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As part of the Anthropology Component, the distribution of HLA-B35 alleles (B*3501 to 3513) was studied in 16 different populations by group specific amplification and SSOP hybridization. The results were as follows:

The predominant alleles in most Caucasian populations were 3501 > 3503 > 3502 > 3508. However, B*3502 predominated in Jews, B*3508 in Arabs, B*3503 in Gypsies and Sardinians seem to have only B*3501 and 3502. B*3504, 3505, 3506 and 3509 were restricted to Amerindians, where there are still other new B35 variants to be characterized. In most individuals the different B35 alleles were found in phenotypic combinations with HLA-Cw4, suggesting that the B35, Cw4 haplotype may have existed before subtype diversification. A detailed analysis of HLA-B35 alleles in other populations might help to draw a precise picture of B35 evolution.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that determination of The type and degree of the relationship between the multidimensional visual evoked response (VER) and intelligence would be enhanced using multiple VER measures. It was further assumed that any relationship found would have more empirical and conceptual utility, the more homogeneous the subject sample with respect to intellectual ability. A battery of abilities tests was administered to 98 5-yr-old children (50 girls, 48 boys: mean age. 67.16 mos; mean IQ, 119.5, SD), 9.6. VERs were recorded from three different scalp locations (left and right hemispheres and occipital midline) to three stimulus conditions (2/sec flashes. 2/sec pattern. 6/sec flashes). Seven specific factors derived from measures of the VERs (e.g. amplitude, latency. complexity, linearity) were then used as predictor variables to abilities variables in multivariate analyses. Significant multiple correlations were found between the VER variables and WPPPSI total IQ and WPPSI performance scaled score. Correlation to the WPPSI verbal scaled score was not significant. The relationship between VER and performance was further explored with canonical correlations, which were significant (R,=.50, p<.01).  相似文献   
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