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The anteroinferior cervical vertebral body corner fracture was originally described by Schneider and Cann as the "teardrop" fracture. This report analyzes the biomechanical, clinical, and roentgenographic features of 55 such fractures obtained from the National Football Head and Neck Injury Registry. Teardrop fractures resulting from tackle football characteristically occurred in players attempting to make a tackle in which initial contact was made with the top or crown of the helmet. There were two fracture patterns associated with the anteroinferior corner (teardrop) fracture fragment: 1) the isolated fracture, which is usually not associated with permanent neurologic sequelae; and 2) the three-part, two-plane fracture in which there is an associated sagittal vertebral body fracture as well as fracture of the posterior neural arch. This latter pattern was almost always associated with permanent neurologic sequelae, specifically quadriplegia. Axial loading of the cervical spine was clearly identified as a mechanism of injury for both fracture patterns. Roentgenographic examination must include both anteroposterior and lateral views with computed tomography or tomography as necessary to determine the presence of the sagittal vertebral body fracture and the integrity of the posterior neural arch.  相似文献   
目的:探讨低分子量肝素对进展型脑梗死的疗效及血流变影响.方法:将80例进展型脑梗死患者,随机分为治疗组40例,对照组40例.两组在治疗前后均行神经功能缺损评分和临床疗效评定,并观察其疗效及有关实验室指标,追踪随访1年.结果:治疗组的有效率明显高于对照组,不良反应轻微,PLT、APTT无明显变化,但血流变指标明显下降,1年内复发率明显小于对照组.结论:低分子肝素治疗进展型脑梗死疗效肯定,对于减少复发亦有一定作用,并可改善血流变.  相似文献   
目的 为提高肝门胆管癌和壶腹周围癌的手术切除率,使该区域受肿瘤浸润的血管能同时切除,血管直接重建提供解剖学依据.方法 在实施肝门胆管癌切除术及胰十二指肠切除术中,对病人的肝蒂内门静脉干、胰腺钩突内的肠系膜上静脉干进行解剖学定位并分段测量长度及可以纵向折叠的长度,以此估计可切除的静脉长度及重新再建血管的长度.结果 测量肝蒂内门静脉干104例,男性(5.8±1.99)cm,女性(5.5±O.81)cm,优势长度大于4.5cm者,男性56例占76.7%,女性25例占80.6%.胰腺钩突内段肠系膜上静脉干测量54例,男性(3.7±0.77)cm,女性(3.5±0.64)cm,优势长度大于3.0cm者,男性28例占77.6%,女性14例占77.8%.门静脉纵向折叠移动的范围在1.8~4.2cm,平均折叠2.2(1.8~2.4)cm者占66.3%,平均折叠2.8(2.5~4.2)cm者占33.7%.切除胰十二指肠后胰腺钩突内肠系膜上静脉段纵向折叠范围平均4.0cm,最长达5.2cm.结论 肝门胆管癌和壶腹周围癌切除术合并受浸血管切除在一定范围是可行的.  相似文献   
中国佛教禅宗书法艺术,风采独特,其书学著述,丰富多彩.综观禅宗书学著述,可以清楚地看到,“写经”是禅家所从事的书法艺术创作活动,是禅家特别关注和讨论的重要话题之一.僧人通过写经,宏扬教义、传播佛法、善行佛事、参禅悟道,乃是“栖身大乘”,“游戏翰墨,作大佛事”.禅宗书学著述从一个特殊的视角,论述了写经的重要意义、巨大功德、书写宗旨、价值取向、艺术特点、特殊形态.  相似文献   
目的探讨老年患者腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)的安全性。方法回顾性分析2004年2月-2007年5月158例行LC手术治疗的老年患者临床资料。结果138例(87.3%)成功施行LC,手术时间平均为(96±23)min,术后平均住院天数为(3.4±1.4)d,20例(12.7%)术中转开腹胆囊切除术。20例(12.7%)患者术后发生并发症,包括肺栓塞1例(0.6%),胆漏2例(1.3%),脐疝3例(1.9%),胆总管结石残留3例(1.9%),切口感染3例(1.9%),切口出血6例(3.8%),腹膜炎2例(1.3%)。术后30 d内无一例死亡。结论重视术前评估及术中Calot三角处理,规范操作以及掌握好中转开腹原则是老年患者LC术安全进行的可靠保障。  相似文献   
In 1986, 242 M. E. Muller (MEM) cemented, straight-stem total hip arthroplasty prostheses were implanted in 229 patients; 15 hips (13 patients) were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 227 implants, 180 were placed in women, and 47 were placed in men (each with mean age, 71 +/- 7.7 years). After 10 years, 66 patients had died, and 152 implants were still in situ. As a result of aseptic loosening, 9 hips were revised (5 femoral and 4 acetabular components); two of these patients had a Girdlestone as a result of postoperative infection. Because 50% of the men died during follow-up, further analysis was performed with the 180 implants in women. The incidence of revision for aseptic loosening was 5.9 per 1,000 implants. The cumulative survival rate after 10 years was 94%. Survival was not influenced significantly by age, indication for operation, or having a contralateral hip prosthesis. The 10-year follow-up results for the MEM straight-stem total hip prosthesis in our hospital are satisfactory despite the probability that the cement mantle produced with this stem is not uniform in thickness.  相似文献   
The human T-lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) is the primary cause of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and related disorders (ARC). Prior studies have reported that nearly all symptomatic patients with AIDS or ARC manifest antibody to HTLV-III. This observation has engendered efforts to screen for HTLV-III, especially prior to blood donation, with assays for antibody to HTLV-III. We report the first two cases, one with AIDS and one with ARC, that are HTLV-III virus positive but antibody negative. Accurate diagnosis of HTLV-III infection in some cases may require direct virus culture or tests for antigen. In addition, lack of HTLV-III antibody may indicate an atypical clinical course of AIDS.  相似文献   
Background  Tracheobronchial foreign body (TFB) removal in adult patients using the combined technique of flexible bronchoscopy (FBSC) through the endotracheal tube as well as using the simple FBSC has not often been described. This study reports our experience with FBSC for removal of TFBs and describes diagnosis, techniques of removal, and types of TFBs. Methods  We retrospectively examined bronchoscopic records of adult patients performed between 1995 and 2006 and collection of foreign bodies in Clinical Department for Respiratory Diseases, University Hospital Split, Croatia. Results  TFBs were found in 86 (0.33%) out of 26,124 patients who were submitted to bronchoscopy. The majority of the patients (90%) had some risk factor for aspiration, among which stroke (30%) was the most frequent. Patients with different neurologic and neuromuscular diseases together accounted for 58% of all patients with TFB aspiration. Medical history was suggestive of foreign body aspiration in 38.4% of the patients, while chest X-ray was indicative in 7% of the patients. TFBs were most often found in the right bronchial tree (75.6%). The most common TFBs were animal and fish bones (39.5%). In 90.7% of the patients they were successfully removed under FBSC, whereas in 8.1% of the patients a TFB was extracted with flexible bronchoscope through endotracheal tube. Surgery was needed in only one case. Conclusions  Although foreign bodies in the tracheobronchial tree are rare in adults, the clinician must be aware of their likelihood. Foreign body aspiration should be considered especially in the etiology of recurrent lung diseases and in the presence of risk factors for aspiration, in particular with different neurologic and neuromuscular diseases. They can be successfully and safely removed in the majority of patients under local anesthesia by using FBSC. In cases when repeated procedure is needed, endotracheal tube is recommended.  相似文献   
吴国庆  薛松  范伟  胡路  马千  皮持衡 《中医杂志》2015,56(2):124-127
目的观察益肾化瘀解毒方对连续不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)腹膜炎患者微炎症状态的影响及其可能作用机制。方法选取60例正在行CAPD治疗且中医辨证为肾虚浊瘀内停证的腹膜炎患者,随机分为治疗组与对照组各30例,两组均进行常规治疗,治疗组加用益肾化瘀解毒方口服,每日1剂,4周为1个疗程,连续治疗2个疗程。评价临床疗效并观察两组患者中医证候积分,检测血清高迁移率族蛋白1(HMGB-1)和超敏C-反应蛋白(hs-CRP)水平。结果治疗组临床疗效有效率为83.34%,对照组为46.67%,治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.01)。治疗组治疗后中医证候积分、HMGB-1、hs-CRP均较治疗前显著降低,且均低于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论益肾化瘀解毒方能有效改善CAPD腹膜炎患者微炎症状态,其机制可能与降低患者血清HMGB-1和hs-CRP水平有关。  相似文献   
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