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The availability of the primary amino acid sequence for a large number of molecules provides a fruitful opportunity for their cellular localization by utilizing the procedure of antipeptide antibody formation. This procedure permits a synthetic peptide sequence to be attached to a carrier molecule for the purpose of inoculating an animal to raise specific antibodies against the selected protein sequence. In this report we describe a number of steps that can be taken to increase the likelihood that the selected peptide sequence will be specific and antigenic. In addition, we describe how the peptides are synthesized, purified and coupled to keyhold limpet hemocyanin. The preparation of the antibody and its characterization are also presented in this method report. The immunocytochemical staining at both the light and ultrastructural level with serotonin (5-HT1A) receptor antipeptide antibodies is discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of this procedure are summarized.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether previous contact with mental illness affected the attitudes to mental illness (AMI) of general student nurses in Hong Kong — the contact hypothesis. We employed a quasi-experimental design. We compared the attitudes to mental illness of students who had previous contact with mental illness through having taken a psychiatric secondment with those who had not taken a psychiatric secondment. Also, we compared the AMI of: students who had taken other courses related to mental illness with those who had not; those who had a family history of mental illness with those who had not; and those who lived with a mentally ill relative with those who did not. We found that previous contact with mental illness had no significant effect on the attitudes to mental illness of the students. In other words our findings do not support the contact hypothesis. Our sample expressed positive general attitudes to mental illness when presented with general issues about mental illness. However, their attitudes were less positive when presented with specific issues about mental illness that might impinge upon their daily lives. We discuss the implications of these findings for mental health nursing practice, education and research.  相似文献   
Antibiotic use during major head and neck surgery.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The appropriate use of prophylactic antimicrobial therapy in patients undergoing major contaminated surgery is an important issue for the head and neck surgeon. A series of five sequential, prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trials of antibiotics for patients undergoing major contaminated oncologic head and neck surgery are reviewed and summarized. The information generated from the study of these 547 patients indicates that a number of drugs or drug combinations have similar efficacy when employed in adequate dosage. The bacteriologic spectrum of the prophylactic drug should include oral microflora, especially anaerobic bacteria. The administration of antibiotics effective against gram-negative aerobic bacteria may be unnecessary. Perioperative antibiotic administration should be initiated prior to surgery. To date, no evidence exists to support prolonged administration of antibiotics beyond the first 24 hours following surgery.  相似文献   
Inactivated whole avian influenza virus (AIV) vaccine provides protection against homologous haemagglutinin (HA) subtype virus, but poor protection against a heterologous HA virus. Moreover, it induces chickens to produce antibodies to cross-reactive antigens, especially nucleoprotein, which is limits AIV serological surveillance. In this study, a recombinant fowlpox virus co-expressing HA (H5 subtype) and NA (N1 subtype) genes of AIV was evaluated for its ability to protect chickens against intramuscular challenge with a lethal dose of highly pathogenic (HP) AIV. Susceptible chickens were also vaccinated by wing-web puncture with the parent fowlpox vaccine virus. Following challenge 4 weeks later with HPAIV, all chickens vaccinated with recombinant virus were protected, while the chickens vaccinated with either the unaltered parent fowlpox vaccine virus or unvaccinated controls experienced 100% mortality following challenge. This protection was accompanied by the high levels of specific antibody to the respective components of the recombinant vaccine. The above results showed that rFPV-HA-NA could be a potential vaccine to replace current inactivated vaccines for preventing AI.  相似文献   
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