Background: Substance use is known to be episodic, dynamic, complex, and highly influenced by the environment, therefore a situational and momentary focus to alcohol craving research is appropriate. Current advances in mobile and wearable technology provide novel opportunities for craving research. However, the lack of consensus within craving theory impedes the identification and prioritization of parameters to be monitored. The aim of this study is to critically review current craving models in order to determine viable theoretical frameworks of alcohol craving and its essential parameters.
Methods: Eighteen models of craving were reviewed by applying a literature search with a five-step strategy that accounted for the momentary nature of craving and included a snowballing search and a key term extraction algorithm. Based on this review, multiple decision criteria were defined upon which to evaluate the models.
Results: Six models for alcohol craving were supported by sufficient empirical research to be eligible. The inferences drawn on these six models resulted in three decision criteria: the model should (1) incorporate negative affect as a predictor of relapse; (2) explain that dependent drinkers have a higher attentional bias towards alcohol cues than nondependent drinkers; (3) incorporate increased risk of relapse with heightened stress levels.
Conclusions: The affective processing model of negative reinforcement, the cognitive processing model, the incentive sensitization theory of addiction and the theory of neural opponent motivation are classified as viable theoretical frameworks, resulting in negative affect and stress as relevant parameters to include in real-time craving monitoring research. 相似文献
Clinical and Experimental Medicine - According to guidelines, antiviral therapy for adults with immune-active chronic hepatitis B (CHB) should be adopted to decrease the risk of liver-related... 相似文献
Clinical and Experimental Medicine - The poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients is mainly due to cancer metastasis. Methionine adenosyltransferase 2β (MAT2B) encodes a... 相似文献
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction. Most patients have pathogenic autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). In the last years a novel subpopulation of MG patients has been described that harbors antibodies against low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (Lrp4), another postsynaptic neuromuscular antigen. In early-onset AChR MG (EOMG), the thymus plays an important role in immunopathogenesis, and early thymectomy is beneficial. It is still unknown if the thymus plays any role in Lrp4-MG. In this pilot study, we compared thymus samples from four patients with Lrp4-MG (one pre-treated with immunosuppressive drugs), four non-MG controls and five EOMG patients (not pretreated with immunosuppressive drugs). Immunohistochemistry of the Lrp4-MG thymi revealed normal architecture, with normal numbers and distribution of B-cells, lymphoid follicles and Hassall's corpuscles. Primary CD23+ lymphoid follicles were similarly infrequent in Lrp4-MG and control thymic sections. In none of the control or Lrp4-MG thymi did we find secondary follicles with CD10+ germinal centers. These were evident in 2 of the 5 EOMG thymi, where primary lymphoid follicles were also more frequent on average, thus showing considerable heterogeneity between patients. Even if characteristic pathological thymic changes were not observed in the Lrp4 subgroup, we cannot exclude a role for the thymus in Lrp4-MG pathogenesis, since one Lrp4-MG patient went into clinical remission after thymectomy alone (at one year follow-up) and one more improved after thymectomy in combination with immunosuppressive therapy. 相似文献
Clinical and Experimental Medicine - Background The pathogenetic and regulatory roles of natural killer (NK) and natural killer T-like cells in interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), fibrotic and... 相似文献
Attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents, which is characterized by behavioral problems such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. As the receptors of the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), glutamate receptors (GluRs) are strongly linked to normal brain functioning and pathological processes. Extensive investigations have been made about the structure, function, and regulation of GluR family, describing evidences that support the disruption of these mechanisms in mental disorders, including ADHD. In this review, we briefly described the family and function of GluRs in the CNS, and discussed what is recently known about the role of GluRs in ADHD, that including GluR genes, animal models, and the treatment, which would help us further elucidate the etiology of ADHD. 相似文献
CCCTC‐binding factor (CTCF) is an important regulator for global genomic organization and gene expression. CTCF gene had been implicated in a novel disorder characterized by intellectual disability, feeding difficulty, developmental delay and microcephaly. So far, four patients have been reported with de novo CTCF mutations. We reported three additional Chinese patients with de novo variants in CTCF. The new evidence helped to establish the clinical validity between CTCF and the emerging disorder. We described the consistent phenotypes shared by all patients and revealed additional clinical features such as delayed or abnormal teeth development and a unique pattern of the eyebrow that may help to define a potential recognizable neurodevelopmental disorder. We also reported the first CTCF patient treated with recombinant human growth hormone. Follow‐up and more case studies will further our understanding to the clinical presentations of this novel disorder and the prognosis of patients with this disorder. 相似文献
Over the past few years, myositis-specific autoantibodies played an increasing role in the inflammatory idiopathic myositis definition. They became the critical immunological marker for immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy diagnosis (IMNM) since the paradigm switch from histological to serological criteria.This review is focused on the key role of the anti-signal recognition particle (anti-SRP) and the anti-3-Hydroxy-3-MethylGlutaryl-Coenzyme A Reductase (anti-HMGCR) antibodies in immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy.Anti-SRP and anti-HMGCR antibodies are robust diagnostic tools in case of both the classical subacute form and the slowly progressive form of IMNM that may mimic muscular dystrophy. Anti-SRP and anti-HMGCR patients share clinical, biological and histological features with some antibody-associated specificity. Anti-SRP patients harbour more severe muscle weakness and atrophy with severe muscle damage on magnetic resonance imaging study. Approximately 10–20% of anti-SRP patients develop extramuscular symptoms, especially lung interstitial disease. Conversely, anti-HMGCR patients are often associated with statin exposure. In both cases, patients have a poor outcome with frequent relapse and the use of combined immunotherapy. Of note, various data suggest a direct pathogenic role of these antibodies reinforcing the interest in targeted therapeutic strategy. 相似文献