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骨质疏松症是临床常见病多发病。随着人口老龄化的进展,骨质疏松的患病率逐年增加。目前国内外主要应用药物(包括西药和中药)疗法,其研究开展的较早也较系统,已取得了较大的进展,药理学研究多局限于口服药物和注射药物的研究。近年来,伴随着透皮剂和离子导入等理化技术的发展,中药经皮给药治疗骨质疏松症已取得一定进展。就此方面对补肾药物经皮穴位给药治疗骨质疏松症的机理作一探讨。  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the mRNA and protein expression of FK506-binding protein 52 (FKBP52) in the chorionic villi of patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) and normal women during early pregnancy.

Methods: Fresh chorionic villus tissues were collected from 60 subjects. A total of 30 patients with a history of RSA were enrolled into the RSA group and 30 normal pregnant women were enrolled into the control group. The FKBP52 mRNA expression levels in chorionic villi of the RSA patients and healthy controls were measured via semiquantitative RT-PCR. The protein distribution and expression levels of FKBP52 in chorionic villi were analyzed through immunohistochemistry (IHC). The correlation between FKBP52 expression and RSA was analyzed.

Results: We demonstrated that FKBP52 mRNA is expressed in chorionic villi samples of normal pregnancy and RSA. RSA patients exhibited significantly lower FKBP52 gene expression levels compared with those in normal pregnancies (p?<?0.05). FKBP52 immunoreactivity in chorionic villi was mainly observed in trophoblast cell cytoplasm. The FKBP52 protein expression levels in the chorionic villi of RSA patients was significantly lower than in normal women during pregnancy (p?<?0.05).

Conclusions: FKBP52 protein levels were decreased in the chorionic villi of RSA patients, which indicate that the decrease in FKBP52 may be associated with RSA. The low FKBP52 mRNA expression level, which is consistent with the IHC result, may affect embryonic development and even lead to abortion. FKBP52 may be involved in the pathogenesis of RSA and new therapies that increase the FKBP52 expression may help treat RSA.  相似文献   

目的 观察低剂量纳洛酮(naloxone)对芬太尼(fentanvyl)镇痛效应的影响.方法 将试验小鼠80只随机分为两组,分别采用扭体法(40只,雌雄各半)和热板法(40只,均为雌性)观察纳洛酮对芬太尼镇痛小鼠热板法痛阈(HPPT)和扭体次数的影响.各组按分层随机设计分为Fs组(芬太尼与生理盐水合用)及FNl、FN2和FN3组(芬太尼分别与纳洛酮100、10、10ng,1n/kg合用组)四组.结果 与Fs组相比,FN2组HPPT在第5 min增大(P<0.05);扭体次数FN1和FN2组均显著减少(P<0.05).结论 纳洛酮在一定剂量范围内能够增强芬太尼的镇痛效应.  相似文献   
Context: Isoliquiritigenin (ISL) has been shown to exhibit a variety of biological activities. However, there is little research on the pharmacokinetic behavior and tissues distribution of ISL.

Objective: Pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and bioavailability of ISL after intravenous and oral administration were determined by systematic investigation in Sprague–Dawley rats.

Materials and methods: ISL was dissolved in medicinal ethanol-Tween 80–0.9% sodium chloride saline in a volume ratio of 10:15:75. The ISL solution was injected in rats via a tail vein at a single dose of 10, 20 and 50?mg/kg and administered orally in rats at a single dose of 20, 50 and 100?mg/kg, respectively. Blood samples were collected at time intervals of 0.08, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 12?h after intravenous injection. Tissues of interests in mice were collected immediately at each determined time point (0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 6?h) after cervical dislocation.

Results: The dose-normalized AUC values were 7.3, 7.6 and 8.7?μg?×?h/ml (calculated based on the dose of 10?mg/kg) for intravenous doses of 10, 20 and 50?mg/kg, respectively. The elimination half-lifes (t1/2λ) were 4.9, 4.6 and 4.8?h at 10, 20 and 50?mg/kg intravenous doses, respectively. The F values were 29.86, 22.70, 33.62% for oral doses of 20, 50 and 100?mg/kg, respectively. Liver, heart and kidney were major distribution tissues of ISL in mice. The plasma protein binding of ISL in rats was 43.72%.

Conclusion: The work may useful for further study of the bioactive mechanism of ISL.  相似文献   
柱前衍生化GC法测定旱芹非淀粉多糖中各单糖组分含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立测定旱芹非淀粉多糖中各单糖组分含量的柱前衍生化GC法。方法非淀粉多糖经衍生化生成糖腈乙酯,采用GC法进行分析。色谱柱:DB-17柱(30 m×0.25 mm,0.25μm);柱温:程序升温;载气:N2;进样温度:270℃;进样方式:不分流;检测器温度:270℃;进样量:1.0μL。结果水不溶性非淀粉多糖(insoluble non-starch polysaccharides,INSP)水解后得到7种单糖,分别是:L-(+)-鼠李糖、L-(+)-阿拉伯糖、D-(+)-岩藻糖、D-(+)-木糖、D-(+)-甘露糖、D-(+)-葡萄糖和D-(+)-半乳糖;水溶性非淀粉多糖(soluble non-starch polysaccharides,SNSP)水解后得到6种单糖,除无D-(+)-岩藻糖外,其余均同INSP水解后单糖。结论本方法准确度高,重现性好,可用于测定旱芹水溶性和水不溶性非淀粉多糖中各单糖组分的含量。  相似文献   
钟梁  刘北忠  郝坡  刘畅  王东生  王春光 《中草药》2008,39(10):1507-1510
目的观察苦参碱诱导肺腺癌A549细胞凋亡及对人端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)基因表达的影响。方法以终质量浓度为0.1、0.2、0.4、0.6 mg/mL的苦参碱作用肺腺癌A549细胞48 h后,通过台盼蓝拒染法计数细胞的生长抑制率;以终质量浓度为0.2 mg/mL的苦参碱作用A549细胞48、72、96 h后,经透射电镜和DNA Ladder实验了解到细胞凋亡的发生,PCR-TRAP法检测端粒酶活性,实时RT-PCR检测hTERT的mRNA表达水平。结果各种质量浓度的苦参碱作用A549细胞48 h后,均显著抑制细胞的增殖且呈浓度依赖性;0.2 mg/mL的苦参碱作用A549细胞不同时间后,经透射电镜形态学检测和DNA Ladder实验,均显示A549细胞发生了凋亡改变;0.2 mg/mL的苦参碱作用A549细胞48 h后,端粒酶活性明显受抑,hTERT mRNA表达显著降低。结论苦参碱能抑制肺腺癌A549细胞的生长并诱导其凋亡,其机制可能与下调hTERT基因表达,抑制端粒酶活性,破坏端粒稳定性有关。  相似文献   
老瓜头的止咳、祛痰及平喘作用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
老瓜头水提取物和醇提取物对浓氨水诱发的小鼠咳嗽均有明显抑制作用,可增加呼吸道分泌功能,有显著祛痰作用,对乙酰胆碱和组胺等量混和液所致豚鼠哮喘反应亦具明显抑制作用。  相似文献   
骨髓内皮祖细胞EPCs两种分离方法及其对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究免疫磁珠法和贴壁换液法分离骨髓内皮祖细胞的可行性和条件,并比较两种方法优缺点.方法:利用免疫磁珠法和贴壁换液法从骨髓中分别提取内皮祖细胞,体外观察细胞生长及形态变化,通过检测细胞血管内皮生长因子受体-2(VEGFR-2)、Ⅷ因子相关抗原抗体表达、摄取乙酰化-低密度脂蛋白(Ac-LDL)情况和超微结构等进行鉴定.同时,流式细胞检测分离所得细胞的纯度、细胞计数测定分离所得细胞的数量及MTT法检测细胞生长增殖状况等,对两种分离方法进行对比研究.结果:用免疫磁珠法和贴壁换液法从骨髓中分别提取的细胞,体外培养后细胞呈铺路石形,透射电镜显示细胞内具有特征性的W-P小体,免疫荧光染色检测细胞相关抗原VEGFR-2, Ⅷ/vWF 呈阳性,同时细胞摄取Ac-LDL,证实为内皮祖细胞.免疫磁珠法与贴壁换液法相比,分离所得内皮祖细胞数量是后者2倍,纯度为76%,明显高于贴壁换液法的29%;同时,两者对细胞增殖生长无明显影响.结论:利用免疫磁珠法和贴壁换液法均可分离得到骨髓内皮祖细胞,它将成为新的组织工程种子细胞.免疫磁珠法分离得到细胞纯度更高、数量更大,但步骤复杂、价格昂贵;贴壁换液法得到细胞纯度和数量偏低,但方法简单、经济、实用性强.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE:To elucidate the protective effects of Renshen (Radix Ginseng) and Fuzi (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata) on myocardial infarction (MI)through regul...  相似文献   
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