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The human brain is a complex network of regions that are structurally interconnected by white matter (WM) tracts. Schizophrenia (SZ) can be conceptualized as a disconnection syndrome characterized by widespread disconnections in WM pathways.


To assess whether or not anatomical disconnections are associated with disruption of the topological properties of inter- and intra-hemispheric networks in SZ.


We acquired the diffusion tensor imaging data from 24 male patients with paranoid SZ during an acute phase of their illness and from 24 healthy age-matched male controls. The brain FA-weighted (fractional anisotropy-weighted) structural networks were constructed and the inter- and intra-hemispheric integration was assessed by estimating the average characteristic path lengths (CPLs) between and within the left and right hemisphere networks.


The mean CPLs for all 18 inter-and intra-hemispheric CPLs assessed were longer in the SZ patient group than in the control group, but only some of these differences were significantly different: the CPLs for the overall inter-hemispheric and the left and right intra-hemispheric networks; the CPLs for the interhemisphere subnetworks of the frontal lobes, temporal lobes, and subcortical structures; and the CPL for the intra- frontal subnetwork in the right hemisphere. Among the 24 patients, the CPL of the inter-frontal subnetwork was positively associated with negative symptom severity, but this was the only significant result among 72 assessed correlations, so it may be a statistical artifact.


Our findings suggest that the integrity of intra- and inter-hemispheric WM tracts is disrupted in males with paranoid SZ, supporting the brain network disconnection model (i.e., the connectivity hypothesis) of schizophrenia. Larger studies with less narrowly defined samples of individuals with schizophrenia are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   
目的比较经宫颈宫腔镜下子宫中隔切除术(TCRS)与经宫颈宫腔镜下子宫中隔切开术(TCIS)治疗中隔子宫患者的效果.方法选取本院2011年6月~2013年3月收治的83例中膈子宫患者,根据患者选择的不同手术方式分为TCRS组43例和TCIS组40例,比较两组患者术中及术后恢复的一般情况.结果TCRS组手术时间长于TCIS组,术中出血量多于TCIS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);TCRS组术后并发症发生率为62.8%,高于TCIS组的35.0.% (P<O.05);TCRS组患者正常妊娠率为39.5%,低于TCIS组的70.0% (P<O.05).结论与TCRS相比,TCIS可明显缩短患者的手术时间及术后恢复时间,减少术中出血量,降低并发症发生率,提高术后正常妊娠率.  相似文献   
目的 考察说明书中贮存条件要求冷藏,且须临用前即配即用的鸦胆子油乳注射液的原液和稀释后的静脉输液在室温(25 ℃)下的稳定性,为该药品的临床管理与使用提供依据。方法 模拟临床给药剂量和给药时间,考察性状、pH、渗透压、颗粒细度和油酸含量在室温下放置不同时间点的变化。结果 在室温下,鸦胆子油乳注射液原液放置72 h质量稳定,配置后静脉输液(30 mL∶250 mL 0.9%生理盐水)在24 h内各项理化指标均无明显变化。结论 鸦胆子油乳注射液在医院内部的短时间药物配送无需严格实施冷链管理;配置后静脉输液室温放置24 h稳定,无需“即配即用”。  相似文献   
甘草种苗等级与植株生物量积累及药材产量和质量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究甘草种苗等级与植株生物量积累、药材产量和质量的关系,为制定种苗标准提供依据。方法:以单根重量为分级指标对甘草种苗进行分级,采用聚类分析方法将种苗聚类分级为3个级别,以级别为处理进行田间试验,连续两年于生长期测定甘草植株鲜重和根干重,实验室测定药材有效成分含量。结果:一级、二级种苗(单根重10.0 g以上)生长期植株的总生物量、根干物质量及产量均大于三级种苗。3年生药材的甘草酸、甘草苷、芹糖基甘草苷和甘草素的含量,一、二级种苗高于三级种苗;不同等级种苗药材甘草酸和甘草苷的含量均高于2010年版中国药典一部标准。结论:种苗等级对甘草药材的质量及产量均有影响,生产上建议选用单根重在10.0g以上的种苗。  相似文献   
??OBJECTIVE To evaluate the safety and tolerability of baicalein chewable tablets and establish the maximum tolerated dose in healthy volunteers. METHODS A randomized, double-blind, dose-escalating, single-center, phase I clinical trial was conducted in 70 healthy male and female subjects. Each subject received oral baicalein only once. Adverse events were identified either by subject self-reporting or evaluation based upon vital signs, physical examination and laboratory parameters. The study was conducted from low to high dose, and the dose escalation was performed only after the safety and tolerability were confirmed favorable. RESULTS Baicalein chewable tablets were well tolerated and had an acceptable safety profile up to the highest dose of 2 800 mg. The vital signs of all subjects were stable, and no QTc interval prolongation was observed during the trial. A total of 11 mild adverse events were reported in 8 subjects. There were no severe adverse events in the study, and none of the adverse events led to withdrawal. CONCLUSION This study suggests that the innovative drug baicalein chewable tablets are well tolerated in healthy Chinese volunteers within the dose range of 100 to 2 800 mg.
肝癌内放射治疗的并发症及其防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :观察磷微球治疗晚期肝癌的并发症并探讨其防治方法。方法 :1994年至 1998年 ,采用3 2 磷 -玻璃微球 (phosphorus- 32glassmicrospheres,3 2 P -GMS) 2 6 - 17 9mCi,术中栓塞法附加肝动脉结扎及置管化疗 2 3例 (OAE +HAL) ,经Seldinger导管栓塞法 2 1例 (TAE) ,以纯甘油或碘化油作媒介加化疗药制成放化疗综合性栓塞液。结果 :全组OAE +HAL组副反应高于TAE组 ;均无骨髓抑制和肾毒性 ;肝功能指标多呈一过性改变 ,4例肝功恶化 ;肺、脾、胆、胰异位栓塞各为 2、1、4、2例。 4 4例肿瘤缩小率为 4 6 7± 2 4 5 % (0 - 91 8% ) ,9/2 3例癌栓缩小 ,2 5 /2 7例AFP下降 ,肿瘤稳定期 5 3± 3 9月 ,平均生存 12 5± 9 2月。结论 :3 2 P -GMS可成为治疗肝癌安全有效的临床医用生物材料。良好的病例选择、合理的内照射剂量是有效降低术后近期并发症和提高远期疗效的关键。  相似文献   
目的研究金钠多注射液治疗无症状性心肌缺血(SMI)的临床疗效.方法对45例SMI患者应用金钠多注射液治疗,观察动态心电图、血液流变学和微循环指标等变化.结论金钠多注射液具有自由基的清除作用、对循环系统的调整作用、血液动力学改善作用和组织保护作用,是治疗SMI的有效药物.  相似文献   
目的调查脑卒中患者对疾病的认知情况及其影响因素。方法对61例脑卒中患者进行自行设计的问卷调查。结果年龄、性别、文化水平影响脑卒中患者对疾病的认知,发病时间、疾病造成运动障碍程度、偏瘫侧对疾病认知影响不大。结论康复指导应根据患者的年龄、性别、文化水平,有区别地采取针对性对策。  相似文献   
简易智力测试量表的效度及信度研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
目的 探讨简易智力测试量表 (AMT)的效度和信度 ,为临床应用提供客观依据。方法  2组受试对象参加了测试 ,一组为病例组 (38例 ) ,另一组为对照组 (30例 )。 1周内对 2组对象用AMT和简易精神状态量表 (MMSE)进行 2次评估。将AMT结果与MMSE作相关性检验来验证AMT的效度 ;对 2次AMT结果作组间相关性分析来测试AMT的重复测试信度。结果 AMT和MMSE的总分和各分项分的Pearson相关系数r =0 .70 6~ 0 .833;AMT各项内容 2次重复测试结果的组间相关系数ICC =0 .810~ 0 .996;病例组和对照组的AMT总分分别为 (7.60± 2 .5 5 )分、(9.64± 0 .81)分 ,2者间差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 AMT具有良好的效度和信度 ,可对受试者的认知功能进行快速筛选和初步评价  相似文献   
药穴指针疗法合温胆汤治胃热型胃食管反流病40例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察药穴指针疗法结合温胆汤治疗胃食管反流病(GERD)临床疗效。方法:80例GERD患者随机分为两组,治疗组用药穴指针疗法结合温胆汤治疗。对照组予奥关拉唑肠溶片20mg,早晚间隔12小时各服1次;西沙必利片10mg,每天3次,餐前30分钟服用,疗效程均为1个月。结果:两组症状积分总和治疗后均有明显下降(P〈0.05),但两组间差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论:药穴指针疗法结合温胆汤治疗胃热型胃食管反流病能获得良好的临床疗效。  相似文献   
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