increasing. Internists, family practitioners, and ambulatory care physicians must now be cognizant of the presenting symptoms, while infectious disease specialists and otolaryngologists need to be appraised of strides in diagnosis and therapy. The role of surgery should be minimized. Use of new diagnostic radiologic modalities and new antipseudomonal antibiotics discussed in this review should lead to improved outcome.  相似文献   
The defecation reflex is composed of rectal distension-evoked rectal (R-R) reflex contractions and synchronous internal anal sphincter (R-IAS) reflex relaxations in guinea pigs. These R-R and R-IAS reflexes are controlled via extrinsic sacral excitatory nerve pathway (pelvic nerves), lumbar inhibitory nerve pathways (colonic nerves) and by intrinsic cholinergic excitatory and nitrergic inhibitory nerve pathways. The effect of mosapride (a prokinetic benzamide) on the intrinsic reflexes, mediated via enteric 5-HT(4) receptors, was evaluated by measuring the mechanical activity of the rectum and IAS in anesthetized guinea pigs using an intrinsic R-R and R-IAS reflex model resulting from chronic (two to nine days) lumbosacral denervation (PITH). In this model, the myenteric plexus remains undamaged and the distribution of myenteric and intramuscular interstitial cells of Cajal is unchanged. Although R-R and R-IAS reflex patterns markedly changed, the reflex indices (reflex pressure or force curve-time integral) of both the R-R contractions and the synchronous R-IAS relaxations were unchanged. The frequency of the spontaneous R and IAS motility was also unchanged. Mosapride (0.1-1.0 mg/kg) dose-dependently increased both intrinsic R-R (maximum: 1.82) and R-IAS reflex indices (maximum: 2.76) from that of the control (1.0) 6-9 days following chronic PITH. The dose-response curve was similar to that in the intact guinea pig, and had shifted to the left from that in the guinea pig after acute PITH. A specific 5-HT(4) receptor antagonist, GR 113808 (1.0 mg/kg), decreased both reflex indices by approximately 50% and antagonized the effect of mosapride 1.0 mg/kg. This was quite different from the result in the intact guinea pig where GR 113808 (1.0 mg/kg) did not affect either of the reflex indices. The present results indicate that mosapride enhanced the intrinsic R-R and R-IAS reflexes and functionally compensated for the deprivation of extrinsic innervation. The actions of mosapride were mediated through endogenously active, intrinsic 5-HT(4) receptors which may be post-synaptically located in the myenteric plexus of the anorectum.  相似文献   
Purpose: Caucasian children with myopia have elevated response accommodative vergence to accommodation (AC/A) ratios. The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine if response AC/A ratios vary with refractive error and with myopic progression rate in Hong Kong Chinese children, and to determine the effect of beta‐adrenergic antagonism with topical timolol application on AC/A ratios. Methods: Thirty children aged eight to 12 years participated in the study. All refractive errors were corrected with spectacle lenses. Accommodative responses were measured using a Shin‐Nippon autorefractor and concurrent changes in vergence were assessed using a vertical prism and a Howell‐Dwyer card at three metres and 0.33 metre. Accommodative demand was altered using plus or minus two dioptre lenses and lens‐ and distance‐induced response AC/A ratios were calculated. Measurements were repeated 30 minutes after the instillation of topical timolol maleate (0.5 per cent). Results: AC/A ratios appeared higher in progressing myopic children but the difference was not statistically significant. Timolol application reduced accommodative convergence (AC) in the stable myopes (reduction = ‐3 ± 1.14A) but not in the emmetropes (0.69 ± 0.9P) or progressing myopes (0.16 ± 0.43A) and this difference between refractive groups was statistically s ignificant (F2,27= 3.766; P= 0.036). However, timolol did not produce a significant change in the accommodative response to positive or negative lenses or response AC/A ratios. Conclusions: We did not find that AC/A ratios in myopic Chinese children were elevated and therefore, it is unlikely that elevated AC/A ratios are responsible for the high levels of myopia that occur in Hong Kong. The finding that timolol reduced AC in the stable myopes suggests that the autonomic control of accommodative convergence in these children may be different from that in emmetropic children and those with progressing myopia.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between microstructure, acoustic and mechanical properties of hardened dental cement samples, prepared with different powder/water ratios. METHODS: Glass-ionomer dental cement samples, prepared with a standard amount of cement powder and different amounts of water have been examined after being hardened. Surface microstructure and ultrasound, longitudinal and shear velocities were obtained with a scanning acoustic microscope. Conditional effective elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio have been calculated using longitudinal and shear sound velocity values. Then on the same samples elastic modulus and microhardness have been determined by standard tests. Additional samples have been used to determine compressive strength. RESULTS: Density; conditionally instantaneous elastic modulus; high-elasticity modulus and compression strength of the samples decrease when large amounts of water were used for their preparation. At the same time porosity and microhardness of the cement matrix increase. Acoustic parameters and parameters of elasticity, calculated on the basis of sound velocity, demonstrated changes, similar to those obtained in standard mechanical tests. SIGNIFICANCE: The established relation between microstructure, acoustic and mechanical parameters demonstrated a high capacity of acoustic microscopy application for non-destructive characterization of dental materials. A particular advantage of the acoustic microscopy is the opportunity to evaluate microstructure and mechanical properties on the same sample.  相似文献   
Device-induced thrombogenesis was studied in an in vitro model using human blood circulated through an artificial ventricle. A new constant pressure filtration technique was used to detect circulating microemboli, the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) test was used to monitor the blood for the presence of anticoagulant activity of heparin, and hemolysis was quantified by measuring the plasma free hemoglobin level. Circulation of blood through a 20-ml stroke volume pneumatically driven ventricle for 6-9 h resulted in a significant reduction of APTT, indicating the loss of the anticoagulant effect of heparin. Microemboli concentration was minimal until the APTT decreased below 125 s, at which time the microemboli concentration increased rapidly. This was presumed to be due to the formation of thrombi following a decrease in heparin activity. A significant increase in hemolysis was also noted when blood was pumped. None of these changes was noted in the nonpumped control blood. Spontaneous loss of heparin activity in blood circulated by a pneumatically driven pump may have clinical implications and may help understanding of the problems associated with device-induced thrombogenesis.  相似文献   
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