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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prenatal distribution, associated conditions and outcome of the different types of right aortic arch (RAA) detected in fetal life. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of all cases of RAA detected prenatally between 1998 and 2005 in two tertiary referral centers. RESULTS: In the study period 71 cases of RAA were detected; 26 (37%) had RAA with aberrant left subclavian artery, 23 (32%) had RAA with mirror-image branching, 20 (28%) had RAA of unknown type and two (3%) had double aortic arch. While 20/26 cases with RAA and aberrant left subclavian artery were isolated findings, all 23 cases with RAA and mirror-image branching were associated with cardiac defects, namely tetralogy of Fallot (43%) or pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (22%). Of the 20 cases with RAA, 19 of unknown type were associated with heterotaxy syndromes and had additional cardiac malformations and ambiguities of the situs. The two cases with DAA were isolated findings. Seven cases in our series (10%) had a microdeletion 22q11 and these were significantly associated with extracardiac malformations. The outcome in our series depended solely on the associated cardiac and extracardiac malformations, with the exception of one infant with isolated DAA, in whom a surgical correction was warranted. CONCLUSIONS: RAA detected in fetal life is associated frequently with other cardiac/non-cardiac malformations, heterotaxy syndromes and microdeletions 22q11. The associated conditions vary depending on the branching type of the brachiocephalic vessels and the presence of extracardiac malformations.  相似文献   
Volume and profile of alcohol consumption among students and classmates as predictors of aggression and victimization: a multilevel analysis among Swiss adolescents


To test the effects of the volume of alcohol consumption and drinking patterns on alcohol-related aggression and victimization, both at the individual and class levels.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Solid-organ transplantation has become the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease, end-stage liver failure, and some patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Similarly, surgical expertise and mechanical improvements have led to significant advances in laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic interventions are sometimes not pursued in transplant recipients due to the lack of strong supporting evidence for the use of laparoscopic techniques in these patients. METHODS: Using an extensive literature search, we review herein the available data on the utility of laparoscopic interventions in transplant recipients, with particular attention to the risks and benefits, indications, and contraindications for this complex patient population. RESULTS: Although randomized trials are few, multiple case reports indicate that many transplant recipients have benefited from laparoscopic interventions. CONCLUSION: The well-known benefits of laparoscopy could be extended to transplant recipients.  相似文献   
The new treatment strategy for Peritoneal Surface Malignancy combines a cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Cytoreduction removes all macroscopic tumor. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy avoids implantation of microscopic residual tumor cells on intra-abdominal surfaces when it is administered intraoperatively and/or early in the postoperative period. Delivering cytotoxic drugs directly into the peritoneal cavity maximizes dose intensity and minimizes systemic toxicity. Hyperthermia is selectively cytotoxic for malignant cells and potentiates the effect of chemotherapy. Implementation of this procedure makes the perioperative personnel to face a risk of exposure to cytotoxic agents. Furthermore, peritonectomies and electro-evaporation of tumor nodules are performed with high voltage electrocautery, generating a large amount of surgical smoke during several hours. Inhalation of these fumes may be also a risk for healthcare workers. In this article, we analyse in depth these new risks of the operating room personnel, we review the literature, and we give guidelines for secure performance of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy, as well as for early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy administration. These new procedures are safe techniques for patients and healthcare workers provided adequate policies are adopted to avoid occupational exposure.  相似文献   
灾难的时代错误:灾害医学的过去、现在和将来(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灾难,特别是地震、火山、洪水以及与战争有关的事件如饥饿和流行性传染病,是人类有记录的经历的一部分。从意大利庞贝的火山爆发,到约翰斯顿的洪水、第二次世界大战和黑色瘟疫,到西班牙流感,都发生了灾难,这不会被传说和历史书籍长期忘却。不过,在20世纪中叶以前,那些灾难的发生相对较少,且相距时间较长。从20世纪中叶以来,灾难的本质发生了变化。从恐怖分子使用“新技术”,到与气候有关的导致亿万美元经济损失的事件,表明这个世界正在发生变化。仅仅在最近的50~60年间,造成多种多样的伤亡事件,其危险性和频率的增加引人注目,并且注定要在接…  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to explore differences in the clinical expression, clinical diagnoses and management of airway diseases in a primary-care setting. Patients aged >or=35 yrs who had ever smoked were enrolled when they presented for any reason to one of eight rural primary-care practices. Respiratory symptom questionnaires and spirometry were administered. In total, 1,034 patients had acceptable and reproducible spirometry, of whom 550 (53%) were males and 484 (47%) were females. Males smoked more than females (41.2 versus 29.2 pack-yrs) respectively, and were more likely to have a pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in one second/forced vital capacity <0.70 at 22.4 versus 11.8%, respectively. However, more females than males reported breathlessness (51.0 versus 42.8%, respectively), a prior diagnosis compatible with airflow obstruction and taking respiratory medications (23.4 versus 14.9%, respectively). In conclusion, the current results suggest that females are more likely than males to report breathlessness and be prescribed respiratory medications independent of differences in the severity of airflow obstruction.  相似文献   
There are no data available combining transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of mediastinal lymph nodes and positron emission tomography (PET) in the staging of nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The aim of the current study was to determine if these two methods can enhance the negative predictive value of the individual modality alone, for a specific lymph node station, and if this integrated approach can reduce the number of mediastinoscopies. A total of 113 patients with enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes (> or = 1 cm), who underwent both TBNA and PET scanning, were included. In 51 patients, histopathology, confirmed by surgical lymph node dissection, was compared with PET results and TBNA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy to detect malignant lymphadenopathy was 68 (13/19), 89 (119/134), 46 (13/28), 95 (119/125) and 86% (132/152) for PET, respectively; 54% (6/11), 100 (53/53), 100 (6/6), 91 (53/58) and 92% (59/64), respectively for TBNA; and 100 (11/11), 94 (50/53), 79 (11/14), 100 (50/50) and 95 (61/64) for combined TBNA and PET, respectively. Combination of transbronchial needle aspiration and positron emission tomography has the potential to allow adequate mediastinal staging of nonsmall cell lung cancer with enlarged lymph nodes in most patients without the need for mediastinoscopy.  相似文献   
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