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Twenty patients with major depressive disorder were studied with evoked potential (EP) topographic mapping after receiving placebo, imipramine, or amoxapine for 2 days in a random-assignment, double-blind design. Patients performed the Continuous Performance Test (CPT), a visual vigilance test. The stimuli were the digits 0-9, with 0 a target to be responded to with a button press. EPs were recorded from 32 channels and were averaged separately for detected and undetected targets and for false positives and correctly identified nontargets (no button press). Twenty-one normal controls were also tested. Amoxapine enhanced N120 amplitude in midline parietal and right parietal cortex where selective attention effects have been found to be greatest in studies of normal controls. Both amoxapine and imipramine enhanced differences in P200 between target and nontarget stimuli in comparison to placebo, with amoxapine differences again being greatest over midline parietal locations. CPT performance was significantly better on amoxapine than placebo.  相似文献   
The authors report a case of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia complicated by severe myocardial ischemia after IV injection of Atropine in a 37 years old woman, without known coronary artery disease. She had an ECG with sinusal bradycardia (40/min) and she was on the waiting list for to be submitted to surgical intervention on the lumbar spine.  相似文献   
Transitional mucosa adjacent to colorectal cancers is essentially characterized by an excess of sialomucins at the expense of the normally predominant sulphomucins in epithelial cells lining the intestinal crypts which presents the early stage of oncogenic transformation of colorectal epithelium. The presence or absence of sialomucins at the resection margins was studied histochemically using the high iron diamine-alcian blue(HID-AB) stain in 64 rectal cancer patients in Dukes' B stage who underwent curative anterior resection. The correlation was revealed between the presence of sialomucins at the resection margins and subsequent development of local tumour recurrence. Fourteen of 27 patients (51.9%) with sialomucins predominant pattern at either resection margin developed local recurrence compared with 4 of 37 patients (10.8%) with sulphomucins predominant pattern (P less than 0.001). It is suggested that determination of the transitional mucosa around anastomosis in patients treated for the rectal carcinoma by anterior resection appears to identify those with a higher risk of local recurrence.  相似文献   
X L Tang 《中华妇产科杂志》1992,27(6):345-7, 379-80
From Jan. to Oct. 1989, we investigated the role of various life style and dietary factors in areas of high and low incidences of cervical carcinoma, as well as infection with types 16 and 33 of human papillomavirus (HPV) in populations. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to detect the infection with HPV 16/33. The result showed that the infection rate of HPV was about 17.9% (Guangyuan, area of high incidence of cervical cancer), and the infection rate about 3.4% (Mian Zhu, area of low incidence of cervical cancer). It was clear that Guangyuan was 5-fold as the infection rate of HPV 16/33 as Mian Zhu. Strong and statistically significant associations were found to between infection rate of Guangyuan and Mian Zhu (P < 0.001). Other risk factors of cervical carcinoma, such as cigarette smoker, Vegetable intake, genital hygiene, personal hygiene etc, were also discussed and analysed in the article.  相似文献   
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is marked by circulating antibodies to a 64,000-M(r) islet cell antigen identified as glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). We describe a radioimmunoprecipitation assay with GAD isolated from pig brain. The sera tested were from 80 patients with IDDM including 26 with disease of recent onset and 54 with disease of longer duration (3-42 yr), 20 with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), and 55 nondiabetic subjects. Conventional assays for islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies were performed concurrently. The level of antibody in serum was expressed in units based on percentage reactivity of a standard reference serum. The frequency of antibody to GAD in IDDM was 69% in short-duration cases and 59% in long-duration cases. The latter was substantially higher than the frequency of islet cell cytoplasmic antibody. Antibodies to GAD were elevated (means +/- 3 SD) in 5% NIDDM cases and in none of the nondiabetic subjects. A simple laboratory test with a defined autoantigen has substantial implications for population screening and early diagnosis of IDDM and for better understanding of its pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Effects of Cistanche deserticola on immune function in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The incidence of prior percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in surgical cases is nearly doubling yearly. In 1985, 11.4% of our bypass patients had one or more prior angioplasties. One hundred thirty-five patients with prior angioplasty are compared to 2,205 patients without angioplasty undergoing surgical revascularization. The mortality is 3.2 times higher in the angioplasty patients than in the control patients and the perioperative infarction rate is 2.5 times higher. Forty-four patients were taken directly to the operating room from the catheterization laboratory, 50 were operated on within 10 days, and 41 underwent operation more than 10 days after angioplasty. All of these late failures were of the lesion previously dilated. The infarction rate was less in patients taken immediately to the operating room on an emergency basis than in those whose operation was delayed up to 10 days (30% versus 70%). All patients who died had angioplasty of the anterior descending coronary artery. Angioplasty of this artery increases operative mortality should surgical treatment become necessary acutely. Patients should be informed before angioplasty of the increased surgical risks after a failed angioplasty procedure.  相似文献   
This study has investigated an artificial intelligence technology - model trees - as a modelling tool applied to an immediate release tablet formulation database. The modelling performance was compared with artificial neural networks that have been well established and widely applied in the pharmaceutical product formulation fields. The predictability of generated models was validated on unseen data and judged by correlation coefficient R(2). Output from the model tree analyses produced multivariate linear equations which predicted tablet tensile strength, disintegration time, and drug dissolution profiles of similar quality to neural network models. However, additional and valuable knowledge hidden in the formulation database was extracted from these equations. It is concluded that, as a transparent technology, model trees are useful tools to formulators.  相似文献   
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