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糖尿病妇科手术92例的围手术期处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱文昭 《医学争鸣》2005,26(4):367-367
2002-01/2004-01Ⅱ型糖尿病(DM)妇科手术患92例,年龄31~73(平均53.4)岁.有明确DM病史53例.病程1/12~21(平均6.9)a,入院后新诊断的DM39例空腹血糖为5.9—18.0(平均9.6)mmol/L,餐后血糖为9.3—22.6(平均16.5)mmol/L,术前准备时间平均为6.4d,术后住院时间平均为11.4d,术前有并存症72例.随机抽取同期住院非DM妇科手术92例,年龄22~65(平均41.5)岁,  相似文献   
L Zhu  R K Crouch 《Cornea》1992,11(6):567-572
The action of hydrogen peroxide on soluble proteins of the rat cornea has been evaluated. Two major corneal proteins are found to be oxidized by 10 mM hydrogen peroxide. Protein sequence and antibody recognition has shown one of the proteins to be albumin. Treatment of pure rat or human albumin with hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the protein and decreases its affinity for its antibody. Because albumin is a major protein in the cornea, its ready oxidation suggests that a role for albumin in this tissue may be to act as a native antioxidant, scavenging hydrogen peroxide and thus preventing more extensive damage by this toxin. These data are relevant to the evaluation of the safety of contact lens disinfectants containing hydrogen peroxide and suggest that further study of the action of this oxidant is warranted.  相似文献   
本文应用单克隆抗体检测33例原发性肺癌病人治疗前后外周血中T淋巴细胞亚群变化。结果提示:肺癌病人外周血中T细胞亚群明显有别于正常人,主要表现为T_H细胞降低和T_S细胞升高以及T_H/T_S比值明显倒置。短期观察结果表明,肺癌病人外周血中T_S细胞持续升高和T_H/T_S比值持续降低者,预后不良。临床检测T细胞亚群变化及它们的动态变化可作为判断宿主抗肿瘤免疫功能状态、病情发展和预后的敏感指标。  相似文献   
自普遍接种麻疹减毒活疫苗以来 ,麻疹的发病率已明显下降。但在某些地区仍有发生和流行 ,其合并症仍然是患儿死亡的主要原因。而喉炎是该病常见的合并症之一 ,又是危及患儿生命的重要病症。自 1995年~ 2 0 0 2年 ,我院儿科共收住麻疹 132例 ,其中 6 8例合并喉炎 ,我们采用中西  相似文献   
Summary Reported in this paper is the first case of isolation ofPseudalle-Scheria boydii from cerebral spinal fluid of a boy with meningitis in China. Morphology and culture were observed by light microscopy, electron scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, mycelium antigen prepared by SDS-PAGE was compared with that of the other strain of Scedosporium apiospermum. Both of the strains showed more than 40 peptide lines. Their molecular weight was very similar. On the CS-930 Dual-Wavelength TLC Scanner the peaks of both antigens showed to lie in nearly the same position. It could be concluded thatPseudallescheria boydii andScedosporium apiospermum belong to the same genus, but they are of different strains and reproductive phases.  相似文献   
胆红素具有重要药用价值,一般用化学方法从胆汁中提取,本试验根据胆红素在人体内的代谢过程和胆结石的成因,而是利用大肠杆菌产生的β葡萄糖醛酸酶从胆汁中提取胆红素。  相似文献   
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