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乙醇对人绒毛孕酮分泌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作利用灌流技术观察了四种不同浓度的乙醇(0.5%、1%、2.5%、5%)对妊娠早期人工流产新鲜胎盘绒毛分泌孕酮的影响。结果表明,乙醇具有促进孕酮分泌的作用,并存在剂量依赖的关系。提示乙醇可能破坏胎盘激素内分泌的平衡,从而影响胎儿的正常生长与发育。  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a new approach aimed at handling the temporal Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAEPs) non-stationarity. It is pointed out that for some endocochlear pathologies, BAEPs could be randomly delayed from one response to another. This non-stationarity leads to smoothed BAEPs when applying ensemble averaging or any other technique based on BAEPs stationarity. In that case, waves identification is very difficult, sometimes impossible. The problem consists in estimating time delays. Knowing the distribution of delays allows subsequent study of the dynamic of the cochlea and, perhaps, identification of the nature of its pathology. The approach suggested in this paper is based on Simulated Annealing, used to minimize a non-linear criterion involving delays. This technique is advantageously compared to the non-corrected ensemble averaging method, using a set of simulated data based on a realistic model. As an illustration, results based on real signals recorded from two patients are presented and discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether 20 patients who received an early postmastectomy rehabilitation treatment program showed more improvement in range of shoulder motion and functional activities than 13 patients who received instruction for exercise only. Data were obtained at preoperatively, three days after operation, at discharge and at postdischarge one month for each patient on parameters such as range of motion of the ipsilateral shoulder joint, upper extremity circumferential measurements, as well as 10 elements of shoulder function. Postoperatively, both groups showed an increased range of motion of the shoulder joint and improved functional activities, but the group that received postoperative rehabilitation management had a better range of shoulder motion and less difficulty in five items for functional assessment. This study also showed that an early rehabilitation program did not increase postoperative complications. We concluded that an early rehabilitation program or intensive instruction program only by a well-trained physical therapist or physiatrist was beneficial to postmastectomy patients in regaining the function and range of shoulder motion, and significantly better in a rehabilitation group.  相似文献   
Summary.  We have evaluated PCR–RFLP as a practical method for rapid typing of enteroviruses causing aseptic meningitis in Korea. Through blind examination of 80 clinical isolates from patients with aseptic meningitis, we have compared the results of conventional serotyping with PCR–RFLP based genotyping, which was developed for this study. Among the 80 case isolates, which had been previously typed by routine neutralization test, only 42 cases (52.5%) were matched with typing by PCR–RFLP. The result clearly demonstrated that the enterovirus serotype does not coincide with the genotype. Therefore, the classification of enteroviruses by genotyping with PCR–RFLP, although rapid and simple, may be complicated by regional or seasonal differences. However, the PCR–RFLP method developed in this study is applicable to the epidemiological study of enteroviruses when regional or seasonal differences exist, and is useful in identifying the source of an infection. Received August 6, 2001; accepted April 15, 2002 Published online July 10, 2002  相似文献   
Apoptosis is a programmed, physiologic mode of cell death that plays an important role in tissue homeostasis. As for the central nervous system, ischemic insults can induce pathophysiologic cascade of apoptosis in neurophils. Impairment of astrocyte functions during brain ischemia can critically influence neuron survival by neuronglia interactions. We aimed to elucidate the protective effect of ketamine on apoptosis by energy deprivation in astrocytes. Ischemic insults was induced with iodoacetate/ carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (IAA/CCCP) 1.5 mM/20 microm or 150 microm/2 microm for 1 hr in the HTB-15 and CRL-1690 astrocytoma cells. Then these cells were reperfused with normal media or ketamine (0.1 mM) containing media for 1 hr or 24 hr. FITC-annexin-V staining and propidium iodide binding were determined by using flow cytometry. Cell size and granularity were measured by forward and side light scattering properties of flow cytometry system, respectively. An addition of ketamine during reperfusion increased the proportion of viable cells. Ketamine alleviated cell shrinkage and increased granularity during the early period, and ameliorated cell swelling during the late reperfusion period. Ketamine may have a valuable effect on amelioration of early and late apoptosis in the astrocytoma cells, even though the exact mechanism remains to be verified.  相似文献   
KIR and HLA loci are both highly polymorphic, and some HLA class 1 products bind and trigger cell-surface receptors specified by KIR genes. We examined whether KIR genes act in concert with HLA-B locus to control HIV-1 infection in a sample of Zambian patients. DNA samples from 88 Zambian patients with HIV-1 were examined. Patients were classified as either slow progressors (SP; n = 54) or rapid progressors (RP; n = 34) to AIDS. All were typed for HLA-B and KIR genes. Our results reveal an association between B*57 supertype (B*57s, which includes B*57 and B*58 alleles) and delayed progression to AIDS (p = 0.0007 by pc = 0.015; OR = 5.25). We also observed an increase incidence of Bw4-I80 in patients with slow progression (p = 0.001 by pc = 0.003, OR = 5). This increase was found to be secondary to B*57s. The presence of both KIR3DL1 and B*57S has a significant effect on progression to AIDS (p = 0.0008; OR = 5.61). B*57s genotypes with another HLA-B allele different from those in the trans position, which also had a specificity different to Bw4-I80 (Bw4-T80 or Bw6), was also greater in the SP than in the RP group (p = 0.00003; OR = 10.11). The presence of the inhibitory allele KIR3DL1 in combination with the HLA-B*57s alleles that contain the Bw4-I80 epitope, has a highly protective effect against progression to AIDS in Zambian patients.  相似文献   
Li  Chunjing  Guo  Liwen  Luo  Mi  Guo  Mingjuan  Li  Jierong  Zhang  Shilin  Liu  Guoqing 《International urology and nephrology》2021,53(10):1987-1993
International Urology and Nephrology - Ureteroscopy is widely applied in pregnant women with renal colic, but such patients are easy to experience uterine contraction after surgery. There are many...  相似文献   
在传统中医经络理论的基础上,结合先进的电子技术设备,设计了一种小型中医经络检测仪。此检测仪通过采集人体穴位经电流测试(给一定电流刺激)所反射出来的信息,经微控制器处理后,能够精确显示或打印出人体的健康状况。检测仪具有方便、快捷等优势,易推广普及。  相似文献   
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