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In 1986 and 1987, four patients with tibial malunion involving both angular and torsional misalignment underwent surgical correction by a single-cut technique based on a mathematical model of long bone deformity. The technique involved a single surgical cut, followed by rotation of the two fragments along the osteotomy plane. The orientation of the osteotomy is based on a computer-assisted design. The deformity is measured on radiographs, computed tomography, and clinical exam and is then plotted on graphs to find the osteotomy orientation. The deformity involved varus and extension in four cases, internal rotation in 2, and external rotation in two. The deformities ranged from 9 to 26 degrees. The cutting angle of the osteotomy ranged from 50 to 66 degrees as measured from the transverse plane. Actual lengthening of 1 cm and functional lengthening over 1.5 cm was obtained without the use of bone graft. As no wedge of bone was removed, all corrected bones were easily suited to rigid internal fixation across the cut surface. In all cases, the desired correction was obtained within measurable error, and union was obtained with minimal immobilization. There were no soft tissue or joint contractures, and no neurovascular complications. In one patient, who had had four prior surgical procedures on the involved limb, an infection developed 6 weeks postoperatively that required debridement and delayed primary closure. As the technique involves only one cut, no wedge of bone is removed, no shortening occurs, and the osteotomy is highly suitable for rigid internal fixation. The described technique is the first to integrate in a precise way the correction of torsion with the correction of angular deformity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni has not been reported in Baringo District of Rift Valley Province. The intermediate host (Biomphalaria species) though has been reported to occur along the shores of the lakes in this region. Three children from Baringo District were diagnosed to have schistosomiasis caused by S. mansoni by finding ova in their stools. They gave no history of visiting an endemic area. There are many dams being built for land reclamation, creating favourable conditions for the spread of the disease, in presence of the intermediate and definitive host. Studies on the current status of the disease and malacology should be undertaken in order to control the spread of the disease at an early stage.  相似文献   
Arousal from propofol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pulmonary artery aneurysms are rare lesions for which operative management is not frequently undertaken. When operation is indicated, central lesions involving the pulmonary trunk, right main pulmonary artery, or left main pulmonary artery are repaired using cardiopulmonary bypass. Peripheral aneurysms in segmental intrapulmonary arteries have been managed most frequently by lobectomy, but occasionally by aneurysmectomy and pulmonary arterial repair. We used cardiopulmonary bypass for peripheral pulmonary aneurysmectomy in a patient with limited respiratory reserve because he had undergone prior contralateral bilobectomy; this allowed controlled resection while preserving a maximal amount of pulmonary parenchyma.  相似文献   
Two patients who presented with severe renal failure and evidence of generalized proximal tubular dysfunction were found to have severe diffuse acute tubulointerstitial nephritis on renal biopsy. No etiology could be found in either case. Both patients had dramatic improvement in renal function following steroid therapy. In the first reported case of its kind, one patient relapsed when steroids were withdrawn, but improved again with reinstitution of steroid therapy. These cases, as well as others in the literature, show that steroids are effective and may be necessary to improve renal function in some patients with acute idiopathic tubulointerstitial nephritis. Evidence of proximal tubular dysfunction is a clue to the presence of this disorder.  相似文献   
Spinal cord compression from a metastasizing burn scar cancer has not previously been reported. A patient with rapidly progressive paraparesis associated with vertebral collapse and an extradural soft tissue mass of undetermined origin is presented. The clinical history, radiological diagnosis, and histological features of cicatrial carcinoma are discussed along with a brief review of the relevant literature.  相似文献   
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