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The incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV infection remains high in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK, and sexualized drug use (“chemsex”) and injecting drug use (“slamsex”) may play a part in this. We aimed to characterize HIV‐positive MSM engaging in chemsex/slamsex and to assess the associations with self‐reported STI diagnoses and sexual behaviours.


Data from a 2014 survey of people attending HIV clinics in England and Wales were linked to clinical data from national HIV surveillance records and weighted to be nationally representative. Multivariable logistic regression assessed the associations of chemsex and slamsex with self‐reported unprotected anal intercourse (UAI), serodiscordant UAI (sdUAI) (i.e. UAI with an HIV‐negative or unknown HIV status partner), sdUAI with a detectable viral load (>50 HIV‐1 RNA copies/mL), hepatitis C, and bacterial STIs.


In the previous year, 29.5% of 392 sexually active participants engaged in chemsex, and 10.1% in slamsex. Chemsex was significantly associated with increased odds of UAI [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 5.73; < 0.001], sdUAI (AOR 2.34; < 0.05), sdUAI with a detectable viral load (AOR 3.86; < 0.01), hepatitis C (AOR 6.58; < 0.01), and bacterial STI diagnosis (AOR 2.65; < 0.01). Slamsex was associated with increased odds of UAI (AOR 6.11; < 0.05), hepatitis C (AOR 9.39; < 0.001), and bacterial STI diagnosis (AOR 6.11; < 0.001).


Three in ten sexually active HIV‐positive MSM engaged in chemsex in the past year, which was positively associated with self‐reported depression/anxiety, smoking, nonsexual drug use, risky sexual behaviours, STIs, and hepatitis C. Chemsex may therefore play a role in the ongoing HIV and STI epidemics in the UK.  相似文献   
Loss-of-function variants in ANKRD11 were identified as the cause of KBG syndrome, an autosomal dominant syndrome with specific dental, neurobehavioural, craniofacial and skeletal anomalies. We present the largest cohort of KBG syndrome cases confirmed by ANKRD11 variants reported so far, consisting of 20 patients from 13 families. Sixteen patients were molecularly diagnosed by Sanger sequencing of ANKRD11, one familial case and three sporadic patients were diagnosed through whole-exome sequencing and one patient was identified through genomewide array analysis. All patients were evaluated by a clinical geneticist. Detailed orofacial phenotyping, including orthodontic evaluation, intra-oral photographs and orthopantomograms, was performed in 10 patients and revealed besides the hallmark feature of macrodontia of central upper incisors, several additional dental anomalies as oligodontia, talon cusps and macrodontia of other teeth. Three-dimensional (3D) stereophotogrammetry was performed in 14 patients and 3D analysis of patients compared with controls showed consistent facial dysmorphisms comprising a bulbous nasal tip, upturned nose with a broad base and a round or triangular face. Many patients exhibited neurobehavioural problems, such as autism spectrum disorder or hyperactivity. One-third of patients presented with (conductive) hearing loss. Congenital heart defects, velopharyngeal insufficiency and hip anomalies were less frequent. On the basis of our observations, we recommend cardiac assessment in children and regular hearing tests in all individuals with a molecular diagnosis of KBG syndrome. As ANKRD11 is a relatively common gene in which sequence variants have been identified in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, it seems an important contributor to the aetiology of both sporadic and familial cases.  相似文献   
A 48‐year‐old male patient with long‐standing ulcerative colitis since February 2001 which was diagnosed by endoscopy, developed acute digital ischemia affecting both hands with fixed colour changes in the left index finger which was followed shortly by digital ulceration. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of both upper limbs showed evidence of vasculitis affecting digital arterioles on both sided and right subclavian occlusion. The patient received pulse methylprednisolone followed by cyclophosphamide pulse therapy, the latter continuing on a monthly basis for 6 months with appreciable improvement and remission of the vasculitic process; follow‐up MRA showed reperfusion of the previously occluded subcalvian artery. To the authors’ knowledge vasculitis complicating the course of ulcerative colitis is a rare association and is only sporadically reported in the literature. This rare entity should be diagnosed early and aggressively treated; MRA is a very promising diagnostic tool that is suitable for both diagnosis and follow‐up of patients with this rare entity.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of low back pain (LBP) in a primary care setting population and examine its association with the symptoms of depression and somatization. Methods: This is a cross‐sectional study, utilising a survey carried out in primary health care clinics (PHCs) in Al‐Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE). A multistage stratified sampling design was used and a representative sample of 1304 UAE nationals aged 18–65 years who attended PHC clinics for any reason were included and 1103 (84.5%) subjects agreed to participate and responded to the questionnaire during a period from June 2001 to January 2002. A specially designed questionnaire with three parts was used for the data collection: socio‐demographic information of the studied subjects, modified version of the Roland‐Morris scale for evaluating back‐related functional disability and SCL‐90 R for depression and somatization subscales was used to assess depressive and somatic symptoms. Results: Of the total number of subjects surveyed (1103), 586 (53.1%) were men and 517 (46.9%) women. The mean age was 34.9 ± 13.4 years for men and 33.5 ± 11.8 years for women. The prevalence of LBP in the studied subjects was 64.7% (95% CI, 60.7–68.5] with 46.7% among men and 53.3% among women. There were a significant differences between the subjects with LBP and without LBP with respect to gender (P < 0.001), body mass index (BMI) (P < 0.001), occupational status (P < 0.001) and living environment (P = 0.016). Functional disability was higher in patients with LBP. Young patients in aged 15–34 years, patients with preparatory/secondary educational level and students showed higher depressive symptoms. A similar pattern was found in patients with somatic symptoms. Factor analysis revealed a strong association between depression and somatization in LBP patients. Conclusions: Functional disability was higher in with LBP. Furthermore, symptoms of depression and somatization are prevalent among LBP patients.  相似文献   
Cytokine generation in stored platelet concentrates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
BACKGROUND: Cytokines, because of the nature of their immunoinflammatory actions, are potential mediators of the symptom complex of nonhemolytic transfusion reactions. One possible source of cytokines in the transfusion setting is the stored blood component itself. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: To test this possibility, the plasma portion of stored platelet concentrates (PCs) was assayed for the presence of interleukins 1 beta (IL-1 beta), 6 (IL-6), and 8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). Samples were taken from PCs obtained from the inventory of a regional blood center (n = 120; 30 each of 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-day-old units). RESULTS: Detectable levels of IL-8 were measured in 59 percent of the PCs sampled, ranging from 30 percent of the 2-day-old units to 83 percent of the 5-day-old units. The median IL-8 concentration ranged from undetectable levels in 2-day- old units up to 1100 pg per mL in 5-day-old units. The mean IL-8 concentration in 5-day-old units, 11,600 pg per mL, was 100 times the mean for 2-day-old units, which was 116 pg per mL (p < 0.0001). The highest levels of IL-8, 50,000 to 200,000 pg per mL, in general were found in units with the longest storage times and highest white cell counts. Sequential sampling of 17 individual PCs over 7 days of storage confirmed that IL-8 increases progressively with increasing storage time. Parallel, but smaller, increases in IL-1 beta were observed in those units with high IL-8 concentrations. TNF-alpha was detected in 3 (10%) of 30 five-day-old PCs, but never exceeded 55 pg per mL in any unit tested. IL-6 at levels of 740 and 508 pg per mL was detected in two 5-day-old units with high white cell counts of 9500 and 14,800 per microL, respectively, but not in 21 additional units tested with white cells < or = 9200 per microL or storage time of < or = 2 days. White cell reduction by third-generation filters on Day 1 of platelet storage prevented the generation of IL-8 and IL-1 beta to Day 5 of storage. CONCLUSION: Although IL-8 achieved levels in some units of PCs that appear capable of causing physiologic changes, the potential adverse effect on transfusion recipients of the infusion of cytokines in PCs remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Photochemical methods can effectively inactivate extracellular viruses and bacteria found in blood components. Treatment of plasma with methylene blue (MB), a phenothiazine dye, and visible light inactivates enveloped viruses including HIV-1. The effects of MB- treated plasma on cellular components stored in vitro have not been well characterized. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: MB-treated plasma (83 microg MB/250 mL plasma) was added to single-donor platelets, stored AS- 1 red cells (RBCs), irradiated RBCs, and frozen-deglycerolized RBCs. In vitro platelet assays performed after 1 and 5 days of storage in MB- treated plasma included pH, pO2, pCO2, HCO3, platelet number, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose, osmotic recovery, and CD62 expression. RBC components were examined at specific intervals for leakage of potassium, plasma hemoglobin level, and percentage of hemolysis. Direct antiglobulin tests, osmotic fragilities, and RBC antigen stability tests were also performed on RBCs stored in MB-treated plasma. Components stored with autologous plasma or nontreated allogeneic plasma served as controls. RESULTS: Similar storage-induced changes in pH, glucose, and platelet numbers, as well as increases in lactate dehydrogenase, CD62 expression, and lactate were seen in single-donor platelets stored with MB-treated and control plasma. Platelet morphology scores and osmotic recoveries were not altered. Plasma hemoglobin and potassium and percentage of hemolysis increased equally in the various RBC components stored with MB-treated or nontreated plasma. Osmotic fragility and RBC antigen stability were not appreciably altered by MB-treated plasma. CONCLUSION: Plasma treated by MB photoinactivation can be used for in vitro resuspension and storage of platelets or RBCs, because of the lack of influence of MB-treated plasma on a variety of in vitro platelet and RBC assays.  相似文献   
A 74‐year‐old man with past history of near syncope presented with frequent periods of second‐degree atrioventricular block (2° AVB). An electrophysiological study revealed prolonged atrial‐His and His‐ventricular (HV) intervals and frequent His bundle (H) extrasystoles. The latter manifested in the surface electrocardiogram as premature atrial, junctional, or ventricular beats, as well as 2° AVB that mimicked Wenckebach or Mobitz II block. Procainamide markedly suppressed H extrasystole. However, because of the presence of prolonged HV interval and history of presyncope, a permanent pacemaker was inserted. The case illustrates the varied manifestation of H extrasystole and presents guidelines for management. (PACE 2011; e56–e59)  相似文献   
Mefenorex is an indirect sympathomimetic amine which acts as an anorectic drug and is used in combination with low diet to treat excess weight. The central nervous system (CNS) effects of mefenorex were assessed in a randomized, double-blind, three-way cross-over, placebo-controlled study involving nine healthy young male volunteers. They received either a single oral dose of mefenorex 80 mg (twice the recommended dose) or d-amphetamine sulfate 18 mg or a placebo at 1-week intervals. CNS pharmacodynamic measurements consisted of subjective evaluation (visual analogue scales and the Addiction Research Centre inventory (ARCI)), EEG, psychomotor performance and attention (tracking, simple and choice reaction times, tapping, continuous performance task, DSST, body sway) and memory (working memory and recall of a word list). d-Amphetamine produced a typical psychostimulant EEG profile (significant decrease in slow delta waves and increase in fast beta activities), significantly increased amphetamine, benzedrine and morphine–benzedrine scores of ARCI and significantly decreased body sway compared to placebo and mefenorex. A trend in favour of a stimulant effect occurred for all other parameters (particularly speed of reaction) and no changes of memory were noticed. In contrast, mefenorex did not produce an amphetamine-like EEG profile, neither significantly changed ARCI scores nor significantly modified psychomotor and memory performance compared to the placebo, although it induced a decrease in body sway. In conclusion, the present results indicate that a single oral dose of mefenorex, at twice the recommended daily dose, does not possess amphetamine-like subjective and EEG stimulant effects or sensations of well-being, often encountered with drugs of abuse liability potential, in a healthy young population.  相似文献   
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