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We report the surgical results in a series of 47 patients with cerebral cavernous malformation who had undergone surgery between 1973 and 1994, with a follow up ranging from 12 months to 24 years (mean: 4 years). They were divided in there groups according to their initial clinical presentation: epilepsy (31 cases), hemorrhage (11 cases) and neurological deficit (5 cases). Surgery consisted of cavernoma resection only (11 cases) or its extension to surrounding gliotic tissue (36 cases). Results are satisfactory: no surgical mortality, low morbidity (4 cases), no recurrent hemorrhage, seizures disappearance with anticonvulsant therapy stop (4 cases) or alleviation (20 cases). Only one patient died far from surgery (6 months) consequently to his initial bleeding, while all the others lead a normal active life. The therapeutic management, compared to the literature, pleads in favour of intentionally surgical attitude and gliotic tissue removal as often as reasonably possible.  相似文献   
Objectives: To investigate the correlation of nuclear p53 accumulation with disease outcome in a cohort of patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Methods: A total of 90 patients (11 female, 79 male) with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder were included in this study. Tumour samples from the primary tumour were analysed by immunohistochemistry for nuclear accumulation of p53 protein. Outcome of each patient was recorded and investigated for a possible relation with p53 status. Results: Nuclear p53 deposition was determined in 22 specimens. The nuclear p53 deposition was seen in less than 20% of the nuclei examined in 13 and more than 20% in 9 cases. No stromal staining was observed. Nuclear p53 deposition was present in 15.2% (7/46) of grade 2 tumours, and 34% (15/44) of grade 3 tumours (p=0.037). Stage distribution revealed 15.5% (5/33) positivity in stage pTa, 25.8% (8/31) in pT1 and 34% (9/26) in stage pT2–3 tumours. Tumours with p53 nuclear accumulation had a higher rate of recurrence and progression and shorter survival. Conclusion: Results of the current study indicate p53 as an important factor in determination of biological behaviour of bladder cancer.  相似文献   
This brief report describes the isolation and initial characterization of revertants to the most severe temperature sensitive folding mutant known. The revertants or suppressors may describe amino acid interactions that occur during the folding of the P22 tailspike polypeptide chain. Results indicate that several different types of suppressors may have been obtained.  相似文献   
This is a report of a study aimed at putting into practice a new theory for hypothermic preservation of viable organs. A perfusion fluid elaborated according to this theory was applied in preservation of the heart, and resulted in storage of the heart for up to 72 hours with preservation of its functions (rhythm, presystolic ventricular pressure, systolic ventricular pressure, cardiac work, coronary blood pressure, sensitivity to drugs) and its morphology. An important finding was that repeated heart storage for 24 hours alternating with functional testing for 5–7 hours could be performed without irreversible alterations of cardiac function and fine structure. Furthermore, during functional testing following storage the hearts consistently demonstrated improvement of function in time, suggesting that the preserved myocardial tissues were able to rapidly achieve metabolic reequilibration. The results of this study provide the possibility of developing a system for efficient ex vivo heart conditioning before transplantation.
Résumé Nous avons testé la valeur d'une nouvelle théorie sur la préservation d'organes en hypothermie. Un liquide de perfusion conforme à cette théorie a été utilisé pour la préservation cardiaque. Il permet de conserver le coeur pendant 72 heures, sans altérations de ses fonctions (rythme, pression ventriculaire pré-systolique et systolique, travail cardiaque, pression coronaire, sensibilité aux médicaments) ni de sa morphologie. De plus, le coeur peut-être, à plusieurs reprises, conservé pendant 24 heures, avec des intervalles de reprise fonctionnelle de 5–7 heures, sans que sa fonction ni sa structure fine ne soient altérées de façon irréversible. Enfin, l'étude fonctionnelle montre qu'après conservation la fonction cardiaque s'améliore avec le temps, suggérant donc une rééquilibration métabolique rapide du tissu myocardique. Les résultats de cette étude permettront la mise au point d'un système efficace de conservation cardiaque ex-vivo en vue de la transplantation.

Supported by the German Heart Center, Munich, and the German Academy Department for Foreign Scientific Relationships, Bonn.  相似文献   
Symptoms of fluctuating dystonia developed in 4 subjects of the same family during childhood or adolescence. In the 2 sisters, these symptoms were initially or subsequently associated with signs of parkinsonism, whereas in the 2 brothers they disappeared, spontaneously in at least 1 case, and signs of parkinsonism appeared later after a free interval. Anticholinergic agents and L-Dopa proved very effective against all extrapyramidal signs. These cases are similar to those gathered by Nygaard et al. in 1988 under the term "Dopa-responsive dystonia". Yet laboratory data seem to confirm that the common physiological mechanism is a disorder of tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism. Serum and urinary biopterin levels were lowered in our 4 cases but were normal in an unaffected sister. However, like the subjects affected this third sister showed a decrease of platelet serotonin which was taken as being a consequence of aromatic aminoacid hydroxylation defect due to tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there is a significance of the choice of prone versus supine position in the treatment of proximal ureter stones with extracorporeal shock wave lithothripsy (ESWL). METHODS: Ninety-six patients with proximal ureter stones underwent ESWL. The procedure was performed in the supine position in 48 of them (group 1) and in the prone position in the other 48 patients (group 2). Stone-free rates, repeat ESWL rates, shocks per patient and shocks per session were compared in both groups. RESULTS: The mean session number per patients was 1.64+/-0.75 in group 1 and 1. 33+/-0.59 in group 2 (p = 0.224). The stone-free rates 3 months after ESWL were 88.3% in group 1 and 90.6% in group 2. The difference between the results was statistically insignificant (p<0.05). Therefore, these two parameters were similar in both groups. On the other hand, the number of shocks per session was 4,863.54+/-2, 114.85 in group 1 and 3,704.16+/-1,726.75 in group 2. This difference was statistically significant (p = 0.011). The patients tolerated the supine position better in general. Patients in the prone position experienced discomfort on inspiration and expiration and pain localized to the lumbar vertebrae. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the supine position decreases the number of shocks per session in the treatment of proximal ureter stones with ESWL and this will be cost-effective.  相似文献   
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