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Recently, a long-acting, somatostatin analogue, SMS201-995(SMS), has been developed and extensively investigated. It has been proved to be remarkably effective in treating many diseases, including active acromegaly. We observed the effect of SMS on gallbladder contractility in normal adults using the fatty meal test. Our results show that gallbladder contractility was inhibited significantly for 6 hours after the subcutaneous injection of SMS in dosages of 50, 25, 12.5, and 5 micrograms. We conclude that it is not practical to avoid gallbladder disfunction during long-term SMS treatment by decreasing the dosages of SMS.  相似文献   
Mongrel or beagle dogs were submitted to bile duct ligation, or to extraenteric biliary diversion by means of choledochoureterostomy. The kinetics of intravenously administered FK506 was not changed from control status two weeks after bile duct ligation, but the bioavailability of orally administered FK506 was nearly quadrupled. Following oral administration, the absorption of FK506 was highly variable. The results indicate that in dogs FK506 is absorbed from the intestine just as efficiently in the absence of enteric bile and in presence of exogenous bile salt supplement when compared with its absorption in presence of normal bile drainage. These findings with FK506 are different from those with cyclosporine after biliary obstruction or diversion and will have important practical as well as experimental ramifications.  相似文献   
This paper examines two approaches for the analysis of quantitative traits: (1) association studies and (2) linkage studies. The trait studied was Q1 from simulated Problem 2 data set in Genetic Analysis Workshop 9. Our purpose was to evaluate associations present in the data, to identify nongenetic and genetic predictors of the trait, and to explore the simulated genome for linkage. Through the association study, we found evidence for the primary major gene associated with this trait. The linkage study found evidence of residual genetic effect acting through other traits. Adjustments of Q1 for Q2 and Q3 led to a failure to find significant effects of MG2 and MG3. This supports the suggestion that adjustment for genetically influenced traits for effects of other genetic traits can reduce the power to detect major gene effects. In summary, we detected the major gene directly associated with the trait of interest through association studies. Linkage analysis detected evidence for two other genes associated to a lesser degree with the trait. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
从三个方面阐述中医药的历史是不断发展、创新的历史,中医药未来的发展仍应继续坚持“突破与发展”的观念。三个方面分别为:1)对外感热病的认识过程:《内经》提出了“六经”的观点,张仲景创立了病与证结合的六经辨证论治体系,吴鞠通将温病从广义“伤寒”中分离出来,创立了温病学;2)对中风病的认识过程:《金匮要略》始立“中风”病名,金元时期不仅对中风病的病因、病机有了新的认识,在辨证论治方面也总结了不少实践经验,明清时期对本病的认识更加完善;3)对命门的认识过程:《难经》将“命门”列入“肾”的范畴,张景岳《求正录》将“命门”从“肾”中分离出来,认为它是五脏阴阳之根。最后提出:中医药的现代化过程不是中西医结合的过程,而是中西医互补的过程。  相似文献   
王娟  朱念琼 《护理研究》2006,20(6):551-552
自身练习护理操作就是以护生作为练习对象,相互间在各自身上完成注射、输液等操作练习项目,以达到教学要求[1]。在基础护理的教学中,自身练习对于调动护生的参与感,增加真实感,满足成就感方面起着十分重要的作用。但是,也必须看到在积极效果背后的种种矛盾以及由这些矛盾可能导  相似文献   
On the basis of the common occurrence of high concentration of estrogen and activated macrophages in patients with endometriosis, we postulate that interaction between 17beta-estradiol and macrophage may be an important affair in endometriosis. So our study was focused on the effect of 17beta-estradiol on macrophage. First morphology of macrophages was examined with environmental scanning electron microscopy. Increased size, extension of more microvilli, expression of retraction fibers and elaboration of membrane ruffles were detected in 17beta-estradiol treated macrophages. Then Nitrate and nitrite level in the supernatant was measured by the method of Griess and iNOS expression was analyzed using immunohistochemical staining. It showed that 17beta-estradiol could induce NO release from peritoneal macrophages and expression of iNOS was increased. Also more TNF-alpha in supernatant that was measured by MTT via L929 cell was produced by macrophages under the inducing of 17beta-estradiol. Furthermore, [Ca2+]i, which was viewed by microscope in a laser scanning confocal unit, elevated 39.8% in peritoneal macrophages after 17beta-estradiol 100 nmol/L treated. The results above demonstrated that peritoneal macrophage had been activated in both morphology and cytokine line when interaction with 17beta-estradiol, which indicated that macrophage activated by 17beta-estradiol might play a permission role in development of endometriosis.  相似文献   
朱瑶 《英国医学杂志》2006,9(3):156-156
近期一项调查研究显示,出现勃起功能障碍的老年健康男子可能存在隐性心血管疾病。共有8063名55岁以上无心血管疾病的美国男子参加了该项队列研究,试验初始时4247人具有正常勃起功能。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND. Diabetic retinopathy has been shown to be directly associated with the degree and duration of hyperglycemia, and advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs) have been implicated in this pathological process. The purpose of the experiments reported here was to study the effect of AGE deposition on retinal vascular damage which leads to diabetic retinopathy. METHODS. Intravenous injection of exogenous AGEs was used to treat wild-type non-diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats. One of the two retinal slides from each animal was treated using immunohistochemical staining to label retinal vascular AGE deposition, the other H&E staining for counting of capillary pericytes. The results were compared with the findings in untreated wild-type and diabetic controls and in rats treated with unmodified rat serum albumin (RSA). RESULTS. After 2 weeks of continuous treatment, AGEs were identified in the retinal vascular tissue of the AGE-RSA-injected group. The average number of retinal capillary pericytes per 10x100 microscope power field was 4.313+/-0.34 (mean +/- SD) in the AGE-RSA-injected group, compared with 5.798+/-0.481 in the control group ( P<0.01). CONCLUSION. These experiments demonstrate that AGEs, independent of other metabolic factors, can induce vascular change resembling that of diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) based on blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast has become an invaluable tool in the assessment of in vivo neuronal activation. Quantification of the BOLD response is determined by the hemodynamic and metabolic changes that occur in response to brain stimulation. However, these changes may vary by changes in insulin, a hormone known to be vasoactive in some tissues. To determine if insulin has an effect on fMRI, we measured the BOLD response to a visual stimulus in five normal volunteers in which insulin was first suppressed and then brought to a high physiological concentration. In addition, we also examined the effect of insulin on activation of the visual cortex as measured by the visual-evoked potential (VEP). We found that the BOLD response measured in the presence of insulin (serum insulin=236+/-29 pmol/L) was significantly lower (P<0.001) than that measured in its absence (serum insulin=8+/-2 pmol/L). Insulin was without effect on P100 amplitude or latency acquired in the presence or absence of insulin in 28 subjects using the same stimulus as that used for the fMRI experiments. Our observations suggest that insulin may have effects on cerebral blood flow and/or metabolism that affect the BOLD signal that are independent of its effects on neuronal activation identified by event related potentials (ERP). These findings highlight the complexity that must be considered when interpreting differences in fMRI responses between groups of subjects that differ in insulin concentration and/or insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   
We present a correspondence-based system for visual object recognition with invariance to position, orientation, scale and deformation. The system is intermediate between high- and low-dimensional representations of correspondences. The essence of the approach is based on higher-order links, called here maplets, which are specific to narrow ranges of mapping parameters (position, scale and orientation), which interact cooperatively with each other, and which are assumed to be formed by learning. While being based on dynamic links, the system overcomes previous problems with that formulation in terms of speed of convergence and range of allowed variation. We perform face recognition experiments, comparing ours to other published systems. We see our work as a step towards a reformulation of neural dynamics that includes rapid network self-organization as essential aspect of brain state organization.  相似文献   
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