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Pharmacy and therapeutics committees commonly cite a lack of generalizability as a reason for not incorporating cost-effectiveness information into decision making. To address this concern, many committees undertake site-specific economic evaluations, which are often limited by small sample sizes and nonrandomized designs. We show how 2 complementary approaches were used to minimize these limitations in an economic evaluation of abciximab at 1 institution. Using a propensity score methodology, we selected patients who did not receive abciximab for the comparison cohort. Then, we adopted a Bayesian, hierarchical, random-effects model to integrate site-specific and clinical trial data. We applied the posterior distributions of effectiveness with local cost data in a traditional decision-analytic model. In 74% of the simulations, abciximab was cost-effective at 1 institution at the $50,000 per life year saved threshold, assuming a 50:50 split of patients undergoing coronary stenting and angioplasty. Among patients undergoing coronary stenting, the cost-effectiveness ratio of the addition of abciximab was at or below the $50,000 per life year saved threshold in 66.0% of the simulations.  相似文献   
Although rupture of the extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon is a well-known complication of distal radial fractures, a number of patients rupture the EPL because of other conditions. We have retrospectively studied the aetiology of 27 ruptures of the EPL in 26 consecutive patients. Of 19 patients with injured wrists 12 had distal radial fractures, five had blunt trauma, and two had stab wounds that resulted in rupture. In the radial fractures operated on, the EPL rupture was caused by chafing against a dorsal plate (n = 2) or wear against the pins of an external fixator (n = 2). Six patients were taking steroids for systemic diseases and in two cases a local steroid injection was given just before the rupture. We conclude that previous injury is the most common cause of rupture of the EPL. but that rheumatoid arthritis or local or systemic steroids, or both, are also important aetiological factors. Seven patients had an iatrogenic cause for their rupture.  相似文献   
Fracture fixation in patients having multiple injuries.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The concept of early surgical stabilization of long-bone fractures in patients with multiple injuries became firmly established in the 1970s and 1980s. During the 1990s questions were raised about the early total care of all long-bone fractures in these patients. In particular, it was pointed out that patients with severe chest injuries and those with severe head injuries require special consideration. Although patients in those circumstances do require careful attention, most of the literature suggests that continued early surgical stabilization of these fractures, in particular femoral neck fractures, is important for patients who suffer polytrauma. The concept of early temporary surgical stabilization (damage control orthopedic surgery) has recently been suggested. In the majority of cases, femoral shaft fractures can be treated with interlocked intramedullary nailing.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Bei Patienten mit stumpfem Thoraxtrauma muss mit einer Contusio cordis gerechnet werden. Das Spektrum der Symptomatik variiert von einer leichten regionalen myokardialen Funktionsstörung bis hin zur Ruptur und zum plötzlichen Herztod. Fallbeschreibung: Ein 27-jähriger Patient wurde nach einem Fußtritt gegen die Brust bei Kammerflimmern reanimiert. Das EKG sowie das Enzymmuster entsprachen denen eines akuten Myokardinfarkts, echokardiographisch zeigte sich eine Hypokinesie apikal und anteroseptal bei mittelgradig reduzierter Pumpfuktion. Die 10 Tage nach dem Trauma durchgeführte Koronarangiographie und Lävokardiographie ergaben einen unauffälligen Befund. Schlussfolgerung: Als Ursache des primären Kammerflimmerns und der initialen elektro- und echokardiographischen Befunde muss aufgrund der Anamnese eine Contusio cordis diskutiert und in der Therapie berücksichtigt werden. Abstract Background: Patients with a blunt chest trauma often sustain myocardial contusion. The spectrum of symptoms varies from regional myocardial dysfunction to myocardial rupture of sudden cardiac death. Case Report: After a kick against his chest, a 27-year-old patient was resuscitated because of ventricular fibrillation. ECG and enzymatic pattern corresponded to an acute myocardial infarction, the echocardiogram revealed an apical and anteroseptal hypokinesia. 10 days after the acute event, coronary arteriography and ventriculography did not show any abnormalities. Conclusion: On the basis of the anamnesis, a myocardial contusion must be discussed as reason for the ventricular fibrillation and the pathologic findings in ECG and echocardiogram. This has to be considered in the therapy.  相似文献   
1. The pharmacokinetics of Dalal-peptide T-NH2 (peptide T) was determined during phase I clinical trials in patients with acquired immunodeficiecy disease (AIDS) and AIDS related complex (ARC). Drug levels were determined by specific RIA, and in some cases with HPLC analysis, after intraveneous (i.v.) or intranasal (i.n.), via metered sprayer, administration.

2. The plasma kinetics appeared to be bi-phasic with a first compartment half-life of 30 to 60 minutes and a second plasma clearence rate of 4 to 6 hours, observed for both routes of administration. Peptide T, in one individual was confirmed to be present at 6 hrs in plasma, determined after HPLC isolation followed by specific RIA.

3. Bioavailabilty, determined for a 2 mg test dose in six individuals was 9.3 ± 6.9 nmol/L. Peak plasma levels of 41 ± 30 nmol/L after 10 mg i.n., 2.8 ± 5.9 nmol/L after 2mg i.n., and 0.13 ± 0.07 nmol/L after 0.4 mg i.n. were observed. In two individuals tested, peptide T was detected in CSF at levels 20% of the corresponding plasma level 90 and 145 minutes post i.v. administration. Peptide T was not detected in urine. I.N. administration was well tolerated for times up to 21 months.  相似文献   

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