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目的探讨不同方法治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折的临床疗效。方法对桡骨远端不稳定骨折92例(97侧)分别采用3种治疗方法:手法复位结合小夹板(或树脂夹板)或石膏外固定(A组)、克氏针有限内固定结合石膏外固定(B组)、锁定接骨板内固定或辅以石膏短期外固定(C组)。对3种方法的疗效进行比较。结果 92例均获随访,时间6~21个月。3种治疗方式的优良率为:A组88.6%,B组89.6%,C组85.7%。3组疗效比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论 3种治疗方法均操作简单,复位满意,固定可靠,并可进行早期功能锻炼,均是治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折的有效方法。  相似文献   
目的 比较不同全麻对非心脏手术患者术后认知功能的影响.方法 拟行非心脏手术患者1000例,年龄18~60岁,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,采用随机数字表法,将患者随机分为5组(n=200):异氟醚+异丙酚+芬太尼组(IPF组)、异氟醚+瑞芬太尼组(IR组)、七氟醚+异丙酚+芬太尼组(SPF组)、七氟醚+瑞芬太尼组(SR组)和异丙酚+瑞芬太尼组(PR组).麻醉维持:IPF组和SPF组分别吸入1.68%异氟醚或1.71%七氟醚,TCI异丙酚,血浆靶浓度2~5 μg/ml,间断静脉注射芬太尼;IR组、SR组和PR组分别吸入1.68%异氟醚或1.71%七氟醚或TCI异丙酚,血浆靶浓度2~5 μg/ml,TCI瑞芬太尼,血浆靶浓度2~6 ng/ml.选择同期住院的非手术患者200例作为对照组(C组).于术前1 d、出麻醉恢复室时、术后1和3 d时,采用MMSE量表进行认知功能评分.于出麻醉恢复室时、术后1和3 d时,采用Z计分法评判认知功能障碍.结果 与C组比较,IPF组、IR组、SPF组、SR组和PR组出麻醉恢复室时MMSE评分降低,出麻醉恢复室时及术后1 d时认知功能障碍的发生率升高(P<0.05);与IPF组、IR组、SPF组和PR组比较,SR组术后认知功能障碍的发生率降低(P<0.05).结论 七氟醚复合瑞芬太尼麻醉对非心脏手术患者术后认知功能的影响较小.
Objective To compare the effects of methods of general anesthesia on postoperative cognitive function in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. Methods One thousand ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients, aged 18-60 yr, undergoing non-cardiac surgery were randomly divided into 5 groups ( n = 200 each) : isoflurane + propofol + fentanyl group (group IPF); isoflurane + remifentanil group (group IR) ; sevoflurane + propofol + fentanyl group (group SPF) ; sevoflurane + remifentanil group (group SR) ; propofol + remifentanil group (group PR) . Two hundred non-operative patients served as control group (group C) . In groups IPF and SPF, anesthesia was maintained with inhalation of 1.68% isoflurane or 1.71 % sevoflurane, TCI of propofol with the target plasma concentration of 2-5 μg/ml, and intermittent iv boluses of fentanyl. In groups IR, SR and PR, anesthesia was maintained with inhalation of 1.68% isoflurane or 1.71% sevoflurane, or TCI of propofol with the target plasma concentration of 2- 5 μg/ml, and TCI of remifentanil with the target plasma concentration of 2-6 ng/ml. The patients' cognitive function was assessed using mini-mental state examination (MMSE) at 1 d before operation, while leaving postanesthesia care unit (PACU) , and at 1 and 3 d after operation. The Z score was used to identify the cognitive dysfunction as recommended by Moller while leaving PACU, and at 1 and 3 d after operation. Results Compared with group C, the MMSE score was significantly decreased while leaving PACU , and the incidence of cognitive dysfunction increased while leaving PACU and at 1 d after operation in the other groups ( P < 0.05). Compared with groups IPF,IR,SPF and PR, the incidence of cognitive dysfunction was significantly increased in group SR ( P < 0.05) . Conclusion General anesthesia with sevoflurane combined remifentanil exerts less effect on the postoperative cognitive function in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery.  相似文献   
目的 总结了改良的腹部器官簇移植(MCT)治疗终末期肝病合并胰岛素依赖的2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者的经验.方法 回顾性分析了单中心连续实施的5例MCT的资料.5例全部为男性,原发病为乙型肝炎后肝硬化合并T2DM 3例,乙型肝炎后肝硬化合并T2DM 1例,原发性肝癌(HCC)合并T2DM 1例.受者切除患肝后,原位植入包括肝脏、胰腺、部分十二指肠的器官簇,器官簇来源于同一个供者.胆道和胰腺外引流采用供者十二指肠与受者上段空肠Roux-en-Y吻合或者侧侧吻合方式.术后采用巴利昔单抗诱导,他克莫司(Tac)+吗替麦考酚酯(MMF)+皮质激素联合应用预防排斥反应,之后过渡至单用Tac维持治疗.结果 5例手术均顺利,患者于术后早期(8~27 d)完全脱离胰岛素治疗,并且血糖水平维持正常.其中3例术前C肽水平严重降低,术后早期明显升高,并维持于正常水平.1例术后发生移植物抗宿主病,并死亡,其他4例顺利恢复,术后分别随访22、15、5和4个月,均存活,并已恢复正常生活,移植物功能正常,血糖水平正常.结论 腹部器官簇移植是治疗终末期肝病合并胰岛素依赖的2型糖尿病的有效手段.
Objective Modified upper abdominal cluster transplantation (MCT), which was inspired by the classical cluster transplant technique, has been proven more effective and feasible in the treatment of patients with end stage liver diseases associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DM) than orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) alone. In this study, we summarized our experience with MCT in 5 consecutive patients suffering from end stage liver diseases associated with insulin-dependent type 2 DM in our single center.Methods Five patients with hepatitis B-related chronic liver cirrhosis and insulin dependent type 2 DM received MCT in our single center. The biliary and exocrine pancreatic drainage reconstructions were achieved by a Roux-en-Y duodenojejunostomy or a side-to-side duodenojejunostomy. A quadruple immunosuppressive regimen based on tacrolimus including Basiliximab induction, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and steroids was used in the early stage post-transplant, and then converted to tacrolimus monotherapy.Results All of the patients experienced an uneventful post-operative recovery. They were rendered independent from insulin therapy shortly after transplantation. The fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels were within normal range. In addition, the fasting C-peptide value was increased from much lower than the normal range pre-transplant to within normal range post-transplant and maintained stable since then. However, the third patient suffered from graft verse host disease (GVHD) 20 days post-operatively and died from severe infection on the post-operative 47 days. The other 4 patients had returned to work and a normal lifestyle over 22, 15, 5 and 4 months of follow-up.Conclusion MCT is an effective method in treating patients suffering from end stage liver diseases combined with insulin-dependent type 2 DM. Whether a cluster graft would increase the risk of GVHD needs further investigation.  相似文献   
双侧肾输尿管结石同期或分期经皮肾镜取石术的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨双侧肾输尿管结石同期或分期经皮肾镜取石术的选择.方法 2008年1-12月收治双侧肾输尿管结石患者60例.其中双侧肾结石30例、一侧肾结石合并对侧输尿管结石12例、双侧输尿管结石8例、双侧肾结石并一侧输尿管上段结石10例.结石直径1.0~6.5 cm,平均2.0 cm.根据手术时间、血红蛋白及血压变化、血气分析结果 和患者耐受程度等判定是否同期行双侧手术.根据手术完成情况分为同期组51例和分期组9例,分期组二期手术在3~6周后进行.比较2组患者一般情况、结石特征及手术情况.结果 手术分期原因:首侧手术时间>3 h 4例,血红蛋白<100 g/L或下降>30 g/L 3例,收缩压<90 mm Hg或下降>30 mm Hg 2例,动脉血pH值<7.35或动脉氧饱和度<95% 2例,患者不耐受3例.同期组首侧结石负荷、总结石负荷分别为(480.4±375.3)mm2及(858.8±426.0)mm2,分期组分别为(1271.7±928.1)mm2及(1667.0±811.2)mm2,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).同期组首侧平均手术时间、总手术时间分别为(119.3±25.1)min及(212.7±25.5)min,分期组分别为(153.7±42.4)min及(254.8±44.9)min,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).2组患者性别、年龄、体质指数、术前血红蛋白、总血红蛋白降低值、手术开始侧别、结石数量、第二侧结石负荷等差异均无统计性意义(P>0.05).2组总结石清除率分别为87.3%与88.9%,并发症发生率分别为17.6%与16.7%,2组差异均无统计性意义(P>0.05).同期组术后出现发热(体温>38.5 ℃)4例、迟发出血4例、肾盂穿孔1例;分期组术后发热1例、迟发出血1例、尿外渗1例.结论 首侧手术时间过长、术中出血及患者不耐受是双侧结石经皮肾镜取石分期手术的主要因素.
Objective To evaluate the of the decision process to perform staged or synchronous bilateral percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) in the treatment of bilateral upper urinary tract calculi. Methods Patients with an indication for bilateral PCNL were enrolled in the study from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2008. The decision to perform staged or synchronous bilateral PCNL was based on the initial side operative time, the changes of hemoglobin level and systolic arterial pressure, the results of blood gas analysis and the patient′s tolerance at the end of initial side operation. The patients were divided into two groups, patients who underwent synchronous bilateral PCNL were in group one. Patients where the PCNL procedure was stopped after the initial side and subsequently underwent staged bilateral PCNL three to six weeks later were placed in group two. The success and complication rates of two groups were compared and analyzed. Results Of 60 planned simultaneous bilateral PCNLs, nine were stopped after the initial side, due to prolonged operative time in four cases, a hemoglobin level <100 g/L or the decrease of more than 30 g/L in three cases, a systolic arterial pressure lower than 90 mm Hg or the decrease more than 30 mm Hg in two cases, an arterial blood pH lower than 7.35 or the arterial oxygen saturation lower than 95% in two cases or the patients were intolerant to the surgery in three cases. Between the two groups, the differences of patient gender, age, BMI, preoperative hemoglobin level, the total hemoglobin decrease, the side initiated operation, stone number and second side stone burden were insignificant. However, there were significant differences in the first operative side stone burden, total stone burden, the first operative side operative time and total operative time. The stone-clearance rate was 87.3% in group one and 88.9% in group two. There was no difference in complication rate of two groups. Conclusions Prolonged operative time, large blood loss during the first operation side and patient intolerance are the main causes of staged bilateral PCNL.  相似文献   
目的:确定兰州地区汉族人各类错患者上下颌牙量比率的参考值范围,为正畸诊断治疗提供依据。方法:从正畸门诊就诊的患者中选取240例患者(男120例,女120例),其中各类错(安氏Ⅰ,Ⅱ 1,II2,Ⅲ类)患者各60例(男30例,女30例),取正畸治疗前原始记存模型,测量每个牙齿的最大近远中径宽度,然后依据测量值计算全牙比和前牙比,统计分析使用配对t检验。结果:兰州地区患者全牙比在性别间及错类型间均无显著性差异。而男性组安氏Ⅱ2类及安氏Ⅲ类患者的前牙比显著高于其他错类型。此外,安氏Ⅱ2类与安氏Ⅲ类患者的前牙比在性别间有显著性差异。结论:兰州地区汉族人男性安氏Ⅱ2类及安氏Ⅲ类患者前牙比较其他错类型更大,在制订矫治计划时应充分进行上下颌牙量分析。  相似文献   
目的:探讨超声穿刺架引导在颈内静脉置管中的作用。方法 124例患者在超声穿刺架引导下沿颈内静脉置入三腔或单腔中心静脉导管。结果 124例患者均一次性置管成功,成功率为100%,且无明确并发症。结论 超声技术与穿刺架引导的结合使得颈内静脉置管变得安全、方便、快捷,大大减少了并发症和穿刺失败的发生率。  相似文献   
目的探讨一种乳晕双菱形真皮瓣交叉填充支撑法矫正乳头内陷的手术方法及矫正效果。方法对乳头内陷36例64侧,设计双菱形去表皮真皮瓣,于乳头基底部交叉填充支撑乳头,并固定。术后乳头悬吊1周.10d拆线。结果36例乳头内陷患者术后均未发生乳头血运障碍。随访6个月至3年,乳头内陷无复发,乳头外形医患双方均满意,乳头感觉无障碍。结论采用乳晕双菱形真皮瓣交叉填充支撑法矫正乳头内陷,操作简单,乳头形态自然,血运无障碍,感觉功能正常,切口隐蔽,瘢痕不明显,能保留哺乳功能,是较为理想的乳头内陷矫治方法。  相似文献   
目的比较同种异体肝细胞与脂肪间质干细胞(ADMSCs)经门静脉途径移植对肝硬化的疗效差异。方法四氯化碳法诱导SD大鼠肝硬化模型,30只成模大鼠随机分入ADMSCs移植组和成熟肝细胞移植组,各15只。从肠系膜上静脉分别移植ADMSCs及成熟肝细胞悬液2ml/只(细胞浓度为2×106/ml),细胞移植前后(0、1、2、4周)检测各组大鼠肝功能,移植后4周切取肝脏组织样本,HE染色后光学显微镜下观察肝细胞变性坏死及肝硬化程度的变化。结果移植后7、14、28d两组间AST、ALT值差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而两组间ALB、TBIL值无显著性差异;ADMSCs移植组较肝细胞移植组在肝纤维化、肝细胞变性坏死及脂肪变等方面均有不同程度改善,其组织病理学评分组间有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论脂肪间质干细胞移植较成熟肝细胞移植能更有效地改善肝硬化大鼠模型肝脏的功能,抑制肝组织的变性坏死和纤维化形成。  相似文献   
目的 了解明胶/聚己内酯(Gt/PCL)电纺复合纳米纤维支架对家兔全层皮肤缺损创面愈合的影响. 方法 将16只家兔背部制作全层皮肤缺损创面,其中8只行同体对照实验,分别以Gt/PCL纳米纤维膜覆盖(Gt/PCL组)、PCL纤维膜覆盖(PCL组);余下8只家兔创面用凡士林纱布覆盖(对照组),各组创面数均为8个.记录创面愈合时间;于伤后3、7、10 d计算创面愈合率,并取创面及创周组织行组织病理学观察. 结果 Gt/PCL组创面愈合时间为(18.2±1.3)d、PCL组(20.3±1.1)d、对照组为(22.0±0.6)d,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Gt/PCL组伤后各时相点创面愈合率均高于其他2组(P<0.05).与其余2组比较,Gt/PCL组真皮层肉芽组织增生少,上皮细胞移行速度明显增快,胶原排列规则. 结论 Gt/PCL电纺复合纳米纤维支架能明显促进家兔全层皮肤缺损创面的愈合,是目前可供选择的效果比较确切的组织工程支架材料.  相似文献   
目的:探讨钳持端提回旋手法复位经皮逆行穿针内固定治疗锁骨骨折的疗效及安全性。方法:采用前瞻性对照研究,随机将201例锁骨骨折分为治疗组101例,应用钳持端提回旋手法复位经皮逆行穿针内固定方法治疗;对照纽100例,采用切开复位克氏针内固定治疗.对所有病例进行4~21个月(平均10.6个月)随访观察,并采用SPSS软件对两组骨折,临床愈合时间及肩关节功能优良率进行比较分析。结果:治疗组骨折均愈合,骨折愈合时间28-49d,平均(34.5±2.7)(i,肩关节功能优良率100%;对照纽4例骨折未愈合,96例骨折愈合时间36-92d,平均(55.3±4.8)d,肩关节功能优良率83%。分别采用t检验及X2检验,两组疗效差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:钳持端提回旋手法复位经皮逆行穿针内固定治疗锁骨骨折适用于各种类型锁骨干部骨折,具有操作简便、安全、固定准确可靠、骨折愈合时间短、肩关节功能恢复好、无手术切口瘢痕影响美观等优点。  相似文献   
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