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Excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) is a risk factor for several adverse pregnancy outcomes, including macrosomia. Diet is one of the few modifiable risk factors identified. However, most dietary assessment methods are impractical for use in maternal care. This study evaluated whether a short dietary screening questionnaire could be used as a predictor of excessive GWG in a cohort of Icelandic women. The dietary data were collected in gestational weeks 11–14, using a 40‐item food frequency screening questionnaire. The dietary data were transformed into 13 predefined dietary risk factors for an inadequate diet. Stepwise backward elimination was used to identify a reduced set of factors that best predicted excessive GWG. This set of variables was then used to calculate a combined dietary risk score (range 0–5). Information regarding outcomes, GWG (n = 1,326) and birth weight (n = 1,651), was extracted from maternal hospital records. In total, 36% had excessive GWG (Icelandic criteria), and 5% of infants were macrosomic (≥4,500 g). A high dietary risk score (characterized by a nonvaried diet, nonadequate frequency of consumption of fruits/vegetables, dairy, and whole grain intake, and excessive intake of sugar/artificially sweetened beverages and dairy) was associated with a higher risk of excessive GWG. Women with a high (≥4) versus low (≤2) risk score had higher risk of excessive GWG (relative risk = 1.23, 95% confidence interval, CI [1.002, 1.50]) and higher odds of delivering a macrosomic offspring (odds ratio = 2.20, 95% CI [1.14, 4.25]). The results indicate that asking simple questions about women's dietary intake early in pregnancy could identify women who should be prioritized for further dietary counselling and support.  相似文献   
There is incomplete mechanistic understanding of the mobilization of neutrophils in the systemic and local compartment in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this pilot study, we characterized how the adhesion molecules CD11b and CD62L, surface markers indicative of priming, are altered as neutrophils extravasate, and whether surface density of CD11b and CD62L differs between long-term tobacco smokers (LTS) with and without COPD compared with healthy never-smokers (HNS). Unstimulated blood neutrophils from LTS with (n = 5) and without (n = 9) COPD displayed lower surface density of CD62L compared with HNS (n = 8). In addition, surface density of CD11b was higher in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) neutrophils from LTS without COPD compared with those with COPD and HNS. Moreover, in BAL neutrophils from all study groups, CD62L was lower compared with matched blood neutrophils. In addition, BAL neutrophils responded with a further decrease in CD62L to ex vivo TNF stimulation. Thus, neutrophils in the airway lumen display a higher state of priming than systemic neutrophils and bear the potential to be further primed by local cytokines even with no smoking or the presence of COPD, findings that may represent a universal host defense mechanism against local bacteria. Moreover, systemic neutrophils are primed in LTS regardless of COPD. Further studies in larger materials are warranted to determine whether the priming of neutrophils is protective against COPD or merely preceding it.  相似文献   
Abstract Introduction. The nationwide Icelandic Cancer Registry (ICR) was established in 1954 and has been extensively used for research from the outset although formal quality assessment of the registry database has not previously been undertaken. In this paper we report the first formal evaluation of the comparability, validity, timeliness and completeness of the ICR. Material and methods. Data from the ICR for the period 1955-2009 (41 994 cancer diagnoses) were used, applying established quantitative and semi-quantitative methods. In order to evaluate the completeness of the ICR, record linkage was performed between the ICR and the population-based Hospital Discharge Registry to identify potential missing cases for tumour diagnoses in 2000 and 2001. Results. The registration is in accordance with internationally accepted standards. It has high validity, but random variation in rates is prominent in this small population. Record linkage with the Hospital Discharge Registry revealed that in addition to the 2459 cancers registered in 2000-2001, 21 cases were missing, indicating 99.15% completeness. Tumours of the central nervous system constituted 71%, and haematological malignancies 19% of these missing entries. Discussion. The ICR has high completeness, validity and timeliness and is comparable to the cancer registries of the other Nordic Countries. As cancer registries have many important roles, it is of great importance that their data are at all times as complete and valid as possible. Thus the ICR aims to constantly improve and update the data gathering process.  相似文献   
Context  Adequate vitamin D status for optimum bone health has received increased recognition in recent years; however, the ideal intake is not known. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is the generally accepted indicator of vitamin D status, but no universal reference level has been reached. Objective  To investigate the relative importance of high calcium intake and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D for calcium homeostasis, as determined by serum intact parathyroid hormone (PTH). Design, Setting, and Participants  Cross-sectional study of 2310 healthy Icelandic adults who were divided equally into 3 age groups (30-45 years, 50-65 years, or 70-85 years) and recruited from February 2001 to January 2003. They were administered a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, which assessed vitamin D and calcium intake. Participants were further divided into groups according to calcium intake (<800 mg/d, 800-1200 mg/d, and >1200 mg/d) and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level (<10 ng/mL, 10-18 ng/mL, and >18 ng/mL). Main Outcome Measure  Serum intact PTH as determined by calcium intake and vitamin D. Results  A total of 944 healthy participants completed all parts of the study. After adjusting for relevant factors, serum PTH was lowest in the group with a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of more than 18 ng/mL but highest in the group with a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of less than 10 ng/mL. At the low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level (<10 ng/mL), calcium intake of less than 800 mg/d vs more than 1200 mg/d was significantly associated with higher serum PTH (P = .04); and at a calcium intake of more than 1200 mg/d, there was a significant difference between the lowest and highest vitamin D groups (P = .04). Conclusions  As long as vitamin D status is ensured, calcium intake levels of more than 800 mg/d may be unnecessary for maintaining calcium metabolism. Vitamin D supplements are necessary for adequate vitamin D status in northern climates.   相似文献   
The mean age of the human population is steadily increasing in many areas around the globe, a phenomenon with large social, political, economic and biological/medical implications. Inevitably, this phenomenon is stimulating great interest in understanding and potentially modulating the process of human aging. To foster interactions and collaboration between diverse scientists interested in the biochemical, physiological, epidemiological and psychosocial aspects of aging, The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health Sciences recently organized and co-sponsored a workshop entitled Aging-From Molecules to Populations. The following questions about human aging were discussed at the workshop: What is the limit of human life expectancy? What are the key indicators of human aging? What are the key drivers of human aging? Which genes have the greatest impact on human aging? How similar is aging-related cognitive decline to pathological cognitive decline associated with neurological disease? Are human progeriod diseases, characterized by premature aging, good models for "normal" human aging? Is delayed or "elite" aging informative about "normal" human aging? To what extent and by what mechanisms do early life environmental factors influence aging-associated physical and cognitive decline? To what extent and by what mechanism does the social environment influence life course outcomes? What physiological factors underlie the timing and extent of aging-associated physical and cognitive decline? How do cultural stereotypes and perceptions of aging influence the process and experience of aging? One of the primary outcomes of the workshop was a recognition that cross-disciplinary studies and "out-of-the-box" approaches, especially those that adopt an integrated life course perspective on human health status, are needed to expedite advances in aging research. This and other outcomes of the workshop are summarized and discussed in this report.  相似文献   


This study aimed to determine occupational variations in the incidence of breast cancer in the population-based cohort of Nordic Occupational Cancer Study (NOCCA).


The study included long-term follow-up data from almost 7.5 million Nordic women. Participants were assigned to one of the 54 occupational categories based on census records at the ages of 30–64 years. Sixty-two thousand cases of breast cancer were identified through record linkages between nationwide cancer registries in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland, followed up between 1961 and 2005. Country-specific standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) with 95% confidence intervals were estimated.


Overall, the highest risk elevations were seen among military personnel (SIR 1.58, 95% CI 1.03–2.32), dentists (SIR 1.43, 95% CI 1.31–1.56), and physicians (SIR 1.35, 95% CI 1.26–1.46). The lowest risks were observed among gardeners (SIR 0.76, 95% CI 0.74–0.78), farmers (SIR 0.80, 95% CI 0.78–0.82), and woodworkers (SIR 0.75, 95% CI 0.70–0.81). Welders, tobacco workers, and painters had higher SIRs for breast cancer diagnosed at age?<?50. A reduced risk was observed among forestry workers, welders, and fishery workers for breast cancers diagnosed both before and after age 50. The SIRs for breast cancer did not vary substantially by histology. A significantly increased risk of breast cancer was observed among laboratory workers in the latest calendar period (1991–2005) compared with earlier periods (1976–1990 and 1961–1975). Occupations such as farming, forestry, driving, and gardening had low SIRs during all periods.


The study suggests that the risk of breast cancer varies by occupation. Heterogeneity is also observed in some occupational categories according to age (before or after 50), histology, and calendar period.
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