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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: No consensus exists for the safest and most effective agent and for optimal drug doses for sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). We aimed to compare the efficacy of midazolam with that of midazolam+meperidine, which provided comfort for the patient during ERCP. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The patients were randomized to sedation with midazolam only (2.87+/-0.67 mg) (n=48, median age 55.54+/-14.66, 21 women, 27 men) or midazolam (1.82+/-0.71 mg) with meperidine (42.81+/-14.61 mg) (n= 48, median age 55.48+/-2.57, 20 women, 28 men). Procedure-related parameters and the efficacy of sedation as assessed by the endoscopist and the patients were compared. RESULTS: Prior endoscopic history, preprocedure anxiety scores, age, sex, baseline vital signs and type of interventions were similar in both groups. Sedation level, duration of procedure and recovery time were comparable in both groups. Sedation quality assessment scale was significantly higher in the midazolam with meperidine group. Degree of pain sensed during the procedure was significantly lower in the midazolam with meperidine group. Midazolam with meperidine group had better patient satisfaction. Twenty-four hours after the procedure, the degree of amnesia between both sedation groups was similar. The number of patients unwilling to repeat the procedure was distinctly higher in midazolam group. Development of hypoxia and arrythmia in the midazolam and midazolam with meperidine groups were comparable. Two patients in the midazolam group developed paradoxical agitation. CONCLUSIONS: Conscious sedation for ERCP can be successfully and safely achieved by using either only midazolam or a low dose of midazolam with meperidine. Adding of meperidine to midazolam resulted in better patient and endoscopist comfort.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of a daily dose of 81 mg aspirin in primary thrombosis prevention in asymptomatic, persistently antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-positive individuals (those with positive aPL but no vascular and/or pregnancy events). METHODS: The Antiphospholipid Antibody Acetylsalicylic Acid (APLASA) study was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in which asymptomatic, persistently aPL-positive individuals were randomized to receive a daily dose of 81 mg of aspirin or placebo. In a separate observational and parallel study, asymptomatic, persistently aPL-positive individuals who were taking aspirin or declined randomization were followed up prospectively. RESULTS: In the APLASA study, 98 individuals were randomized to receive aspirin or placebo (mean +/- SD followup period 2.30 +/- 0.95 years), of whom 48 received aspirin and 50 received placebo. In the observational study, 74 nonrandomized individuals were followed up prospectively (mean +/- SD followup period 2.46 +/- 0.76 years); 61 received aspirin and 13 did not. In the APLASA study, the acute thrombosis incidence rates were 2.75 per 100 patient-years for aspirin-treated subjects and 0 per 100 patient-years for the placebo-treated subjects (hazard ratio 1.04, 95% confidence interval 0.69-1.56) (P = 0.83). Similarly, in the observational study, the acute thrombosis incidence rates were 2.70 per 100 patient-years for aspirin-treated subjects and 0 per 100 patient-years for those not treated with aspirin. All but 1 patient with thrombosis in either study had concomitant thrombosis risk factors and/or systemic autoimmune disease at the time of thrombosis. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that asymptomatic, persistently aPL-positive individuals do not benefit from low-dose aspirin for primary thrombosis prophylaxis, have a low overall annual incidence rate of acute thrombosis, and develop vascular events when additional thrombosis risk factors are present.  相似文献   
Background/aims: Inappropriate down regulation of an activated immune system is considered as the main pathogenetic mechanism in inflammatory bowel disease. Migration of circulating cells to a diseased intestine is considered as an important factor in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. We aimed to evaluate some features of circulating immune cells in inflammatory bowel disease. Methods: Twenty-two control, 29 Crohn's disease and 17 ulcerative colitis patients were studied. CD2, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD11b, CD11c, CD25, CD45RA, CD45RO, CD54 and HLA DR on the surface of peripheral blood lymphocytes and CD11b, CD11c, CD45RA and CD45RO on the phagocytes were researched with two-color immunofluorescence flow cytometry. Results: The percentages of CD2+ and CD4+ lymphocytes were found significantly reduced in ulcerative colitis. CD3+ and CD8+ lymphocytes in inflammatory bowel disease were higher than in controls. CD45RA+ lymphocytes were found significantly decreased in ulcerative colitis and active Crohn's disease. CD45RO+ lymphocytes and CD45RO+, CD11b+ and CD11c+ phagocytes were significantly increased in Crohn's disease. Conclusions: We demonstrated that there were significant differences between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in the expression of some important surface markers on the peripheral blood immune cells. It seems that circulating CD11b-CD11c and CD45RA-CD45RO expressing phagocytes are important in inflammatory bowel disease and may be useful in distinguishing Crohn's disease from ulcerative colitis. These findings may give us some clues about the immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Autophagy is a form of physiological programmed cell death which is observable after hormonal withdrawal. In this study, the FM3A murine breast tumor cell line was treated with epirubicin alone and with medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) or tamoxifen, to determine if structural and kinetic signs of autophagy may also occur in an enhanced manner during epirubicin sensitization via hormonal agents. METHODS: One-week soft agar colony growth, 96-hour values of plating and pulse thymidine labeling and electron microscopical examinations were performed following treatment with MPA and tamoxifen alone or with epirubicin. RESULTS: Tamoxifen induced signs of autophagy, which was enhanced when it was combined with MPA. Epirubicin also induced autophagy of secretory granules, which coalesced to form an intracytoplasmic lumen. Combining MPA with epirubicin enhanced the formation of apoptotic blebs and chromatin fragmentation. When epirubicin was combined with tamoxifen, peculiar nuclear structures were formed. CONCLUSIONS: Hormonal agents may modulate anthracycline activity towards specific patterns in eliciting cell death, via autophagy and/or as yet unknown nucleolus-specific interactions.  相似文献   
Rhabdomyolysis is found to be associated with trauma; alcohol; drugs; viral infections, such as HIV, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and influenza; metabolic disorders; dermatomyositis; polymyositis; and hypothyroidism. Few cases of rhabdomyolysis associated with thyrotoxicosis have been reported. A patient who presented with delirium to the emergency department and was diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis and rhabdomyolysis is hereby presented.  相似文献   
Primary hemangiopericytoma of the rib is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. A 62-yr-old man presented with an aching chest pain and dyspnea. Thoracic computed tomography revealed a homogenous mass expanding the right seventh rib. A diagnosis of hemangiopericytoma was established by percutaneous needle biopsy. Preoperative embolization of the feeding vessels of the tumor was performed in order to prevent perioperative bleeding. There was no significant bleeding during the surgery, where complete resection of the tumor with 7th to 9th ribs with a surgical margin of 5 cm was performed. Postoperative course was uneventful and there has been no recurrence for thirteen months. To our knowledge, there has been no report to apply a preoperative embolization of a primary hemangiopericytoma of the rib.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Endoscopic variceal ligation is widely accepted as the optimum endoscopic treatment for esophageal variceal hemorrhage. However, the rebleeding course and long-term outcome of patients with esophageal variceal hemorrhage after ligation have been poorly defined. Therefore, we conducted a long-term follow-up study to delineate the outcome of ligation. METHODS: Twenty-one liver cirrhotic patients with endoscopically proven esophageal variceal hemorrhage were treated by endoscopic variceal ligation. These patients received regular follow-up and detailed clinical assessment of at least 24 months. RESULTS: Twenty-one eligible patients were followed up for a mean of 44.45 months (range 33.5-64 months). The mean number of sessions required to obtain eradication was 3.57+/-1.99 (range 1-8). Esophageal varices could be obliterated within 11.57+/-6.8 weeks (range 3-30). The percentage of variceal recurrence during follow-up was 57.14% (12/21) after endoscopic variceal ligation. Recurrence were observed in a mean of 34 months (median 29 months). Rebleeding from esophageal varices appeared in four patients (19.04%). The appearance rates of portal hypertensive gastropathy and fundal gastric varices after varice obliteration were found to be 45.45% (5/11) and 25% (3/12), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of long-term follow-up of endoscopic variceal ligation, although the percentage of variceal recurrence was high, endoscopic ligation achieved variceal obliteration faster and in fewer treatment sessions. Furthermore, endoscopic variceal ligation had a lower rate of rebleeding and of development of fundal gastric varices, but high portal hypertensive gastropathy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a multisystem disorder characterised by platelet aggregation causing microvascular occlusion. Early diagnosis and utilization of plasmapheresis can provide an improvement in prognosis. CASE REPORT: A 17 year old male with classical findings of TTP was later diagnosed as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Plasmapheresis resulted in the significant amelioration of the course. CONCLUSION: The coexistence of TTP and SLE may facilitate a better understanding of in the pathophysiology of TTP. These association may provide the role of autoimmunity in TTP. SLE should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with TTP because of therapeutic implications.  相似文献   
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