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Available data correlating symptoms of colon cancer patients with the severity of the disease are very limited. In a population‐based setting, we correlated information on symptoms of colon cancer patients with several pathological tumor parameters and survival. Information on all patients diagnosed with colon cancer in Iceland in 1995–2004 for this retrospective, population‐based study was obtained from the Icelandic Cancer Registry. Information on symptoms of patients and blood hemoglobin was collected from patients' files. Pathological parameters were obtained from a previously performed standardized tumor review. A total of 768 patients entered this study; the median age was 73 years. Tumors in patients presenting at diagnosis with visible blood in stools were significantly more likely to be of lower grade, having pushing border, conspicuous peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration, and lower frequency of vessel invasion. Patients with abdominal pain and anemia were significantly more likely to have vessel invasion. Logistic regression showed that visible blood in stools was significantly associated with protecting pathological factors (OR range 0.38–0.83, p < 0.05). Tumors in patients presenting with abdominal pain were strongly associated with infiltrative margin and scarce peritumoral lymphocytic infiltration (OR = 1.95; 2.18 respectively, p < 0.05). Changes in bowel habits were strongly associated with vessel invasion (OR = 2.03, p < 0.05). Cox regression showed that blood in stools predicted survival (HR = 0.54). In conclusion, visible blood in stools correlates significantly with all the beneficial pathological parameters analyzed and with better survival of patients. Anemia, general symptoms, changes in bowel habits, acute symptoms, and abdominal pain correlate with more aggressive tumor characteristics and adverse outcome for patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cervical cancer is an important health problem worldwide, and the incidence of preinvasive cervical cancer is increasing among young sexually active women. The causal association between human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer makes it theoretically possible to eradicate the disease through vaccination. The aim of this study was to analyze the eligibility and willingness of 18-23-year-old Icelandic women to participate in a vaccination trial to prevent HPV infection and to assess knowledge of HPV. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire was formulated with questions on demographics, HPV knowledge, sexual behavior, attitude towards HPV vaccination, and other health-related issues. The questionnaire was tested on a subgroup of women before being mailed to 300 women aged 18-23 years, randomly selected by date of birth from the total population living in the Capital area of Reykjavík. RESULTS: The response rate of the mailed questionnaire was 54%. Of respondents, 96% reported having had sexual debut and 39% were aged 15 years or younger at first intercourse. Knowledge of HPV infections and associated diseases was limited, indicating the need for an educational campaign. Although 60% of the respondents were willing to participate in a HPV vaccination trial, the eligibility rate for the invited women was estimated to be approximately 13% (95% CI: 9-17%) after accounting for various exclusion criteria such as number of sexual partners, abnormal Pap smears, planning a pregnancy, or travelling abroad for more than 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Icelandic women between 18 and 23 years of age have a sexual behavior profile and lifestyle that may decrease their eligibility in future prophylactic HPV vaccine trials. Improved education about HPV infection and its consequences is needed. Future trials may need to include younger women to improve recruitment.  相似文献   
This paper adopts a critical theory perspective, aligning itself with a growing body of critical disability research in Iceland. It draws attention to the importance of ensuring that the rights of disabled people to autonomy and independence enshrined in the CRPD are respected and upheld in the implementation of all service models, including “traditional” services. The paper draws on 22 interviews with disabled people and service providers in Iceland. Both groups reveal that they perceive there to be a limit to the autonomy of the user embedded in the concept of services provided by public authorities. The findings are examined in a theoretical context, concluding that the concept of services must be redefined to fully include the perspectives of disabled people if the autonomy and independence envisioned in the CRPD is to be achieved, particularly until such time that personalized services are realized for all.  相似文献   
This study tested the hypotheses that aging is associated with prolonged recovery after a challenge to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (acute exercise) and that aerobic fitness is associated with a blunting of the age-related loss of negative feedback sensitivity. Young (27 +/- 2.8 yr, n = 9), older (64.6 +/- 1.4 yr, n = 11), and older-fit women (66.3 +/- 2.2 yr, n = 11) underwent a short bout of treadmill exercise at high (but submaximal) intensity. The exercise trial elicited significant increases in heart rate, blood pressure, ACTH, and cortisol (P < 0.001). Although the young and the older women exhibited similar cortisol response to the trial and throughout the recovery period, the older women had a slower decrease of ACTH levels (P < 0.05), suggesting reduced negative feedback sensitivity with aging. Between the two groups of older women, the older-fit group had significantly greater rate of recovery of ACTH levels (P < 0.05) compared with the older unfit women. However, older fit women had greater cortisol production during the recovery period (P < 0.05), suggesting greater adrenal sensitivity to ACTH. These results suggest that aging is associated with changes in the dynamic function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and that these changes are attenuated by aerobic fitness.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Undernutrition has been frequently reported among hospitalized elderly patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mini nutrition assessment (MNA) and a screening sheet for malnutrition (SSM) by full nutritional assessment (FNA) in elderly people, and to construct a shorter screening method by combining important questions from MNA and SSM. Having a screening tool as fast and simple as possible could increase its use in clinical routines. METHODS: FNA, MNA and SSM were carried out on 60 hospitalized patients (>65 years). Sensitivity and specificity for MNA and SSM were calculated in comparison with FNA. In order to construct a short and simple screening tool, questions from the two screening tools, which differed significantly between mal- and well-nourished patients, were used in a multivariate, stepwise linear regression. The regression model was simplified to be suitable in clinical routines. RESULTS: Malnourishment was diagnosed by FNA in 58.3% of the elderly patients, with no gender difference. Body mass index, unintended weight loss, recent surgery and loss of appetite were predictors of malnutrition in the regression model (R(2) = 60.1%). The sensitivity and specificity of the simplified regression model were 89 and 88%, respectively, which was more precise than MNA (77 and 36%) and SSM (89 and 60%). CONCLUSION: According to FNA, malnutrition is frequent in elderly hospitalized patients. Four questions are sufficient to conduct precise nutritional screening for malnutrition in elderly hospitalized patients. This new screening tool should be verified in other samples.  相似文献   
Obesity, often assessed at one point in time, is an established risk factor of several types of cancer, however, associations with cumulative exposure to obesity across the life course are not well understood. We investigated the relationship between combined measures of duration and intensity of premenopausal overweight and obesity and the incidence of postmenopausal breast, endometrial, and colorectal cancers in Icelandic women. Body mass index (BMI) trajectories between ages 20 and 50 of 88,809 women from the Cancer Detection Clinic Cohort were predicted using growth curve models. Indicators of overweight and obesity duration and intensity were computed and their association with risk of postmenopausal breast, endometrial, and colorectal cancers was examined using multivariate Cox models for subjects followed-up beyond the age of 50 (n = 67,488). During a mean follow-up of 17 years, incident events of 3,016 postmenopausal breast, 410 endometrial and 987 colorectal cancers were ascertained. Each 0.1 kg/m2 per year increase in BMI between ages 20 and 50 was positively associated with risks of postmenopausal breast, endometrium and colorectal cancers with hazard ratios equal to 1.09 (95% Confidence Interval (CI):1.04–1.13), 1.31 (95% CI: 1.18–1.44) and 1.10 (95% CI: 1.00–1.21), respectively. Compared to women who were never obese, cumulative BMI × years of obesity were linearly positively associated with risk of endometrial cancer, whereas the association with breast cancer was initially positive, but leveled off with increasing cumulative BMI × years. Cumulative exposure to obesity may provide additional insights into the etiology of cancer and should be considered in future studies that assess obesity–cancer relationships.  相似文献   
We study the relationship between gatekeeping on one hand and costs as well as efficiency on the other hand. We do this with special focus on the relative amount of general practitioners in the system when compared with all practitioners. Data collected between 2002 and 2011 by The Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development on 34 countries were analyzed. Of those, 18 countries have gatekeeping systems while 16 do not. The association between gatekeeping and health care costs was examined with regression analysis. Efficiency was assessed with data envelopment analysis. Finally, the efficiency assessments were analyzed with regression techniques to examine if gatekeeping and/or the ratio of GPs to all practitioners was associated with efficiency. Point estimates indicate that total costs tend to be lower in systems where GPs act as gatekeepers. However, efficiency is slightly lower where gatekeeping exists. Neither of these results is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. There is also indication that the efficiency of a gatekeeping system increases with increased amount of GPs. When GPs are over 30% of practitioners, gatekeeping countries have more efficient health care systems than their counterparts. Consistent with other studies, we estimate income elasticity of health care demand to be 1.12, suggesting that those societies consider health care to be a luxury good.  相似文献   
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