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Liver disease alters the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of hepatically eliminated drugs. The main factors influenced are plasma albumin levels, enzyme balance (induction & inhibition) and drug binding to tissue proteins. The influence of lidocaine on serum, heart and liver propranolol levels in Wistar rats after liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride CCl4 0.4 ml/kg x 2/wkl, was investigated. 40 male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (I, II, III, IV; n=10), Group I animals received only propranolol (labelled + cold substance) 40 mg/kg/12 h p.o., group II propranolol plus lidocaine in a single dose of 4mg/kg s.c., group III was treated with CCl4 for 6 weeks and received propranolol x2 at the same dosage as group I, while group VI was treated with CCl4 and the same drug dosage as group II. The simultaneous administration of H3-propranolol and lidocaine increased propranolol levels in the serum and tissues. The liver in damaged animals showed an increase of propranolol level under lidocaine co-administration, probably due to CCl4 induced liver enzyme activity, resulting in a rapid propranolol metabolism or to competition between both drug protein binding sites. The increased propranolol levels in the heart after lidocaine administration were probably due to attributed to its high affinity for heart tissue. Consequently, as regards the therapeutic approach for patients with liver disease receiving propranolol their propranolol dosage should be reduced when lidocaine is co-administered.  相似文献   
There is a great deal of interest in developing less invasive markers for monitoring airway inflammation and the effect of possible novel anti-inflammatory therapies that may take time to impact on disease pathology. Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) has been shown to be a reproducible, noninvasive indicator of the inflammatory status of the airway in the clinic. The aim of the present study was to determine the usefulness of measuring eNO as a marker of the anti-inflammatory impact of glucocorticoid and an inhibitor of kappaB kinase-2 (IKK-2) inhibitor 2-[(aminocarbonyl)amino]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-thiophenecarboxamide (TPCA-1), in a pre-clinical model of airway inflammation. Rats were given vehicle, budesonide or TPCA-1 prior to exposure to lipopolysaccharide, previously shown to induce an increase in eNO and airway neutrophilia/eosinophilia. Comparison of the effect of the two compounds on inflammatory components demonstrated a significant correlation between the impact on eNO and inflammatory cell burden in the airway. The current study demonstrates the usefulness of profiling potential disease-modifying therapies on exhaled nitric oxide levels and the way in which an effect on this noninvasive biomarker relates to effects on pathological parameters such as lung cellularity. Information from studies such as the current one would suggest that the measurement of exhaled nitric oxide has potential for monitoring inflammatory status in lung tissue.  相似文献   
The present study compared four different sites and conditions for the measurement of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) in 38 spontaneous breathing tracheotomised patients. Of the patients, 28 had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The four different conditions were: 1) through a cuff inflated cannula (condition A); 2) through the mouth with a deflated cannula (condition B); 3) through the mouth with a phonetic uncuffed cannula (condition C); and 4) through the mouth after stoma closure (condition D). Five trials in each condition were performed using a standardised method. The measurement of both MIP and MEP differed significantly depending on the condition of measurement. MIP taken in condition A was significantly higher when compared with conditions B, C and D. MEP in condition A was significantly higher when compared with condition B and D. In condition A the highest frequency of the best measurement of MIP and MEP was observed at the fourth and fifth effort, respectively. The same results were obtained after the selection of only COPD patients. In conclusion, respiratory muscle assessment differs significantly depending on measurement condition. Measurement through inflated cannula tracheotomy yields higher values of both maximal inspiratory and maximal expiratory pressure.  相似文献   
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterised by a local pulmonary inflammatory response to respiratory pollutants and by systemic inflammation. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha has been implicated in systemic effects of COPD and operates by binding the p55 (R1) and p75 (R2) TNF-alpha receptors. To investigate the contribution of each TNF-alpha receptor in the pathogenesis of COPD, the present study examined the effects of chronic air or cigarette smoke (CS) exposure in TNF-alpha R1 knockout (KO) mice, TNF-alpha R2 KO mice and wild type (WT) mice. CS was found to significantly increase the protein levels of soluble TNF-alpha R1 (by four-fold) and TNF-alpha R2 (by 10-fold) in the bronchoalveolar lavage of WT mice. After 3 months, CS induced a prominent pulmonary inflammatory cell influx in WT and TNF-alpha R1 KO mice. In TNF-alpha R2 KO mice, CS-induced pulmonary inflammation was clearly attenuated. After 6 months, no emphysema was observed in CS-exposed TNF-alpha R2 KO mice in contrast to WT and TNF-alpha R1 KO mice. CS-exposed WT and TNF-alpha R1 KO mice failed to gain weight, whereas the body mass of TNF-alpha R2 KO mice was not affected. These current findings suggest that both tumour necrosis factor-alpha receptors contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but tumour necrosis factor-alpha receptor-2 is the most active receptor in the development of inflammation, emphysema and systemic weight loss in this murine model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   
AIM: Cardiovascular risk factors can be present in children and young adults. We previously found abnormal microvascular function in children who had glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether they also have abnormalities in left ventricular mass (LVM) and arterial stiffness. METHODS: We measured heart dimensions and LVM using echocardiography, and arterial stiffness using pulse wave analysis in 23 children with good glucose handling (postfeeding glucose: 3.9 to 5 mmol/L) and 21 with poor glucose handling (7.7 to 11.4 mmol/L). RESULTS: The time to pulse reflection was slightly shorter in the poorer glucose handlers (mean+/-SD: 143+/-10 vs 153+/-20 ms, P=0.04), suggestive of increased arterial stiffness. Also in this group, there were significant relationships between intraventricular septal thickness, blood pressure and body mass index, but not in the normal glucose handlers. CONCLUSIONS: We have found that normal children who are in the lowest quintile of glucose tolerance in comparison with their peers are exhibiting the first signs of arterial stiffening. In addition, we have seen the beginnings of a relationship between blood pressure, body mass index and left ventricular enlargement in this group. While these changes may not yet be clinically significant, their emergence might be further evidence of early predisposition to cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
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