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BACKGROUND: The efficacy and safety of the uncoated self-expandable Za metal stent for palliation of malignant distal biliary obstruction was prospectively analyzed. METHODS: Twenty-one patients with unresectable malignant tumors involving mid to distal common bile duct who presented with obstructive jaundice underwent endoscopic implantation of an uncoated self-expandable metal stent. Technical success with stent placement, adverse events, patient survival, duration of stent patency, and device performance were analyzed. RESULTS: Endoscopic biliary stenting was successful in all patients. No adverse events were encountered. The mean follow-up period of the 21 patients was 128 days (range, 3-263): 14 died of progressive disease at mean of 81 days (range, 3-210), 3 remain alive (at days 239, 250, and 263), and 4 were lost to follow-up (at days 90, 91, 92, and 116). The mean duration of stent patency was 249 days. Tumor ingrowth was observed in one patient (5%). Minor technical problems were encountered in 3 patients: 1 proximal deployment, 1 distal deployment, and difficulty associated with the delivery system in 1. CONCLUSIONS: The Za-metal stent provided effective palliation for patients with inoperable malignant biliary tumors. Although minor technical problems were encountered with stent deployment, the overall stent patency, efficacy, and safety profile appear satisfactory.  相似文献   


Myths prevailing about diabetes in the society have become a major hurdle for its proper treatment and control.


To find out about various myths related to diabetes and its treatment in the population.


A cross sectional study was carried out in a teaching hospital of Delhi in 2008. 124 diabetic patients attending the regular diabetic clinic, 78 people who accompanied these patients and 214 non-diabetic people were included in the study. A pre-tested interview schedule with 48 questions was used to get information about sociodemographic characteristics and myths about diabetes. Data was analyzed by Epi info software version 3.2.


The most common myth in the population (22%) was that eating more sugar causes diabetes. Others were: diabetes can only occur in old age, soaking feet in water can help control blood sugar, diabetes is a result of past sins and is cured by spiritual treatment. Myths were significantly more common in females, non-diabetics, less educated group. There was a slightly higher prevalence of myths in Muslim population. 12.1% of diabetics were taking herbal medicines. 15.9% of the diabetics and 26% of non diabetics were unaware that complications could occur if diabetes was uncontrolled. 18.5% of diabetics and 30.1% of non-diabetics were unaware about role of diet and lifestyle measures in control of diabetes.


The prevalence of myths about diabetes is high in North Indian population which could be associated with poor early health seeking behavior and poor compliance with treatment.  相似文献   
Developmental dysplasia of the hip is a hip abnormality that ranges from mild acetabular dysplasia to irreducible femoral head dislocations. While 2-D B-mode ultrasound (US)-based dysplasia metrics or disease metrics are currently used clinically to diagnose developmental dysplasia of the hip, such estimates suffer from high inter-exam variability. In this work, we propose and evaluate 3-D US-derived dysplasia metrics that are automatically computed and demonstrate that these automatically derived dysplasia metrics are considerably more reproducible. The key features of our automatic method are (i) a random forest-based learning technique to remove regions across the coronal axis that do not contain bone structures necessary for dysplasia-metric extraction, thereby reducing outliers; (ii) a bone segmentation method that uses rotation-invariant and intensity-invariant filters, thus remaining robust to signal dropout and varying bone morphology; (iii) a novel slice-based learning and 3-D reconstruction strategy to estimate a probability map of the hypoechoic femoral head in the US volume; and (iv) formulae for calculating the 3-D US-derived dysplasia metrics. We validate our proposed method on real clinical data acquired from 40 infant hip examinations. Results show a considerable (around 70%) reduction in variability in two key 3-D US-derived dysplasia metrics compared with their 2-D counterparts.  相似文献   
Scedosporium spp. are increasingly recognized as causes of resistant life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients. Scedosporium spp. also cause a wide spectrum of conditions, including mycetoma, saprobic involvement and colonization of the airways, sinopulmonary infections, extrapulmonary localized infections, and disseminated infections. Invasive scedosporium infections are also associated with central nervous infection following near-drowning accidents. The most common sites of infection are the lungs, sinuses, bones, joints, eyes, and brain. Scedosporium apiospermum and Scedosporium prolificans are the two principal medically important species of this genus. Pseudallescheria boydii, the teleomorph of S. apiospermum, is recognized by the presence of cleistothecia. Recent advances in molecular taxonomy have advanced the understanding of the genus Scedosporium and have demonstrated a wider range of species than heretofore recognized. Studies of the pathogenesis of and immune response to Scedosporium spp. underscore the importance of innate host defenses in protection against these organisms. Microbiological diagnosis of Scedosporium spp. currently depends upon culture and morphological characterization. Molecular tools for clinical microbiological detection of Scedosporium spp. are currently investigational. Infections caused by S. apiospermum and P. boydii in patients and animals may respond to antifungal triazoles. By comparison, infections caused by S. prolificans seldom respond to medical therapy alone. Surgery and reversal of immunosuppression may be the only effective therapeutic options for infections caused by S. prolificans.  相似文献   
Virtually all children experience respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection at least once during the first 2 years of life, but only a few develop bronchiolitis and more severe disease requiring hospitalization, usually in the first 6 months of life. Children who recover from RSV-induced bronchiolitis are at increased risk for the development of recurrent wheeze and asthma in later childhood. Recent studies suggest that there is an association between RSV-induced bronchiolitis and asthma within the first decade of life but that this association is not significant after age 13. Despite the considerable progress made in our understanding of several aspects of respiratory viral infections, further work needs to be done to clarify the molecular mechanisms of early interactions between virus and host cell and the role of host gene products in the infection process. This review provides a critical appraisal of the literature in epidemiology and experimental research which links RSV infection to asthma. Studies to date demonstrate that there is a significant association between RSV infection and childhood asthma and that preventing severe primary RSV infections can decrease the risk of childhood asthma.  相似文献   
Little is known about the influence of stenting versus balloon angioplasty on long-term outcomes (particularly mortality) after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We evaluated 2,087 patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction enrolled in various Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction (PAMI) trials in the United States, who underwent primary PCI. The main outcome was all-cause mortality at 5 years, obtained through the National Death Index. Of the 2,087 patients, stenting was performed in 692 (33%). The absolute difference in the hospital (2.2% vs 3.3%), 1-year (3.3% vs 5.2%), and 5-year (10% vs 13%) mortality rates favored patients receiving a stent versus conventional balloon therapy, with the difference increasing with time. A multivariate Cox model identified stent use (vs balloon alone) as an independent correlate of lower 5-year mortality (hazard ratio 0.60, 95% confidence interval 0.42 to 0.85). The absolute reduction in mortality was greatest in the highest risk group. In conclusion, compared with balloon angioplasty, stenting during primary PCI not only resulted in better angiographic and short-term outcomes, but also in a sustained beneficial effect on mortality at 5 years. These data support the routine use of coronary stenting in most patients undergoing primary PCI, when feasible.  相似文献   
Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) often have multiple co-morbidities that influence outcome. We sought to evaluate the impact of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) on the outcome of patients with AMI treated with primary angioplasty. We evaluated 3,716 patients with AMI who underwent emergency catheterization with planned primary angioplasty in the Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction trials. Patients with a history of PVD (claudication, stroke, or transient ischemic attack) were compared with patients without PVD. Of the 3,716 patients, 394 (10.6%) had PVD and were older, more often women, and more frequently had a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking, congestive heart failure, angina, myocardial infarction, and coronary revascularization. They presented more often with a heart rate >100 beats/min, Killip class >1, lower ejection fraction, and multivessel disease. No difference was found in stent use, final percentage of stenosis, or Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction 3 flow. Patients with PVD had a twofold increased in-hospital mortality (5.3% vs 2.6%, p = 0.0021). The difference remained significant at 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year (12.6% vs 6%, p < 0.0001). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, a history of PVD was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality and death at 1 year (odds ratio 1.64, 95% confidence interval 1.04 to 2.57, p = 0.032). In conclusion, patients with AMI with PVD have increased co-morbidities and higher mortality despite treatment with primary angioplasty. The presence of PVD is an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality and death at 1 year.  相似文献   
Serum IgE (total and five specific) and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) levels were compared in elderly physician-diagnosed patients with asthma with non-asthmatic controls matched by age and gender to ascertain whether elevated levels are indicators of asthma in the elderly. All subjects and controls were non-smokers. The subjects were participants in the Florida Geriatric Research Program (FGRP), a longitudinal aging study that tracks the health status of people 65 years and older. Frozen sera from 33 randomly selected asthmatic patients and 21 controls, none of whom had any other chronic respiratory disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), all between the ages of 65 and 90, were assessed for total IgE; five specific IgE concentrations (for cat, ragweed, German cockroach, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) and live oak); and ECP levels using the Pharmacia Unicap System. The odds of an elderly asthmatic patient having a total IgE of > 100 KU/L were higher than that for a non-asthmatic patient (odds ratio (OR) = 13.0; Mantel-Haenszel (MH) p = 0.005). The odds of elderly asthmatic patients having at least one positive serum specific IgE compared to elderly age-matched non-asthmatic patients were higher (OR = 21.2; MH p = 0.001). Among the five specific IgE concentrations, only IgE for Dp was higher in asthmatic than in non-asthmatic patients (OR = 13.00; MH p = 0.005). The ECP level was not significantly different between elderly asthmatic and non-asthmatic patients (asthmatic mean = 20.7 microg/L, SE = 0.48; control mean = 19.5 microg/L. SE = 0.76) (mean for younger adults 4.4 microg/L, Pharmacia Diagnostics). The serum of elderly asthmatic patients is more likely to have elevated total IgE and a positive specific IgE to Dp. ECP is elevated in elderly subjects but is not an indicator of asthma.  相似文献   
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