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目的 探讨抑郁对老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者5年生存率的影响.方法 401例符合诊断标准的老年COPD患者纳入研究,进行综合医院抑郁量表(HAD-D)评分,按照是否合并抑郁分为抑郁组和非抑郁组.以患者死亡或者完成5年随访为研究终点,比较两组患者5年生存率.结果 Kaplan-Meier分析结果表明,抑郁组患者5年生存率低于非抑郁组(log-rank法,χ~2=6.94,P<0.01);COX比例风险分析表明,抑郁独立于其他因素,与COPD患者死亡相关(HR:1.84,95%CI:1.08~3.11).结论 合并抑郁的老年COPD患者5年生存率降低,抑郁是老年COPD患者5年生存的独立影响因素.  相似文献   
分别用不同浓度高密度脂蛋白(HDL,0、10、50和100μg/ml)孵育3T3-L1脂肪细胞16 h,再加入100 ng/ml脂多糖共同孵育6 h.用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测各组脂肪细胞培养液中的白细胞介素8水平,半定量逆转录多聚酶链式反应(RT-PCR)测定脂肪细胞PPARγmRNA的表达.结果 显示,脂多糖刺激使脂肪细胞分泌白细胞介素8增加(P<0.05).不同浓度HDL干预的脂肪细胞分泌的白细胞介素8水平均低于脂多糖刺激组,并且呈剂量依赖性.不同浓度HDL干预的脂肪细胞PPARγmRNA表达较单用脂多糖刺激组显著升高.这些结果提示HDL可能通过上调PPARγ的表达、抑制脂肪细胞分泌白细胞介素8分泌.  相似文献   
目的研究转录因子Foxp3在肝癌细胞中的表达及其对肿瘤免疫微环境的作用。方法用常规RT-PCR和基因表达谱芯片检测Foxp3在10种肝癌细胞系中的表达,进一步用Western blot、免疫组化和流式细胞术验证其蛋白水平的表达;将表达Foxp3的肿瘤细胞及用Foxp3 shRNA沉默后的肿瘤细胞分别与CD4+CD2-5T细胞共培养,CFSE评价免疫效应细胞增殖情况。结果 Foxp3在所有的肝癌细胞系中均出现表达;肝癌细胞与CD4+T细胞进行共培养,可显著抑制共培养体系中CD+4T细胞增殖及其表面标记的表达;肝癌细胞Foxp3表达沉默后,可显著逆转共培养体系中肝癌细胞对CD4+T细胞增殖的表达抑制。结论在肝细胞癌(HCC)细胞系及部分HCC患者组织中均发现Foxp3的表达,肝癌细胞Foxp3的表达参与对肿瘤微环境中效应性T细胞增殖的抑制。  相似文献   
113例初发2型糖尿病患者经罗格列酮治疗16周,46例糖耐量缓解,67例未缓解.与未缓解组比,缓解组年龄较轻、病程较短、体重指数较小,基线及治疗后的稳态模型评估的胰岛β细胞指数(HOMA-β)、早时相胰岛素分泌指数(△I30/△G30)好于未缓解组,基线胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)低于未缓解组(均P<0.05).提示罗格列酮通过改善2型糖尿病患者的稳态模型评估的胰岛素抵抗而促进β细胞分泌功能及糖耐量恢复,影响糖耐量缓解的因素包括年龄、病程、体重指数、HbA1C、β细胞分泌功能及胰岛素抵抗程度.  相似文献   
目的探讨产前重复超声检查在发现胎儿复杂型先天性心脏病(先心病)中的作用。方法回顾性分析5例孕中期初次超声检查胎儿心脏正常而孕晚期超声复查发现复杂型先心病的病例资料,分析初次检查漏诊原因和重复超声复查的作用。结果初查发现胎儿复杂型先心病17例,初查胎儿心脏正常而超声复查发现复杂型先心病5例,两次超声检查共发现胎儿复杂型先心病22例,占我院产检病例的0.6%。结论产前诊断胎儿先心病受多因素影响,有一定的漏诊率,要提高产前诊断的准确率,需同时重视孕中期的初次超声检查及孕晚期的重复超声检查,多次的超声检查可使先心病在产前的检出率达到最大。  相似文献   
病例资料 患者男,44岁,因“咳嗽2年,加重20余天”于2009年4月入院。患者自2007年1月以来无明显诱因,反复出现咳嗽,以干咳为主,无发热,无胸痛、胸闷,无咯血,无盗汗、乏力,间断行抗感染治疗可缓解,曾于2008年5月行胸部CT检查提示左上肺不张,再未行特殊检查及治疗。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the clinical and histological outcomes in a cohort of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients who had histologically confirmed severe liver fibrosis and received lamivudine (LAM) therapy for up to 10 years. Methods Thirty-nine CHB patients with severe liver fibrosis (Ishak fibrosis score≥4) were treated with LAM for up to 10 years. Disease progression liver histological improvement, virological and biochemical responses were evaluated during follow-up. Data were analyzed using paired t test, Fisher exact test and Willcoxon test. Results Twenty-eight patients completed the 10-year follow-up. There were 5 (17.9% ) patients with disease progression.At the end of follow up, 16 patients received a second liver biopsy, which showed significant improvement of histological activity index (1.1 ± 1.4 vs 7. 1 ± 3.2, t =- 0.82, P<0.01 ) and Ishak fibrosis score (3.6±2.2 vs 5.3±0.7, t= -2.89, P<0.05) compared to baseline. There were 3 cases with Ishak fibrosis score improved from F5 to F0. Among 27 patients, 3(11% ) cases achieved hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) loss and 2 (7 % ) achieved HBsAg seroconversion. At the end of follow-up, 19 out of 23 (83% ) hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive patients obtained HBeAg loss and 9 (39 % ) obtained HBeAg seroconversion. During LAM treatment, 11 patients experienced virological breakthrough or detected documented LAM-related resistance mutation. The viral loads of all patients were below 1 ×103 copy/mL at the end of follow-up after rescued by add-on or switch to another nucleotide analog.Conclusions Long-term LAM therapy can delay the disease progression in CHB patients with severe liver fibrosis, increase HBsAg and HBeAg loss rates, sustain suppression of HBV replication at a low level and even totally reverse the liver fibrosis in some patients. The effect of LAM resistance mutation on disease outcomes would be reduced by rescue therapy.  相似文献   
观察低出生体重大鼠不同发育时期骨骼肌形态结构的变化和胰岛素抵抗情况.采用孕期低蛋白饮食法建立低出生体重仔鼠模型.于出生后7 d、21 d、2月龄测定仔鼠空腹血糖、血清胰岛素值,并检测骨骼肌形态结构.自7 d至2月龄,低出生体重仔鼠骨骼肌纤维均有明显萎缩、排列稀疏紊乱;2月龄时超微结构明显异常.2月龄内低出生体重仔鼠血糖和血清胰岛素与对照组比较无差异.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the clinical reliability and feasibility of computerized endoscopic balloon manometry in vitro and in vivo, in measurement of pressure of esophageal varices. Methods Computerized endoscopic balloon manometry was used to measure the pressure of variceal model with different diameter (3 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm) and intraluminal pressures (ranging from 8 to 36 mm Hg), and the findings were compared with actual pressures. The technique was also applied in 23 patients with liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices, and its correlation with hepatic venous pressure gradient and other factors related with varices bleeding. Results The study in vitro showed that the measured intraluminal pressure was correlated significantly with the actual value ( r ≥ 0. 993, P < 0. 001 ) without obvious measurement bias(95% CI = -0.13 cm H2O to 0. 33 cm H2O). The measurement in 23 patients were success with little variation coefficient (r≥0. 998) between repeated procedures. Regression analysis showed a good correlation between variceal pressure and hepatic venous pressure gradient (r=0. 858, P < 0. 001 ). A higher variceal pressure was strongly associated with presence of previous bleeding episodes, vascular diameter and presence of red color signs, but did not correlate with the parameter of Child-Pugh classification ( t = 0. 31, P =0. 76). Conclusion Computerized endoscopic balloon manometry is reliable and feasible to examine esophageal variceal pressure, and is very likely to be a valuable clinical index for variceal bleeding.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the association between genetic polymorphism of serum amyloid protein A1 (SAA1) with carotid intima media thickness in a healthy Han Chinese population of Xinjiang. Methods A total of 449 healthy Han Chinese participating the cardiovascular risk survey between June 2007 and September 2009 were included, the genotypes of the SAA1 were detected by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). The mean IMT of the right and left common carotid arteries were measured by B-mode ultrasonography. Results (1) There was strong linkage disequilibrium between rs12218 and rs2229338 (D'=0. 89). (2) The carotid common IMT (CC-IMT) and the carotid bulb IMT (CB-IMT) were similar between the AA genotype (wild genotype) and the GGFAG genotype (mutational genotype) in rs2229338 of SAA1 gene. (3) CC-IMT[(0.081 ±0.071)cm vs (0.068 ±0. 019 ) cm, P = 0. 01] was significantly thicker in CC + CT genotype ( mutational genotype) group than in TT genotype (wild genotype) of rs12218 group and the difference remains significant after adjustment for age,gender,blood pressure, waist circumference, creatinine and high density lipoprotein cholesferoL CB-IMT [(0.085±0. 038)cm vs. (0.081 ± 0. 052) cm,P =0. 36] was similar between CC +CT genotype and TT genotype of rs12218 groups. Conclusion Our results suggested that the genetic polymorphism of SAA1 might be linked with IMT and rs12218 mutation could serve as a promoting factor for IMT in Han Chinese people.  相似文献   
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